2709 search results for Doctrine

... or edit, I get this error. Expected argument of type "?App\Entity\WalletProvider", "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection" given at property path "walletProvider". it happens when I try to add anything with ...
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... "ApiPlatform\Core\Api\FilterInterface". Did you forget a use statement?" ... use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\BooleanFilter; ... This 'use' line is grey in IDE, looks like it doesn't see it. #[ApiFilter ...
... Which did end up working! ` if ($pageName === 'new') { $product = new Product(); $serviceTypes = $this->doctrine->getRepository(ServiceType::class)->findAll(); foreach ...
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... https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/complex-many-to-many So, what you need to do is to create another entity that will work as an intermediate table for your other 2 entities, you can add as many fields you want to that new entity class, and then, create an EasyAdmin CRUD controller to handle it. Cheers!
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Hi! Great tutorial so far :) I have a question: I have a many to many relation, with additional data, like here ( https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/many-to-many-saving ) I cannot (yet) figure out ...
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... not using traditional relationships where everything is bidirectional (although doctrine seems to think uni is fine), any chance someone knows/can confirm, that unidirectional relationships do not possess this functionality?
... Hi, I'm getting an error, when running `./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter testPOSTCreateBattle`: There was 1 error: 1) AppBundle\Controller\Api\BattleControllerTest::testPOSTCreateBattle Doctrine\DBAL\Exception ...
... operation, API Platform/Doctrine queries the database for your User. That User object will have `null` for its `plainPassword` property, since that is not a persisted property. Then, something (I'm not sure exactly what ...
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... https://github.com/JohnRCrawford/awesomebrick/blob/article/src/AwesomeBrick/CRMBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/Article.orm.yml Am I missing something?
... /filters/#doctrine-orm-and-mongodb-odm-filters And so... you MIGHT be able to add a "filters=" option under the collectionOperation's config (instead of inside ApiResource). But, I'm doing some guessing. And for this to ...
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Hey jlchafardet That's an interesting query you're building. First, in order to use the YEAR & MONTH functions, you need to install that library, Doctrine does not have them enabled by default. Second, you cannot ...
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He weaverryan! Thanks for your fast reply. Although I'm using the dataprovider like in the 'Leveraging the Doctrine Data Provider'-course I loose al extra hydra data like pagination, total items etc. Also I'm not able ...
... this error... and it's still a mystery to me. Here's a thread on this topic - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/console#comment-5045615493 - I wish I better understood the root cause of this... it's really annoying... but I don't. I never get it on my system. Anyways, let me know if that thread helps :) Cheers!
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... like to use it lo populate a menu like this: $menu = $factory->createItem('root'); $permissions = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager() ->getRepository('MenugenBundle:Role')->MarkedRolePermissions('1 ...
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... *inverse* side of the relationship - so Doctrine is completely ignoring it! So, why does adding work? Because in User::addInterest, you've cleverly set the *owning* side by having``` $interest->addUser($this)``` To fix ...
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Hey Cameron, You definitely should not call remove() method twice for the same object. If the object was already removed - Doctrine will throw an error saying that it cannot delete it (that makes sense, it was deleted ...
... The only disadvantage (which might really be fine) is that whenever you query for your User object, Doctrine will automatically also query for your Person object. But if you're routinely using that data anyways... that ...
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I did it. Now it says the following: The Doctrine connection "other" referenced in service "stof_doctrine_extensions.listener.timestampable" does not exist. Available connections names: "default". Do I have to manually ...
Hey @Farry7! Can you share your code? Especially the code (or related code) that calls the setMeasurementMeetstaat() method. One of the odd (you'll eventually like it, but it's odd at first) things about Doctrine ...
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Small question.. in Symfony 5.2+ there using Attributes from php8 instead of doctrine Annotations... if your environment (php is >8+)... my question is how to handle the {} in annotations to attributes ...