2709 search results for Doctrine

... ] private ?int $id = null; ``` Also, make sure you don't have an invalid Doctrine mapping by calling this command: ```terminal bin/console doctrine:schema:validate ``` Ad make sure both mapping and DB are OK. I hope this helps! Cheers!
... own identifier mapped by Doctrine.", "status": 500, "type": "/errors/500", I get this error, when I use ->actingAs($user) method , as I'm experimenting on new Symfony 7project, but seems working when using ->login() ...
... you can start that way, and then try to replace the local databases with Docker. I think it's a matter of setting up the env vars properly https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/multiple_entity_managers.html Cheers!
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... ORM 3.0, so you can just ignore it (though it may also require more dependencies to be upgraded as well like e.g. Doctrine bundle that may depend on ORM), so far no work on your side is needed :) Cheers!
Hey @Carlos-33! This smells like it's related to the new Doctrine ORM 3 and DBAL version 4. I believe API Platform 3.2.16 should now work... which was just released 2 days ago https://github.com/api-platform/core ...
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Hey |mention:78932| That's a bit unexpected. I just installed a fresh copy of the project and, as lame as it may sound, it works on my computer. I believe you got a more recent version of Doctrine that dropped ...
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... Hi, I'm facing the error: ``` Undefined constant Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types::JSON_ARRAY ``` This error even raises when I don't make any described changes to the code. I just downloaded the code for this ...
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Hey Peter, Yes we will cover WHERE IN() in this course, see: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-queries/where-in - that's a pretty simple thing, so it should not be a problem to understand that I think ...
How to make recursive function in symfony 3 with doctrine? I have script PHP native like below: mysql_connect("localhost","root","blablabla"); mysql_select_db("demo"); function html_menu(&$strmenu="", $parent=0 ...
Henri Tompodung
Henri Tompodung
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How to make recursive function in symfony 3 with doctrine? I have script PHP native like below: mysql_connect("localhost","root","blablabla"); mysql_select_db("demo"); function html_menu(&$strmenu ...
Henri Tompodung
Henri Tompodung
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Hey @Oleguer-C! Hmmm. I don't have any experience with Doctrine inheritance and the serializer. To debug this, I'd first try to get a stacktrace of where this error comes from. Then maybe we can work backwards from ...
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... `sync-metadata-storage` for confusing reasons that aren't important). I believe this is caused when you get a new version of doctrine migrations and they've changed how the store the migrations in the database. Running this command will "alter" the table to match whatever the new structure is. Cheers!
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... when I try to ls into it, whereas the var/cache/dev/doctrine./cache/file_system/60 does exist. Any suggestion as to why this could be? Thanks in advance!
Nathaniel Kolenberg
Nathaniel Kolenberg
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... Honestly I'm not sure about your way, I think it can be done with less code and without several `foreach` blocks, as I understand the collection is some sort of One-To-Many relation, so you can just make a doctrine ...
... - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/forever-scroll?playAt=254 - but somehow I forgot to put that note in the text! I'll add that now :). Cheers!
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The article is quite interesting. But try https://api-platform.com/docs/core/serialization/#embedding-relations . Probably you will achieve the same. If not, you would probably have to look at Doctrine and the Eager ...
Hey @t5810! Ah, sorry for the trouble and the my glacially slow reply! Ok, so I see the issue - there was a bug between older version of Symfony and doctrine/annotations v2 (which is required by the `sensio/framework ...
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... same aspect searched here https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/4672. I've tried to create an extension for the paginator but the class https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/main/src/Doctrine/Orm/Extension/PaginationExtension.php is final. Have any ideas plz ?
Hey BYT, I don't think so... unless you will find a bundle or a library on GitHub that may help you with this. Doctrine only allows you to import mapping information from an existing database - for this you can ...
When running my tests, with a blank SQLite DB I get a Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException because, of course, the schema hasn't been yet created. I do create it locally and it solves the problem but it will ...