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This tutorial is built using Drupal 8.0. The fundamental concepts of Drupal 8 - like services & routing - are still valid, but newer versions of Drupal *do* have major differences.

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How to Get a Service in the Controller

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There's a dino_roar.roar_generator service in the container and gosh darnit, I want to use this in my controller!

The ControllerBase Class

First, notice that RoarController is not extending anything. That's cool: your controller does not need to extend anything: Drupal doesn't care. That being said, most of the time a controller will extend a class called ControllerBase. Add it and hit tab so the use statement is added above the class:

// ... lines 1 - 4
use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
// ... lines 6 - 9
class RoarController extends ControllerBase
// ... lines 12 - 34

This has a lot of cool shortcut methods - we'll look at some soon. But more importantly, it gives us a new super-power: the ability to get services out of the container.

Override create()


An alternative to the following method is to register your controller as a service and refer to it in your routing with a your_service_name:methodName syntax (e.g. dino.roar_controller:roar). This allows you to pass other services into your controller without needing to add the create function. For more info, see Structure of Routes.

I'll use the shortcut command+n, select "Override" from the menu and override the create function that lives in the base class:

// ... lines 1 - 6
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
// ... lines 8 - 9
class RoarController extends ControllerBase
// ... lines 12 - 21
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container)
// ... lines 24 - 26
// ... lines 28 - 34

You don't need to use PhpStorm to override this, it's just fast and fancy. It also added the use statement for the ContainerInterface. When your controller needs to access services from the container, this is step 1.

Before we had this, Drupal instantiated our controller automatically. But now, it will call this function and expect us to create a new RoarController and return it. And hey, it passes us the $container!!! There it is, finally! The container is the most important object in Drupal... and guess what? It has only one important method on it: get(). I bet you can guess what it does.

Create a $roarGenerator variable, set it to $container->get(''); and pass it the name of the service: dino_roar.roar_generator:

// ... lines 1 - 21
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container)
$roarGenerator = $container->get('dino_roar.roar_generator');
// ... lines 25 - 26
// ... lines 28 - 36

Behind the scenes, Drupal will instantiate that object and give it to us. To create the RoarController, return new static(); and pass it $roarGenerator:

// ... lines 1 - 21
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container)
$roarGenerator = $container->get('dino_roar.roar_generator');
return new static($roarGenerator);
// ... lines 28 - 36

This may look weird, but stay with me. The new static part says:

Create a new instance of RoarController and return it, please".

Again, manners are good for performance in D8.

Controller __construct() Method

Next, create a constructor: public function __construct().When we instantiate the controller, we're choosing to pass it $roarGenerator. So add that as an argument:

// ... lines 1 - 9
class RoarController extends ControllerBase
// ... lines 12 - 16
public function __construct(RoarGenerator $roarGenerator)
// ... line 19
// ... lines 21 - 34

I'll even type-hint it with RoarGenerator to be super cool. Type-hinting is optional, but it makes us best friends.

Finally, create a private $roarGenerator property and set it with $this->roarGenerator = $roarGenerator;:

// ... lines 1 - 9
class RoarController extends ControllerBase
// ... lines 12 - 14
private $roarGenerator;
public function __construct(RoarGenerator $roarGenerator)
$this->roarGenerator = $roarGenerator;
// ... lines 21 - 34

Ok, this was a big step. As soon as we added the create() function, it was now our job to create a new RoarController. And of course, we can pass it whatever it needs to its constructor - like objects or configuration. That's really handy since we have access to the $container and can fetch out any service and pass it to the new controller object.

In the __construct function, we don't use the RoarGenerator yet: we just set it on a property. That saves it for use later. Then, 5, 10, 20 or 100 miliseconds later when Drupal finally calls the roar() function, we know that the roarGenerator property holds a RoarGenerator object.

Delete the new RoarGenerator line and instead use $this->roarGenerator directly:

// ... lines 1 - 28
public function roar($count)
$roar = $this->roarGenerator->getRoar($count);
return new Response($roar);
// ... lines 35 - 36

Woh. Moment of truth: go back to the browser, change the URL and hit enter to reload the page. OMG! It still works!

It's Dependency Injection!

It is ok if this was confusing for you. This - by the way - is called dependency injection. Buzzword! Actually, it's kind of a hard application of dependency injection. I'll show you a simpler and more common example in a second. But once you wrap your head around this pattern, you will be unstoppable.

Why did I put my Service in the Container?

Why did we go to all this trouble? After all, this only saved us one line in the controller: the new RoarGenerator() line.

Two reasons, big reasons. First, I keep telling you the container is like an array of all the useful objects in the system. Ok, that's kind of a lie. It's more like an array of potential objects. The container doesn't instantiate a service until and unless someone asks for it. So, until we actually hit the line that asks for the dino_roar.roar_generator service, your app doesn't use the memory or CPUs needed to create that.

For something big like Drupal, it means you can have a ton of services without slowing down your app. If you don't use a service, it's not created.

And if ten places in your code ask for the dino_roar.roar_generator service, it gives each of them the same one object. That's awesome: you might need a RoarGenerator in 50 places but you don't want to waste memory creating 50 objects. The container takes care of that for us: it only creates one object.

The second big benefit of registering a service in the container isn't obvious yet, but I'll show that next. It deals with constructor arguments.

Fetch another Service: a Logger

Now that we have this pattern with the create function and __construct, we're dangerous! We can grab any service from the container!

Go to the terminal and run container:debug and grep for log:

drupal container:debug | grep log

Interesting: there's a service called logger.factory that can be used to, um ya know, log stuff. Let's see if we can log the ROOOOOAR message from the controller.

In RoarController add $loggerFactory = $container->get('logger.factory'); and pass that as the second constructor argument when creating RoarController:

// ... lines 1 - 27
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container)
$roarGenerator = $container->get('dino_roar.roar_generator');
$loggerFactory = $container->get('logger.factory');
return new static($roarGenerator, $loggerFactory);
// ... lines 35 - 45

Type-Hinting Core Services

The container:debug command tells us that this is an instance of LoggerChannelFactory. Use that as the type-hint. In the autocomplete, it suggests LoggerChannelFactory and LoggerChannelFactoryInterface. That's pretty common. Often, a class will implement an interface with a similar name. Interfaces are a bit more hipster, and in practice, you can type-hint the original class name or the interface if you want to look super cool in front of co-workers.

Call the argument $loggerFactory. I'll use a PhpStorm shortcut called initialize fields to add that property and set it:

// ... lines 1 - 5
use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface;
// ... lines 7 - 10
class RoarController extends ControllerBase
// ... lines 13 - 19
private $loggerFactory;
public function __construct(RoarGenerator $roarGenerator, LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $loggerFactory)
$this->roarGenerator = $roarGenerator;
$this->loggerFactory = $loggerFactory;
// ... lines 27 - 43

If you want to dive into PhpStorm shortcuts, you should: we have a full tutorial on it.

Now in the roar() function, use that property! Add $this->loggerFactory->get(''): this returns one specific channel - there's one called default. Finish with ->debug() and pass it $roar:

// ... lines 1 - 35
public function roar($count)
$roar = $this->roarGenerator->getRoar($count);
// ... lines 41 - 42
// ... lines 44 - 45

Congrats: we're now using our first service from the container.

Refresh to try it! To check the logs, head to a page that has the main menu, click "Reports", then go into "Recent Log Messages." There it is!

Not only did we add a service to the container, but we also used an existing one in the controller. Considering how many services exist, that makes you very dangerous.

Oh, and if this seemed like a lot of work to you, you're in luck! The Drupal Console has many code generation commands to help you build routes, controllers, services and more.