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We've made it to the last day of LAST Stack! I've been waiting for 30 days to say that.

Today is all about performance, starting with the things that we are not doing.

No File Combining or Minifying

For example, we are not combining files to reduce requests. And, we are not minifying files. Nope, we're serving up raw source files from our assets/ directory.

And yet, our frontend is fast! Open your debugging tools and go to Lighthouse. Let's profile this for performance on the desktop to keep things simple. Give this a few seconds to run and... boom! 99! That's amazing!

On Production: Compression & Caching

Scroll down to see what we could improve. The number one problem is missing compression. There are two things that you need to think about when you deploy your app with AssetMapper.

First: on your web server, enable compression, like gzip or Brotli. Or you can proxy your site through Cloudflare and it can do compression for you. That's what we do. This is why we don't need to worry about minification: if you just compress your CSS and JavaScript files, that does almost as good of a job as minification.

The second thing you need to do - which should be mentioned down here, ah yes:

Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy.

Because all of our files have an automatic version hash in the filename, you should configure your web server to cache everything from your assets/ directory... forever. This means that when your user downloads a file, they'll cache it forever: they'll never need to download it again. That's great for performance.

Unused CSS?

Let's see what else we have. Reduce unused CSS. That's probably not a problem. In fact, it's one of the benefits of Tailwind: it only builds the CSS that we're actually using. My guess is that the rest of the CSS is used on different pages. And the difference is even smaller than it looks. This is 38 kilobytes... before compression. On production, the difference would be much smaller.

Unused JavaScript

Under reduce unused JavaScript, there's one main item: it's the Live Components JavaScript, which is fairly big. We are using it, but it's true that we're not using a lot of its features yet. On production, due to compression, this would be smaller... and we are going to optimize it a bit.

Next is: eliminate render-blocking resources. This is important and it lists our CSS file. We'll come back to this in a few minutes.

But really... there's nothing major. We could minify CSS, but it would barely make a difference. Minifying JavaScript - 68 kilobytes looks good, but again, that's before it's compressed. And remember our score of 99! Our frontend is zippy!

Oh, though apparently my images are way too big. There are still some things you need to handle on your own.


One of the main reasons that our app is already so fast is preloading. Look at the page source. We have the importmap, a bunch of preloads, then the all-important: <script type="module">, import 'app'.

When our browser sees this, it connects app to the real filename and starts downloading it. Module script tags are not "render blocking". This means that the browser starts downloading this file, but continues to render the page visually while it's doing that. But, of course, it can't execute our JavaScript until it's done downloading app.js.

And there's a problem hiding. Only after it finishes downloading app.js does it realize that... it also needs to download this file, and this file, and this file, and this file, and this file. And it's only after downloading bootstrap.js that it realizes it needs to download this file. You can imagine a big waterfall: it finishes one JavaScript file, starts a few more, finishes those, then starts even more. It could take a long time for our JavaScript to finally execute.

This is where these preloads come in. This tells our browser:

You don't realize it yet, but you should start downloading these files immediately.

The way these are generated is really cool. Open templates/base.html.twig. All of this is rendered thanks to importmap('app'):

99 lines | templates/base.html.twig
<!DOCTYPE html>
// ... lines 4 - 13
{% block javascripts %}
{{ importmap('app') }}
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 18 - 97

By passing app, the main effect is that it adds the script tag at the bottom that imports app.

But this also tells AssetMapper to parse app.js, find all the files that it imports and add them as preloads. And it does it recursively: it goes into bootstrap.js and finds its import. It finds all the JavaScript that's needed on page load and makes sure that every file is preloaded. It just works.

And we can see this visually. In alien-greeting.js: comment-out the import for the CSS file: the delay just makes the waterfall harder to see:

10 lines | assets/lib/alien-greeting.js
export default function (message, inPeace = false) {
if (!inPeace) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 4000);
// ... lines 7 - 10

Then go to the Network tab, look just at JavaScript and do a force refresh. Check it out! All the JavaScript files start at the same time! It's not waiting for anything to download: they all start immediately. That's what we want to see.

The only file that starts later is celebrate-controller.js... because we set this up to be lazy. This means our JavaScript initializes, then it downloads this controller only when it's needed... which is always because it's on every page, but it's still delayed a bit.

Lazy-Loading Live Components

Sort this by filesize. The biggest file is the JavaScript for Live Components. This 123 kilobytes isn't compressed, so it'll be smaller on production. But since we only need this on the global search, we could choose to delay loading it.

To do that, inside assets/controllers.json, find the Live Component controller and set fetch to lazy:

35 lines | assets/controllers.json
"controllers": {
// ... lines 3 - 12
"@symfony/ux-live-component": {
"live": {
// ... line 15
"fetch": "lazy",
// ... lines 17 - 18
// ... lines 22 - 31
// ... line 33

Do a force refresh. It's still there, but check out the initiator: it's from a JavaScript file and starts much later. In the source, search for live_controller. Previously, it was preloaded. When we refresh now, it's still in the importmap, but no longer preloaded. We preload the really important stuff, and let the live controller load itself later.

Ok one last thing, magical thing. The most important thing that we saw inside Lighthouse was the render-blocking resource for our CSS file. When your browser sees a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag, it freezes rendering the page until it finishes downloading the file. And that's a good thing: we don't want our page to render unstyled for a second.

And this is why we put our CSS link tags up in the head of the page: we want the browser to notice that it needs to download the file as early as possible. However, there is a way to tell our browser even earlier that it needs to download this file.

Find your terminal and run:

composer require symfony/web-link

This is a small package that can help add hints to your browser about what it needs to download. AssetMapper comes with special integration for it.

Watch: just by installing that, go to the Network tab, filter all, refresh and go to the top to the main request for the page. Look down here at the Response headers. There it is! Our app just added a new response header called link that points to the CSS file with rel="preload".

This tells the browser that it should download this file. And it sees this header even earlier than it sees line 11 of the HTML. This helps performance just a little bit more.

Now that we've made a few changes, let's run Lighthouse again. There is some variability in these runs, so if your score doesn't change or even goes down a little, no worries. But a perfect 100! Woo!

More importantly.... we still have text compression... but we don't see the render-blocking resource warning.

The moral of the story is this: using AssetMapper is fast out of the box. Other than adding compression and caching to your web server, you can code in peace without worrying. And sure, later, it is helpful to run Lighthouse and see how you can improve, but it doesn't need to be something you think about day-by-day. Get your real work done instead.

And... we're finished! Thank you for spending these wild 30 days with me! It has been an absolute pleasure and a heck of a ride. Please, go build things and let us know what they are! And if you have any questions, comments, doubts or bad jokes, we're always here for you down in the comments section.

Alright friends, see ya next time!