2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Sajeev N. Unfortunately Gedmo is not ready for PHP8 attributes =( There is a pull request to add support, but it's still a draft https://github.com/doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions/pull/2241 So you have 2 ...
Hey Robert W. You're totally right. The Doctrine version that Symfony 4.4 uses has a few structural changes and most importantly, they dropped their cache implementation (that's why you had to removed the cache bundle). Thanks for sharing your solution with others. Cheers! ...
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Hey Marwen, Thank you for your feedback! We really glad you liked this :) This tutorial is a bit outdated and has a fresher version here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations - I'd recommend you to check it too if you haven't yet :) Cheers! ...
Thanx for these great videos, very well made und fully understandable for anyone ! Anyway, it would be very welcome to have one of these videos on "Symfony Doctrine Elasticsearch" as Elasticsearch is very used for applications and it seems to be a complexe relation between those 3... It could be very useful... Thank you ...
I glad to see new video for Doctrine. Thnak you! ;) BTW, if it possible , Could you add pause/unpause functionality video for toch screens? I mean , like for desctop PC, when I can click in the middle of video frame. For Desktop PC I see big "Play" button, for my iPad no. May be I'm wrong and it's related with Safary only. ...
... Hey Nick F.! > Looking forward to it! These doctrine courses are the reason I got a subscription Sweet! > my implementation of foundry for testing is incredibly hacky We won't be talking about Foundry and testing in ...
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... !! !! Class "Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache" does not exist !! !! !! Script @auto-scripts was called via post-update-cmd `
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Ryan - I hope you can point me at some help. As I was using the https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/reverse_engineering.html - this did not generate the repositories in this video - is there a way to generate those form the Entity Classes I now have? found an answer php bin/console make:entity --regenerate App ...
Hey Dhrubajyoti D. Many thanks for your feedback! We are so happy that you like it and we will do our best to keep it simple and understandable! BTW! I registered your request about Native SQL queries in doctrine so keep watching some day it will be recorded. :) Cheers! ...
Thanks. Yes that works fine. Great tutorial, i just watched the whole seris. and I must the older tutorials also because the concepts works on symfony 5. Your teaching are so simple to understand and follow. JavaScript serise is also great. Please, make some tutorial on using native sql and cte sql query in doctrine ...
Dhrubajyoti D.
Dhrubajyoti D.
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Hey @Ariel! Excellent question! Yes, definitely :). We will update this soon for Symfony 5, but Doctrine relations have not changed in... really any way that I can think of between Symfony 4 and 5. This tutorial will serve you well. And of course, if you have any doubts, you can ask us any questions. Cheers! ...
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... Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class "DoctrineCacheBundle" from namespace "Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineCacheBundle". ...
Christopher S.
Christopher S.
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Why not use UUID and ULID from Symfony https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-5-2-doctrine-types-for-uuid-and-ulid ? And what is the difference between uuids and ulids and which one you encourage to go for? I started a new project and I am using ulids, I havent found alot of docs online. ...
OK. I got it! Thanks! What's the best practice? Call manually every time before a "persist"? Or can this be done automatically (e.g. via lifecycle callbacks)? But then a API call would be validated twice (by Doctrine and API Platform, right?). ...
Christian H.
Christian H.
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Hey Nirav R. I'm afraid you cannot do that, Doctrine needs to instantiate objects for you, so it doesn't get confused about if it's a new or old object. What you can do is to store the object's id on the database, and then, query for it Cheers! ...
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there The description of the track says: After this track, what will my level be? ... You'll be able to use all of Symfony's major pieces - Doctrine, forms, security, etc - to build real web applications ... But I haven't found any tutorials about forms in the courses of the track. Are there any? Thx. ...
... Hey Oda That's weird! I can think of a couple of reasons: 1) You may have installed a very old version of the Doctrine bundle, so perhaps you could upgrade it and try again 2) Something weird happened when installing your vendors, try removing the vendor directory and run `composer install` Cheers!
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Hey Jorg, Hm, could you tell me what command exactly do you run? :) Btw, what Symfony version do you have? Looks like the stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle^1.6 requires symfony/config ^4.4 || ^5.2 - if you have a lower version, you would probably need to upgrade symfony/config first. I hope this helps! Cheers! ...
... DoctrineBundle or possibly doctrine/persistence. I'll take a look at this and get the download fixed up for others :). Cheers!
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Thought I posted about some errors I was getting out of the box on this. Has this been tested as of late? At least one of the errors I'm getting seems to be some sort of Doctrine issue. I'm using Docker for the database otherwise it's strictly following the course code install. ...