2709 search results for Doctrine

... persist($question) *and* also iterate over all your answers and call persist() on each of them. I think you confuse Doctrine with it, Doctrine works with ArrayCollection if we're talking about OneToMany relation. So, I ...
Hi, I need to place a query (that is not possible to write with doctrine entities(?)) in the symfony form query_builder. SELECT `id` as `categoryId`,`name`,`parent_id` as `parentId`, ( SELECT LPAD ...
Paweł C.
Paweł C.
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Hi again Diego, it's been a while since I was here for last time, but I managed to google out the solution for my Doctrine problem, and perhaps someone else will find it useful in case of similar difficulties. It seems ...
Jan Zioło
Jan Zioło
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Hey Szymon Chomej! So, it's basically *not* possible for the user to create an entity. In theory it's possible, but it's not how Doctrine is meant to work - so probably not a good solution to investigate :). And ...
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... we *do* need to change *some* persisted field on `User` in order to trigger the Doctrine listener. I would add an updatedAt field, and have it be set with a Lifecyclecallback (PreUpdate) - just like we did a few ...
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Hi, I have problem when install the bundle. Using version ^1.3 for doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies ...
Darmanto Yang
Darmanto Yang
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... ) Doctrine give us a way to manage subclass entities, there are two ways, via single table or multiple tables (each for subclass). Of course this depends on your use case, but if you are not going to add extra fields specific to ...
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... see you have a new SQLite 3 installed. Probably, you have an older version of "doctrine/dbal" that does not support it yet. I'd recommend to upgrade "doctrine/dbal" to the latest available version, or, downgrade your ...
... changing the type-hint for argument "$em" of method "AppBundle\Service\MarkdownTransformer::__construct()" to one of its parents: interface "Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface", or interface "Doctrine\Common ...
Marco Koopman
Marco Koopman
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... /collections/many-to-many-inverse#the-owning-vs-inverse-side-of-a-relation . You can also take a look at explanation in Doctrine docs: http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/association ...
... php-7-with-opcache-issues-in-doctrine so instead of running to the terminal the command that you write in readme file of the course "php composer.phar install" because it gives me many exceptions i run the command from ...
... and then... I was using MYSQL Workbench before, and I have a connection to to the localhost. There are 3 databases there and I just added anotherone using symfony's Doctrine. However, I can't see it with MYSQL Workbench ...
Ali Niaki
Ali Niaki
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Hi folks - I seem to be falling at the first hurdle here. When I run php app/console doctrine:schema:create I get the following error: [Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException] You have to enable ...
Sorry to spam :) but I think I've finally figured out what is going on and wanted to share the solution. Doctrine api clearly states that DateTime objects are compared by reference, and not value! To my understanding ...
Hey Hermen, Do you have any errors with it? Or you just curious about it? You can look over this article of Doctrine docs with a few simple examples: http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest ...
Hi Ryan, I would like to know your views on mysql 'views' with regards to doctrine. So, I was doing a join without a foreign key constraint and try to map it back to an entity obj, it wasnt a pleasant experience. And ...
Hey Peter, Doctrine model, i.e. Genus entity in our case, or any other entity - can't query the database, it's an architectural pattern of Doctrine. To query the database - you need to use entity repository, so you can ...
... between products and categories. Many product can be found in many categories and the inverse. I followed the whole process to add a many to many relationship but when loading fixtures I encounter this error: [Doctrine\ORM ...
Connect James
Connect James
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... () in your controller (don't use the serializer temporarily), can you verify that the extra query is NOT made? 2) On your join, do you have an addSelect like described here? http://knpuniversity.com/screencast/doctrine ...
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I was thinking about the following --but maybe there are already tutorials about the topics, pls correct me--: - Doctrine: what does really happen behind the scenes? - OO: Symfony is service oriented, making entities ...
Eddy de Boer
Eddy de Boer
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