1015 search results for API Platform

... ", "class": "Doctrine\\ORM\\ORMInvalidArgumentException", "type": "::", "function": "detachedEntityCannot", "file": "/Users/me/Documents/Projects/api-platform/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM ...
Wow, this is crazy! So, it's NEVER and correct IRI string? And you see the `path/실례.html` sometimes? And other times `../словник`? So, looking at API Platform, the string `실례` DOES show up in 1 place (though ...
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If I throw a custom Api Platform exception, It should return 400. But it returns a symfony error 500. ---- github/api-platform/core/issues/3239 After some digging, I found that api-platform only handles the ...
Hello, I have not yet completed the course, so maybe i missed it In the old course for API Platform 2, the creation of a Resource Metadata Factory was discussed. Since it is a very convenient way to create Metadata ...
Hey Fränz F.! Are you using the new Symfony 5.1/5.2 security - the `enable_authenticator_manager` option inside of security.yaml? If so, there is a bug in it with API Platform. Or, to be more fair to them, API Platform ...
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Hello Everybody, I am new with api platform and i find it's a great framework to make Rest APIs. I have some questions : 1 - Is api Platform suitable for making microservices ? My matter is i have an openapi specs and i ...
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Hey Simon, We do recommend to start with API Platform course, it's easier to learn and understand, and has Symfony 5 support. You can find a few courses about it here: https://symfonycasts.com ...
I purchased a sub to symfonycasts to learn about api-platform... because we are considering using api-platform for an upcoming project we have. Unforunately we won't be able to use IRIs for relations on this project ...
Filtering the Products

... our API docs and scroll down to the GET /api/products endpoint. I've already done a bit of work behind the scenes in API platform to allow us to fetch all the products for a specific category. Here's how it works: we can ...

Cool, does this course cover API security with API-Platform ? :) ...
Imad Zairig
Imad Zairig
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Access Control Voters

The access control system in API Platform instantly gives you a lot of power: you can check for a simple role or write more complex logic and... it works! But... it's also ugly. And... it can get even uglier! What if I ...

... you make a `GET /api/categories/1/products`, then, behind the scenes, API Platform simply calls `$category->getProducts()` to fetch that data. Your idea about a normalize actually isn't one I had thought of - nice job ...
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On Authentication Success

... its internal name. But... now, API Platform is creating the routes for us. Is there a way with API Platform to say: Hey! Can you generate the IRI to this exact object? Yep! And it's a useful trick to know. Add an ...

Hi @weaverryan, Thank you for your answer ! You're totally right `$data` and `$this->innerProcessor->process()` return the same entity. I use Symfony 6.4 with api-platform/core v3.2.7. If I debug my ...
Hey @ties8! Yup, I know what you're talking about :). The short answer is that no, unfortunately, I decided not to cover this for the API Platform 3 tutorial. I just wasn't sure how many people were actually using it ...
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... with mixing Elastic and pgsql, but I would have thought that this would - in theory - at least make Api Platform *attempt* to use the "comments" property. Do you get an error? Or does the sub resource simply not show up ...
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... api-platform-extending]$ php bin/phpunit --filter=testGetUser PHPUnit 8.2.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Testing Project Test Suite F 1 / 1 ...
I watched the first and half of the second courses. I am very excited about API Platform features. But I am concerned about the ability to create custom endpoints. For example, if I need a nested menu tree - is it ...
Vladislav T.
Vladislav T.
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... API Platform 2, subresources are very limited. They're easy enough to use... but super hard to customize. I almost always recommend avoiding them (e.g. instead of /api/users/locations do /api/locations?user=). That's not ...
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Hi, I have the api-platform/api-pack v. 1.2.2. I think it is ok. ...
Gaetano S.
Gaetano S.
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