2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Rob! Yes, you're absolutely right! It's not anything related to Symfony 2.3, I just missed adding the `use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager` at the top of that class. I've updated that chapter - so you can take a look at the corrected code now. Thanks for pointing that out! ...
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Thanks for the tutorial. I found that the CurrentSiteListener.php was missing the Doctrine class. It was looking for it in the set NameSpace. I'm not a Symfony Exert by any means. Am I missing something or is this something related to version 2.3? ...
completely new with composer, when running install I get this, while in the process of cloning doctrine/common (2.3.x-dev bb0aebb) : [Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException] The process timed out. any ...
Hi, apparently my mySql is a MariaDB, for server version phpMyAdmin says 10.3.35-MariaDB-log - FreeBSD ports so should my doctrine.yaml then look like this? ``` doctrine: dbal: server_version: 10.3.35 ...
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... fundamentals(5) or symfony doctrine(5) you need to change the nav section at the start of the body in base.html.twig to include navbar-expand-lg. ``` ```
Hey ahmedbhs I'm glad to hear you are liking our content. About your question, the `prePersist` event is only fired when a new entity is saved in the database for the first time. And, the `preUpdate` event is fired every time an entity is updated in the database, that's just how Doctrine events works. Cheers! ...
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Hey Grenouille, It seems like a duplicate, I already answered this question in https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony4-doctrine/create-entity#comment-5907570091 . Please, do not create duplicated comments, we track every comment and every comment will be replied by our support team as soon as we can. Cheers! ...
... //symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony4-doctrine/fixtures#codeblock-0372f09dc8 so this code will execute function with our `$entity` and `$i` arguments Cheers!
... \Process\Process::__construct() must be of the type array, string given, called in C:\go pro doctrine\vendor\sensio\distribution-bundle\Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler.php on line 455 Thank you in advance
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... environment double-check that you have this config ``` doctrine: dbal: # "TEST_TOKEN" is typically set by ParaTest dbname_suffix: '_test%env(default::TEST_TOKEN)%' ``` Cheers! ...
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Hi Ryan, How does Doctrine know to query for the Programmer using the `nickname` value? Does it check that the nickname property is part of the Programmer class and then does findOneBy(array('nickname' => $nickname)), or does it need an existing method (findOneByNickname($nickname)) in ProgrammerRepository? Thank you! ...
Vladimir Z.
Vladimir Z.
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Hello Vladimir, installing latest doctrine-migrations-bundle (3.2.2) solved the issue (see also GitHub). But strange that only the messenger consumption per CLI caused an issue. The rest of the website worked perfect with the previous version. Anyway ... many thanks for supporting me!! ...
... I've been coding along word-for-word, yet something is messed up with my caching: both the long path `var/cache/dev/doctrine/cache/file_system/` and our custom path `/tmp/doctrine_cache` contain no files or subfolders ...
Hi Tim K. First I'd recommend you to reinstall `vendors/` and try again. Also you said that it appeared after upgrade to 5.4 I think you already tried to clear caches manually, so you need also to check doctrine updates, may be something is out of sync. Cheers! ...
As I understood this chapter, TWIG triggers SQL-Queries, in other word, TWIG initiates additional DB-connections. Really? Until now I thought, only the controller (& services) triggers the SQL-queries via Doctrine and ...
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... \Messenger\Bridge\Doctrine\Transport\DoctrineTransport" but the smtp server is silent and mailtrap doesn't receive anything. There is something new that i must do? thanks
Alessandro V.
Alessandro V.
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I got a new job where symfony is highly used framework. Your symfony videos helped me understand it. I still think doctrine is a little bit confusing (compared to laravel eloquent) but I think I can get used to it. Thanks! :) ...
Michael M.
Michael M.
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... to your test `monolog.yaml` file ``` // config/packages/test/monolog.yaml monolog: handlers: ... (other handlers) console: type: console process_psr_3_messages: false channels: [ "!event", "!doctrine", "!console" ] ``` Cheers!
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... mode: lazy ``` probably it will fix both deprecations. For doctrine, I don't have a solution it's internal and will gone with some other updates Cheers!
wow.. its been a while since I've deep dived into the latest symfony stuff. I'm starting a new role soon so I'm going through all your amazing tutorials on Symfony 5 and doctrine etc to get back up to date. criteria is an amazing feature.. symfony always blows my mind. thank you Ryan and team :) ...