Codificación cósmica con Symfony 7
Feel dangerous with Symfony 7! This tutorial teaches the fundamentals, the how and why while building a real-life web application.
- beginner
- 3542 students
- EN/ES Captions
- EN/ES Script
- Certificate of Completion
Your Guides
About this course
Symfony 7, ¡Sí! Si estás listo para tomar en serio el desarrollo web, ya sea para crear una API JSON o una aplicación web sofisticada, ¡has llegado al lugar adecuado! Symfony es la famosa columna vertebral de las bibliotecas de PHP más populares, Symfony adopta las mejores prácticas orientadas a objetos y... ¡es simplemente divertido de usar!
¡Quiero que te sientas peligroso con Symfony y que te encante el proceso! En este tutorial, aprenderemos los fundamentos de Symfony, construiremos cosas reales y aprenderemos el cómo y el porqué de cómo funcionan las cosas. Y... lo haremos construyendo un sitio de temática espacial (porque soy un friki de la ciencia ficción):
- Crea una nueva (¡y diminuta!) aplicación Symfony (es ligera pero significativa)
- Configura un servidor web local con el binario de
- Prepara tu editor (PHPStorm) + plugins para Symfony
- Sumérgete en Symfony Flex y el sistema de "recetas"
- Añade algunos paquetes y bundles de terceros
- Rutas, controladores y respuestas
- La poderosa herramienta
- Sumérgete en Twig y las plantillas
- Tu nueva herramienta de depuración favorita: la barra de herramientas de depuración web
- Configuración de CSS y JS sencilla pero muy potente con AssetMapper
- Instalar y ejecutar Tailwind CSS
- Introducción a Stimulus y Turbo para JavaScript y con un aire de SPA (aplicación de página única)
- Crear una ruta API JSON
- Todos los "objetos de servicio" importantes: un rápido recorrido para utilizarlos y crear los tuyos propios
- Saluda a MakerBundle
¡A por todas!
Next courses in the Symfony 7: The Fundamentals section of the Symfony 7 Track!
Hey @john-erney-rojas ,
Thank you for your interest in SymfonyCasts tutorials! This course should be the next and we will start releasing it very soon :)
This is the best place to learn how to handle any version of Symfony.
Until now, I am still perplexed, but also happy, by the creation of the Assetmapper component with which it is no longer necessary to use Webpack encore. Will AssetMapper be the final nail in the coffin of node, npm, yarn and Webpack encore?
I don't know what new surprises Symfony 7 will bring, I just hope it brings new game changer features like the AssetMapper component.
Hey @simfonyace ,
That's the plan with the AssetMapper actually! But you know, the programming world is changing quickly :) But AssetMapper really has a big potential to stay on top pretty long.
I'm just starting a new web project. And I choose to use Symfony after working on the legacy from scratch project.
A lot to learn. Hope this course will help!
Hey CR,
This course should be perfect for you to get into Symfony Introduction, so you started from the right course! Next, see the Symfony 7 track: - or use our advanced search to find more relevant topics you're looking for, or you can always drop us a line for advice about where to go next ;)

I am really enjoying the new user experience you guys have put in place the last few weeks.
Hey @ashapurasoftech ,
Are you talking about our updated design? We're still working hard on it transferring more pages. And thank you for your feedback, our team is really happy to hear it!

Not so much a question, but more a comment - kudos on the new UI! I am really enjoying the new user experience you guys have put in place the last few weeks. Cheers!
Hey Jon,
Thank you for the feedback! We're really happy to hear it :) More redesigned pages are coming soon.

TOP: great courses and very clear instructions. I only program for fun, but I have no problem understanding your tutorials and I learned a lot!
TIP: It feels you're not finishing tutorials before the next big Symfony upgrade where you start from scratch (is that really necessary(?!); Symfony 4 Track: 8 courses; Symfony 5 Track: 5 courses; Symfony 6 Track: 3 courses: Symfony 7 Track: first course announced... Maybe just focus on the differences between the previous and the new version?
TOP: you keep your courses up to date, going into latest developments (like Turbo for instance)
TIP: Symfony 7 goes into SPA, could you also include PWA (Progressive Web App)?
Keep on rocking!
Hey @odds!
Thanks for the nice comment - I appreciate you!
It feels you're not finishing tutorials before the next big Symfony upgrade where you start from scratch
That's super true - and my fault for Symfony 6. We're going to be better for Symfony 7. Unfortunately, we can't just focus on the differences between the versions or point people at a Symfony 6 tutorial and say "this is still relevant". Well, we do that sometimes, but it's not ideal. When people are learning Symfony "7", they really need all the tutorials to be consistent, full & new for that version. That being said, it is a challenge to update all of them. But we're improving some processes internally. We just need to be faster :).
TIP: Symfony 7 goes into SPA, could you also include PWA (Progressive Web App)?
I've been diving into this lately! Expect to see this topic coming up - hopefully with a tutorial - this year. Related PR:

These were the plans, but than your life got turned upside down... How are you now?
Lo Mejor de los Mejores!!!
Can't wait to start this course!