2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Farry7, Both doing the same thing - create a Doctrine migration. But the "make:migration" command is from Symfony's MakerBundle, and "doctrine:migrations:diff" is from the DoctrineMigrationBundle. So, you don't ...
... Uooo! I didn't remember the doctrine criteria.... =( . ¿Do you know any other solutions? I leave the code, in case it helps someone. ``` /** * @return Collection * @Groups({"province:available:read ...
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... understand the issue. ` namespace App\Entity; use App\Repository\MeetstaatRepository; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=MeetstaatRepository::class) */ class Meetstaat { ... `
Hi, i was wondering if you had an update on your previous reply to Jay. I would love to do this course, but I'm not able to because of the outdated code. Any estimate when an updated course is available? Learning Symfony is not complete without Doctrine Queries ...
... Symfony 5 > Doctrine, Symfony & the Database. I can't remember that you created BaseFixtures there. So what is the best way for me to continue, you think?
Hey @Farry7! You're right - it starts to guess the field type based on the Doctrine "type" that the property has. But, you can absolutely override this in your form. Basically, I let the form system "guess", and when ...
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Hey mikesmit1992! Traits work perfectly fine with Doctrine :). So you could move the properties+getters & setters into a trait and then use that trait from your entity (or from multiple entities). You are also free to ...
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... I had to create the stof_doctrine_extensions.yaml file manually as stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle didn't install with the options as in the lesson.
... a new doctrine/persistence package). I've just updated the code download so that it should work out of the box. Thanks for the report! Cheers!
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... !! !! Attempted to load interface "ObjectManager" from namespace "Doctrine\Common\Persistence". !! Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace? !! !! !! `` Here is the complete install log: https://pastebin.com/7SAr7Rmc ...
Why doesn't this work
Why doesn't this work
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Hi Abdelkarim, If you go to this URL: https://api-platform.com/docs/core/filters/#doctrine-orm-and-mongodb-odm-filters and click on the YAML tab for its examples, you will find ways to do this using yaml. Hope it helps! ...
Yea, at least those are the reasons that I can think of where you can benefit from using events. A good example of it is Doctrine, it allows you to hook into basically any step of the lifecycle of an entity ...
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Hey, If you run any other command related to Doctrine and the database like `doctrine:schema:update` does it work? What Database are you using? Double check your connection string and if you're using as the domain, try changing it to localhost Cheers! ...
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... The difference is you became responsible for persisting/removing data. But in reality, you just decorate the existing DataPersisterInterface and delegate this to doctrine. Is that correct?
Hey @Rayan, Yes ^^ !, if we had doctrine no reasons to implement a custom resolver, totally agree :) Otherwise, I liked the use-case you gave me! Cool! (with your accent in the videos) so it reminds me of: assuming ...
Hi, thanks for this tutorial! Doctrine transport is good no need to install more dependencies. But I'm wondering about one thing message under my logs, I think each 1 minute (not sure): ``` SELECT m.* FROM messenger_messages m WHERE (m.delivered_at is null OR m.delivered_at < ?) AND (m.available_at ...
So if I see this right zenstruck/foundry acts as a replacement for the hautelook/AliceBundle dependency which is currently incompatible with api-platform 2.5.7? And is there a reason why zenstruck/foundry and the doctrine-fixtures-bundle isn't just a require-dev dependency? ...
... setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: none) > Install PDO drivers (mandatory for Doctrine).
Hi, thanks for a great course, now I am yet more thrilled about Symfony! Still, I have one question: should I wait for the Symfony 5 Doctrine Relations tutorial (if you are planning one) or start with the one for Symfony 4? Are there many differences regarding these two versions? ...
Tomáš K.
Tomáš K.
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... `doctrine.dbal.url` key. Example ``` doctrine: dbal: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%_test' ``` Does it makes sense? Cheers!
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