2709 search results for Doctrine

... @josefo-d: /var/www/vhosts/project-s3 on master [!?] $ console doctrine:migrations:diff [Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException] There is no column with name 'isRead' on table 'contact'. ``` what could be the issue here?
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Thank you |mention:9979| You're right, if your migration will change data or will add a non-nullable field, you have to be careful and create a "safe" migration. Ryan talks just a bit about it here https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony5-doctrine/bad-migrations ...
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Hi team, I know this is an old lecture, but I'm wondering if the technique to use Doctrine filters in this way can still be used in Symfony 6.2? (do you have a recent tutorial using them?) If not, is there a new/recommended approach? Thank you! ...
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Hello I need help, when i try to delete a user i get this error: You cannot refresh a user from the EntityUserProvider that does not contain an identifier. The user object has to be serialized with its own identifier mapped by Doctrine. the strange thing is that sometimes works and on other occasions delete more than one user ...
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... believe you don't have Doctrine installed, or for some reason the problem it's in your vendors, you could try reinstalling them Cheers!
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Hey Jade! Could you dump the `$variable` that you passing to the `persist()` method before the `$em->persist($variable);` line? It should be a valid Doctrine entity, but maybe you have some different object or even different type of this var here. Cheers! ...
... `Unable to guess how to get a Doctrine instance from the request information for parameter "user".` Please give me hint to solve that. Thank you!
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... In the "Script" version of this tutorial, you forgot the call to ApiFilter class here: ``` use use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiFilter; // the line you forgot in the text version of the tutorial use ApiPlatform\Doctrine ...
... /pagination/#controlling-the-behavior-of-the-doctrine-orm-paginator I believe you'll need to extend or create a custom paginator Cheers!
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... Attempted to call an undefined method named "registerLoader" of class "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry". could you help me THANKS
Note that getParameter returns [a quoted string](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/10258)! A workarround regarding nullable values would be something like: ``` $expression = 0 == substr($this->getParameter ...
... well before ading the Doctrine Listener. Now my user is auto added to my entites but my constraint is not triggered.
... Cool! Glad it's working! I think you had the right idea - just maybe not in the right order. I think you needed to: A) Update dbal in composer.json B) Run `composer update doctrine/dbal` so that it *only* updates that library (and not everything else, including Symfony). Cheers!
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... some more info and the solution here - please let me know if it helps! https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/docker-compose#comment-28388 Cheers!
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Hey Christina, You can access that information via Doctrine relationships. For example, if User has a relationship with Activity, you can access the Activity fields by doing something like this ```php public ...
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Nice work jlchafardet I think what happens in a lot of cases with Doctrine is that: A) it requires more typing to set something up and B) The documentation often isn't clear (so that it's difficult to know what to ...
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Hey Thephilosoft, Yes, you're totally correct, the price should be changed to make the 2nd query, otherwise the Doctrine is smart enough to ignore the last `flush()` call. Thank you for reporting it, I changed the price in the last `setPrice()` call to avoid editing the explanation message. Cheers! ...
... ▼ #message: "The presented password is invalid." #code: 0 #file: "/home/amine/Projets/Symfony/Symfony6/symfony-doctrine-formation/vendor/symfony/security-http/EventListener/CheckCredentialsListener.php" #line: 74 -token: null` Best, Amine
... ok I've been playing with the gedmo/doctrine-extensions, seems i've gotten most of it to work, except translatable, or at least im not seeing it create any tables for the translations, loggable, softdeletable ...
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Hey John! I just checked and it looks like you figured it out yourself - it's always something small like that. The Doctrine configuration is one of the few areas in Symfony where configuration is sort of ...
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