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Filtering the Products

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Ok team! We have the currentCategoryId and we're using it on the sidebar to highlight which page we're on. That is awesome! But our products on the right aren't being filtered at all yet! Yikes!

Go to /api to check out our API docs and scroll down to the GET /api/products endpoint. I've already done a bit of work behind the scenes in API platform to allow us to fetch all the products for a specific category.

Here's how it works: we can enter a category's IRI into this box: so, /api/categories/ - and then 24 to get the Furniture category. When we hit Execute... yes! It only returned 5 items! And if I scroll up, you can see the URL that gave us this result: if you ignore the url-encoded parts, this is /api/products?category=/api/categories/24.

All we need to do is make that same request from inside of Vue!

Passing currentCategoryId as a Prop

Head back to our app. From the top level products.vue, hold Command or Ctrl and click <catalog /> to jump into that component. Catalog is responsible for loading our products on created by making a request to /api/products. Hmm... I wish we had access to the currentCategoryId here... because we could use that to change the URL in the Ajax call! Well then... let's go get it!

Back in products.vue, add :current-category-id="currentCategoryId" to pass it as a prop... just like we did with the sidebar.

53 lines | assets/js/pages/products.vue
// ... lines 2 - 11
<div :class="contentClass">
<catalog :current-category-id="currentCategoryId" />
// ... lines 15 - 16
// ... lines 18 - 53

Now, in catalog.vue, add that as a prop. Actually, let's go steal the prop definition from sidebar - it's perfect there - and paste it here.

56 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 1 - 18
// ... lines 20 - 23
export default {
// ... lines 25 - 29
props: {
currentCategoryId: {
type: String,
default: null,
// ... lines 36 - 53

Using currentCategoryId to Filter on the Ajax call

Wonderful! We are now receiving currentCategoryId. To use this, down in created we could add ?category= and then the currentCategoryId. But with Axios, there's a better way. Create a new params variable set to an object: this will hold all the query parameters that we want to send. Now, if (this.currentCategoryId) {, then params.category = this.currentCategoryId.

56 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 1 - 23
export default {
// ... lines 25 - 41
async created() {
const params = {};
if (this.currentCategoryId) {
params.category = this.currentCategoryId;
// ... lines 47 - 52
// ... lines 55 - 56

To pass that to axios, add a second parameter, which is an options object. One of the options you can pass is called params. So: params: params,.

56 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 1 - 41
async created() {
// ... lines 43 - 47
const response = await axios.get('/api/products', {
params: params,
// ... lines 51 - 52
// ... lines 54 - 56

Object Shorthand: Keys without the Key

That should work... but yikes! ESLint is mad! It says:

expected property shorthand.

This is referring to something that we've actually already done many times, but I want to highlight it in case you haven't noticed. In JavaScript, if you are trying to add a property to an object... and that property's name is the same as the variable being used for its value, you can use a shorthand syntax: just params. This sets a property named params to the params variable.

Check it out!

If we go over now, you can already see it! It reloaded! Yes! Furniture shows furniture! Breakroom shows breakroom products! Office supplies shows office supplies! And Snacks shows... uh... did this just break? Where are my snacks?

It turns out that our snacks category is currently empty! Gasp! If that's not bad enough, instead of saying - "No snacks! You're on your own!" - we see the loading screen forever.

That's... my fault. When catalog renders product-list - hold Command or Ctrl and click to jump to that - the loading is showing based on whether the products length is zero or not. An empty category looks like it's still loading!

We need to improve this: we need to truly know whether or not the Ajax call has finished! Let's make a smarter loading mechanism next!