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Remember Me System


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Another nice feature of a login form is a "remember me" checkbox. This is where we store a long-lived "remember me" cookie in the user's browser so that when they close their browser - and so, lose their session - that cookie will keep them logged in... for a week... or a year... or whatever we configure. Let's add this.

Enabling the remember_me System

The first step is to go to config/packages/security.yaml and activate the system. We do this by saying remember_me: and then, below, setting one required piece of config: secret: set to %kernel.secret%:

42 lines | config/packages/security.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 16
// ... lines 18 - 20
// ... lines 22 - 27
secret: '%kernel.secret%'
// ... lines 30 - 42

This is used to "sign" the remember me cookie value... and the kernel.secret parameter actually comes from our .env file:

28 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 15
###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... line 17
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###
// ... lines 20 - 28

Yup, this APP_SECRET ends up becoming the kernel.secret parameter... which we can reference here.

Like normal, there are a bunch of other options that you can put under remember_me... and you can see many of them by running:

symfony console debug:config security

Look for the remember_me: section. One important one is lifetime:, which is how long the remember me cookie will be valid for.

Earlier, I said that most of the configuration that we put under our firewall serves to activate different authenticators. For example, custom_authenticator: activates our LoginFormAuthenticator:

42 lines | config/packages/security.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 16
// ... lines 18 - 20
// ... lines 22 - 23
custom_authenticator: App\Security\LoginFormAuthenticator
// ... lines 25 - 42

Which means that our class is now called at the start of every request and looks for a login form submit. The remember_me config also activates an authenticator: a core authenticator called RememberMeAuthenticator. On every request, this looks for a "remember me" cookie - that we'll create in a second - and, if it's there, uses it to authenticate the user.

Adding the Remember Me Checkbox

Now that this is in place, our next job is to set that cookie on the user's browser after they log in. Open up login.html.twig. Instead of always adding the cookie, let's let the user choose. Right after the password, add a div with some classes, a label and an input type="checkbox", name="_remember_me":

45 lines | templates/security/login.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 4
{% block body %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="login-form bg-light mt-4 p-4">
<form method="post" class="row g-3">
// ... lines 10 - 24
<div class="form-check mb-3">
<input type="checkbox" name="_remember_me" class="form-check-input"> Remember me
// ... lines 30 - 39
{% endblock %}

The name - _remember_me - is important and needs to be that value. As we'll see in a minute, the system looks for a checkbox with this exact name.

Ok, refresh the form. Cool, we have a checkbox! Though... it's a little ugly... I think messed something up. Use form-check and let's give our checkbox form-check-input:

45 lines | templates/security/login.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 4
{% block body %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="login-form bg-light mt-4 p-4">
<form method="post" class="row g-3">
// ... lines 10 - 24
<div class="form-check mb-3">
<input type="checkbox" name="_remember_me" class="form-check-input"> Remember me
// ... lines 30 - 39
{% endblock %}

Now... better!

If we checked the box and submitted... absolutely nothing different would happen: Symfony would not set a remember me cookie.

That's because our authenticator needs to advertise that it supports remember me cookies being set. This is a little weird, but think about it: just because we activated the remember_me system in security.yaml doesn't mean that we ALWAYS want remember me cookies to be set. In a login form, definitely. But if we had some sort of API token authentication... then we wouldn't want Symfony to try to set a remember me cookie on that API request.

Anyways, all we need to add is a little flag that says that this authentication mechanism does support adding remember me cookies. Do this with a badge: new RememberMeBadge():

94 lines | src/Security/LoginFormAuthenticator.php
// ... lines 1 - 16
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\Passport\Badge\RememberMeBadge;
// ... lines 18 - 23
class LoginFormAuthenticator extends AbstractAuthenticator
// ... lines 26 - 39
public function authenticate(Request $request): PassportInterface
// ... lines 42 - 44
return new Passport(
new UserBadge($email, function($userIdentifier) {
// ... lines 47 - 55
new PasswordCredentials($password),
// ... lines 58 - 61
new RememberMeBadge(),
// ... lines 66 - 92

That's it! But there's one kind of odd thing. With the CsrfTokenBadge, we read the POSTed token and passed it to the badge. But with RememberMeBadge... we don't do that. Instead, internally, the remember me system knows to look for a check box called, exactly, _remember_me.

The entire process works like this. After we successfully authenticate, the remember me system will look for this badge and look to see if this checkbox is checked. If both are true, it will add the remember me cookie.

Let's see this in action. Refresh the page... and enter our normal email, password "tada", click the remember me checkbox... and hit "Sign in". Authentication successful! No surprise. But now open your browser tools, go to "Application", find "Cookies" and... yes! We have a new REMEMBERME cookie... which expires a long time from now: that's in 1 year!

To prove the system works, delete the session cookie that normally keeps us logged in. Watch what happens when we refresh. We're still logged in! That is thanks to the remember_me authenticator.

In the web debug toolbar, you can see a slight difference: it's this token class. When you authenticate, internally, your User object is wrapped in a "token" object... which usually isn't too important. But that token shows how you were authenticated. Now it says RememberMeToken... which proves that the remember me cookie was what authenticated us.

Oh, and if you're wondering why Symfony didn't add a new session cookie... that's only because Symfony's session is lazy. You won't see it until you go to a page that uses the session - like the login page. Now it's back.

And... that's really it! In addition to our LoginFormAuthenticator, there is now a second authenticator that looks for authentication information on a REMEMBERME cookie.

Though, we can make all of this a bit fancier. Next, let's see how we could add a remember me cookie for all users when they log in, without needing a checkbox. We're also going to explore a brand-new option on the remember me system that allows you to invalidate all existing remember me cookies if the user changes their password.