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This tutorial is built using Drupal 8.0. The fundamental concepts of Drupal 8 - like services & routing - are still valid, but newer versions of Drupal *do* have major differences.

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Routing Wildcards

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Routing is packed with cool little features, but the most common thing you'll see is the addition of wildcards. Add a /{count} to the end of the route's path:

7 lines | modules/dino_roar/dino_roar.routing.yml
path: /the/dino/says/{count}
// ... lines 3 - 7

Because this is surrounded with curly-braces, the route will now match /the/dino/says/*anything*,

As soon as you have a routing wildcard called count, you can suddenly have a $count argument in your controller function:

// ... lines 1 - 6
class RoarController
public function roar($count)
// ... lines 11 - 12

The value for for the {count} part in the URL is passed to the $count argument. Both the wildcard and the argument must have the same name.

Use $count to change our scary greeting: $roar = 'R'.str_repeat('0', $count).'AR!'. Pass this to the Response:

// ... lines 1 - 8
public function roar($count)
$roar = 'R'.str_repeat('O', $count).'AR!';
return new Response($roar);
// ... lines 14 - 15

We just changed the route configuration, so we need to rebuild the routing cache:

drupal router:rebuild

Once I do, the /the/dino/says page returns a 404! Ah! As soon as you add /{count} to the route path, the route only matches when something is passed there. We need /the/dino/says/*something*, anything but blank. There are ways to make the wildcard optional - check out the Symfony routing docs.

Add 10 to the end of the URL:


Rooooooooooar! Make it 50 and the rooooooooooo....oooooooar gets longer.

Woah! You now know half of the new stuff in Drupal 8. It's this routing/controller layer. Make a route, then a controller and make that controller return a Response. Seriously, can we go on vacation now?