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Cached S3 Filesystem For Thumbnails

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Check this out: I'm going to turn off my Wifi! Gasp! What do you think will happen? I mean, other than I'm gonna miss all my Tweets and Instagrams! What will happen when I refresh? The page will load, but all the images will be broken, right?

In the name of science, I command us to try it!

Woh! An error!?

Error executing ListObjects on https://sf-casts-spacebar ... Could not contact DNS servers.

What? Why is our Symfony app trying to connect to S3?

Here's the deal: on every request... for every thumbnail image that will be rendered, our Symfony app makes an API request to S3 to figure out if the image has already been thumbnailed or if it still needs to be. Specifically, LiipImagineBundle is doing this.

This bundle has two key concepts: the resolver and the loader. But there are actually three things that happen behind the scenes. First, every single time that we use |imagine_filter(), the resolver takes in that path and has to ask:

Has this image already been thumbnailed?

And if you think about it, the only way for the resolver to figure this out is by making an API request to S3 to ask:

Yo S3! Does this thumbnail file already exist?

If it does exist, LiipImagineBundle renders a URL that points directly to that image on S3. If not, it renders a URL to the Symfony route and controller that will use the loader to download the file and the resolver to save it back to S3.

Phew! The point is: on page load, our app is making one request to S3 per thumbnail file that the page renders. Those network requests are super wasteful!

The Cached Filesystem

What's the solution? Cache it! Go back to OneupFlysystemBundle and find the main page of their docs. Oh! Apparently I need Wifi for that! There we go. Go back to their docs homepage and search for "cache". You'll eventually find a link about "Caching your filesystem".

This is a super neat feature of Flysystem where you can say:

Hey Flysystem! When you check some file metadata, like whether or not a file exists, cache that so that we don't need to ask S3 every time!

Actually, it's even more interesting & useful. LiipImagineBundle calls the exists() method on the Filesystem object to see if the thumbnail file already exists. If that returns false, the cached filesystem does not cache that. But if it returns true, it does cache it. The result is this: the first time LiipImagineBundle asks if a thumbnail image exists, Flysystem will return false, and Liip will know to generate it. The second time it asks, because the "false" value wasn't cached, Flysystem will still talk to S3, which will now say:

Yea! That file does exist.

And because the cached adapter does cache this, the third time LiipImagineBundle calls exists, Flysystem will immediately return true without talking to S3.


If you're using version 4 of oneup/flysystem-bundle (so, flysystem v2), the league/flysystem-cached-adapter will not work - it was not updated to support flysystem v2. Someone has created a cached adapter - https://github.com/Lustmored/flysystem-v2-simple-cache-adapter - but configuring it requires extra steps.

To get this rocking, copy the composer require line, find your terminal and paste to download this "cached" Flysystem adapter.

composer require league/flysystem-cached-adapter

While we're waiting, go check out the docs. Here's the "gist" of how this works, it's 3 parts. First, you have some existing filesystem - like my_filesystem. Second, via this cache key, you register a new "cached" adapter and tell it how you want things to be cached. And third, you tell your existing filesystem to process its logic through that cached adapter. If that doesn't totally make sense yet, no worries.

For how you want the cached adapter to cache things, there are a bunch of options. We're going to use the one called PSR6. You may or may not already know that Symfony has a wonderful cache system built right into it. Anytime you need to cache anything, you can just use it!

Configuring Symfony's Cache Pool

Start by going to config/packages/cache.yaml. This is where you can configure anything related to Symfony's cache system, and we talked a bit about it in our Symfony Fundamentals course. The app key determines how the cache.app service caches things, which is a general-purpose cache service you can use for anything, including this! Or, to be fancier - I like being fancy - you can create a cache "pool" based on this.

Check it out. Uncomment pools and create a new cache pool below this called cache.flysystem.psr6. The name can be anything. Below, set adapter to cache.app.

21 lines | config/packages/cache.yaml
// ... lines 3 - 17
adapter: cache.app

That's it! This creates a new cache service called cache.flysystem.psr6 that, really... just uses cache.app behind the scenes to cache everything. The advantage is that this new service will automatically use a cache "namespace" so that its keys won't collide with other keys from other parts of your app that also use cache.app.

In your terminal, run:

php bin/console debug:container psr6

There it is! A new fancy cache.flysystem.psr6 service.

Back in oneup_flysystem.yaml, let's use this! On top... though it doesn't matter where, add cache: and put one new cached adapter below it: psr6_app_cache. The name here also doesn't matter - but we'll reference it in a minute.

21 lines | config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml
// ... line 1
// ... lines 5 - 21

And below that add psr6:. That exact key is the important part: it tells the bundle that we're going to pass it a PSR6-style caching object that the adapter should use internally. Finally, set service to what we created in cache.yaml: cache.flysystem.psr6.

21 lines | config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml
// ... line 1
service: cache.flysystem.psr6
// ... lines 7 - 21

At this point, we have a new Flysystem cache adapter... but nobody is using it. To fix that, duplicate uploads_filesystem and create a second one called cached_uploads_filesystem. Make it use the same adapter as before, but with an extra key: cache: set to the adapter name we used above: psr6_app_cache.

21 lines | config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml
// ... line 1
// ... lines 3 - 13
// ... lines 15 - 17
adapter: uploads_adapter
cache: psr6_app_cache

Thanks to this, all Filesystem calls will first go through the cached adapter. If something is cached, it will return it immediately. Everything else will get forwarded to the S3 adapter and work like normal. This is classic object decoration.

After all of this work, we should have one new service in the container. Run:

php bin/console debug:container cached_uploads

There it is: oneup_flysystem.cached_uploads_filesystem_filesystem. Finally, go back to liip_imagine.yaml. For the loader, we don't really need caching: this downloads the source file, which should only happen one time anyways. Let's leave it.

But for the resolver, we do want to cache this. Add the cached_ to the service id. The resolver is responsible for checking if the thumbnail file exists - something we do want to cache - and for saving the cached file. But, "save" operations are never cached - so it won't affect that.

69 lines | config/packages/liip_imagine.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 13
# use the cached version so we're not checking to
# see if the thumbnailed file lives on S3 on every request
filesystem_service: oneup_flysystem.cached_uploads_filesystem_filesystem
// ... lines 20 - 69

Let's try this! Refresh the page. Ok, everything seems to work fine. Now, check your tweets, like some Instagram photos, then turn off your Wifi again. Moment of truth: do a force refresh to fully make sure we're reloading. Awesome! Yea, the page looks terrible - a bunch of things fail. But our server did not fail: we are no longer talking to S3 on every request. Big win.

Next, let's use a super cool feature of S3 - signed URLs - to see an alternate way of allowing users to download private files, which, for large stuff, is more performant.