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The next pattern I want to talk about maybe isn't its own pattern? In reality, it's more of a variation of the observer pattern. It's called "pub/sub" or "publish-subscribe".

PubSub vs Observer

The key difference between observer and pub/sub is simply who handles notifying the observers. With the observer pattern, it's the subject - the thing (like GameApplication) that does the work. With pub/sub, there's a third object - usually called a "publisher" - whose only job is to handle this kind of stuff. Except, instead of calling it a "publisher", I'm going to use a word that's probably more familiar to you: event dispatcher.

With pub/sub, the observers (also called "listeners") tell the dispatcher which events they want to listen to. Then, the subject (whatever is doing the work) tells the dispatcher to dispatch the event. The dispatcher is then responsible for calling the listener methods.

You could argue that pub/sub better follows the Single Responsibility pattern. Battling characters and also registering and calling the observers are two separate responsibilities that we've jammed into GameApplication.

Creating the Event

So here's the new goal: add the ability to run code before a battle starts by using pub/sub.

Step one is to create an event class. This will be the object that is passed as an argument to all of the listener methods. Its purpose is pretty much identical to the FightResult that we're passing to our observers: it holds whatever data might be useful to a listener.

With the pub/sub pattern, it's customary to create an event class just for the event system. So inside of src/, I'm going to create a new Event/ directory. Then a new PHP class. You can call it whatever you want, but for this tutorial, let's call it FightStartingEvent:

8 lines | src/Event/FightStartingEvent.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace App\Event;
class FightStartingEvent

This class doesn't need to look like or extend anything... and we'll talk more about it in a minute.

Dispatching the Event

Step two is to dispatch this event inside of GameApplication. Instead of writing our own event dispatcher, we're going to use Symfony's. Let me break the constructor onto multiple lines... and then add a new private EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher:

143 lines | src/GameApplication.php
// ... lines 1 - 10
use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
class GameApplication
// ... lines 15 - 17
public function __construct(
private CharacterBuilderFactory $characterBuilderFactory,
private EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
// ... lines 24 - 141

Down in play(), right at the top, say $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch() passing new FightStartingEvent():

143 lines | src/GameApplication.php
// ... lines 1 - 7
use App\Event\FightStartingEvent;
// ... lines 9 - 12
class GameApplication
// ... lines 15 - 24
public function play(Character $player, Character $ai): FightResult
$this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new FightStartingEvent());
// ... lines 28 - 52
// ... lines 54 - 141

That's it! That's enough for the dispatcher to notify all of the code that is listening to the FightStartingEvent. Of course... at the moment, nothing is listening!

Registering Listeners... Manually

So finally, let's register a listener to this event. Open GameCommand: the place where we're initializing our app. We'll see how to do all of this properly with Symfony's container in a minute, but I want to keep it simple to start. In the constructor, add private readonly EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher:

106 lines | src/Command/GameCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 13
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
// ... lines 15 - 16
class GameCommand extends Command
public function __construct(
// ... line 20
private readonly EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
// ... line 24
// ... lines 26 - 104

I know, I am being a little inconsistent between when I use readonly and not. Technically, I could use readonly on all of the constructor arguments... it's just not something I care about all that much. It does look cool though.

Choosing the Correct EventDispatcherInterface

Down here, anywhere before our app actually starts, say $this->eventDispatcher->. Notice that the only method this has is dispatch(). I made a... tiny mistake. Let's back up. In GameApplication, when I autowired EventDispatcherInterface, I chose the one from Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface, which contains the dispatch() method we need. So that's great.

Inside of GameCommand, we autowired that same interface. But if you want the ability to attach listeners at run time, you need to autowire EventDispatcherInterface from Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher instead of Psr:

106 lines | src/Command/GameCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 13
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
// ... lines 15 - 106

The one from Symfony extends the one from Psr:

In reality, regardless of which interface you use, Symfony will always pass us the same object. That object does have a method on it called addListener(). So even if I had used the Psr interface, this method would have existed... it just would have looked funny inside of my editor.

Anyways, the first argument of this is the name of the event, which is going to match the class name that we're dispatching. So we can say FightStartingEvent::class. And then, to keep it simple, I'm going to be lazy and pass an inline function(). I'll also use ($io)... so that inside I can say $io->note('Fight is starting...'):

106 lines | src/Command/GameCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 16
class GameCommand extends Command
// ... lines 19 - 26
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
// ... line 29
$this->eventDispatcher->addListener(FightStartingEvent::class, function() use ($io) {
$io->note('Fight is starting...');
// ... lines 33 - 46
// ... lines 48 - 104

And... done! We're dispatching the event inside of GameApplication... and since we've registered the listener here, it should be called!

Let's try it! At your terminal, say:

php ./bin/console app:game:play

We'll choose our character and... got it - [NOTE] Fight is starting.... If we battle again... we get the same message. Awesome!

Next, let's make this more powerful by passing information to our listener, like who is about to battle. Plus, we'll see how the event listener system is used in a real Symfony app by leveraging the container to wire everything up.