2709 search results for Doctrine

... () and I do not want to launch other doctrine transactions prematurely... Is lowering the priority of the event an option? If yes, to what level?
... config also automatically if you start a Symfony 4 project). Without *any* config, Doctrine names the columns the same as your properties, which is what you're seeing. Symfony gives you this ...
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Hey Joseph, Kinda difficult to implement this feature right now. This course is introduction into Symfony 4, and we know nothing about Doctrine and relations in it. Well, probably you do, but other users may do not ...
... in case you're on Symfony 4 and use environment variables, you should not forget about resolve filter to handle the "kernel.project_dir" parameter, i.e. do this: ``` doctrine: dbal: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%' ``` Anyway, I'm glad you found a working solution. And thanks for sharing it with others! Cheers!
Hey Lopoi, Yes, we do have plans to make a tutorial about Forms for Symfony 4 track. Right now we're releasing Doctrine tutorial, the Forms one should be the next I think in Symfony 4 track. But between those tutorials ...
... # src/Yoda/UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml services: doctrine.user_listener: class: Yoda\UserBundle\Doctrine\UserListener arugments: ["@security.encoder_factory"] tags ...
Hey Mauro! Yea, these commands are still being updated to work with Symfony 4. The big issue is actually pretty simple: you don't have a bundle in Symfony 4 :). Here are some more details: https://github.com/doctrine ...
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Hey Nizar! You can read about all of that here: https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/multiple_entity_managers.html. The configuration in that article will need to be a bit different to support environment variables ...
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... Doctrine's DQL and doing object's hydration by your own, This course may give some good ideas: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/doctrine-queries Cheers and thanks for sharing your solution!
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Hello. In my database i have the same table for diffrent product - i mean the structure of table is the same but i have diffrent name for each table. The tables are create by website user. Is it possible in Doctrine ...
Szymon Chomej
Szymon Chomej
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... /doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/events.html#entity-listeners Would be nice to hear a bit of em in your videos or in a post. I'm finding it dificult to implement to my project. Thanks for your time.
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... Sorry, "Dependancy" was a typo. Here is the class: ``` namespace AppBundle\Service; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException; use Symfony\Component ...
friendsofsymfony/user-bundle (v2.0) is not compatible yet with SF4. After doing the way that Ryan suggest for doctrine extension bundle it's working. Also I noticed that it's Ryan was a major players into refactoring ...
... "Doctrine\DBAL\Types\DateType" 500 Internal Server Error - InvalidArgumentException I have checked and everything seems exactly like in your tut, the declaration is: ->add('firstDiscoveredAt', DateType::class, [ 'widget' => 'single_text', ])Could you do a bit of light here? Thanks!
Robertino V.
Robertino V.
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Hey Cesar Is totally fine to do that, actually that's the way I like to do it, but you can even use a doctrine extension "TimeStampable" to achieve the same result (The good thing about this extension is that it can ...
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Hello. I have surrendered to the Doctrine powers because of this tutorial. One question, if I need to set a default date time value, do I need to create a construct function inside of the Entity? I need it to know at ...
... ``` // config.yml doctrine: dbal: driver: pdo_mysql host: dbname: your_db_name user: your_db_user_name password: your_db_user_password charset: UTF8 # or anyother you need ``` This is a very basic configuration but good enough to get you started Cheers!
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Hello, I did this for practice and got : Cannot autowire service "app.doctrine.hash_password_listener": argument "$passwordEncoder" of method "App\Doctrine\HashPasswordListener::__construct()" references class "Symfony ...
Alexandru Lazar
Alexandru Lazar
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... ) AutowiringFailedException Cannot autowire service "AppBundle\Service\MarkdownTransformer": argument "$cache" of method "__construct()" references interface "Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache" but no such service exists. You should ...
Rich Wilx
Rich Wilx
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I did remove the the whole database and recreated it. I have not changed anything about Doctrine settings. I wonder if this is related to the version of Symfony, since I am using the 3.3 if I add``` $builder->add('name ...
Mohammad Althayabeh
Mohammad Althayabeh
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