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When we need to deny access to something, we can do it in a couple of different places, like access_control in security.yaml:

61 lines | config/packages/security.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 54
# Easy way to control access for large sections of your site
# Note: Only the *first* access control that matches will be used
- { path: ^/admin/login, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
- { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
# - { path: ^/profile, roles: ROLE_USER }

Or various ways inside of a controller. And when we deny access, we know that we can do it by checking for a role like ROLE_ADMIN or by checking one of the special strings like IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED. It seems pretty simple, right? If we use something like ROLE_ADMIN, it clearly calls getRoles() on the User and denies or allows access.

Introducing: the Voter System

So all of this is... basically true. But in reality, whenever you call the authorization system - either via access_control, ->denyAccessUnlessGranted(), or even the IsGranted() annotation/attribute, something more interesting happens internally. It activates what's called the voter system.

We can see this. Refresh the page and then click on the security icon in the web debug toolbar to jump into the profiler. Down near the bottom of this page, as we saw earlier, you'll find an "Access decision log" that shows all the different times that the authorization system was called during this request. Apparently it was called a bunch of times. Most of these represent us trying to figure out whether we should show or hide the voting links for each answer.

But check out this little "Show voter details" link. When you click, ooooh. There are two "voters". The first one voted ACCESS_DENIED and the second voted ACCESS_ABSTAIN.

When you call the authorization system, it loops over these things called voters and asks each one:

Do you know how to decide whether or not the user has IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED, or ROLE_ADMIN... or whatever string we pass in.

In practice, exactly one of these voters will say that they do understand how to vote on that string, and they'll answer with either ACCESS_DENIED or ACCESS_GRANTED. All the other voters will return ACCESS_ABSTAIN... which just means that they don't want to vote one way or another.

So, for example, whenever you call the authorization system and pass it one of those IS_AUTHENTICATED_ strings, it's this AuthenticatedVoter that knows how to decide whether the user has that or not.

The RoleHierarchyVoter, well you can probably guess. That's responsible for voting on anything that starts with ROLE_. Internally, that voter checks to see if the user has that role. Well technically it checks the "token"... but that's not too important. It also takes our role_hierarchy config into account.

And, by the way, even though this is called the "voter" system, in all cases, every voter except for one will abstain, which means they don't vote at all. You'll never have a situation where you have 5 voters and 3 vote access granted and 2 vote access denied. You could create voters that did that, but you won't.

Passing Custom "Attributes" into Authorization

Until now, denying access on our site has been pretty simple. We've either wanted to check to see if the user is logged in, or we've checked for a specific role.

But security isn't always that simple. For our edit question page, we can't just check for a global role. We need to check to see if the current user is the owner of this question. Yes: the security logic is specific to some data. In this case, the Question object. Putting the logic in the controller worked, but it means that we're going to have to duplicate this logic in our Twig template in order to hide or show the "edit question" link.

The way to fix this is by creating our own custom voter that centralizes our logic. To do this, delete all of this code and replace it with $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted().

Here is where things get interesting: we're going to "invent" a new string to pass to this. These strings - which you may have thought of as "roles" until now - are actually called attributes. Say EDIT. I totally just made that up. You'll see how that's used in a minute.

Then, we haven't seen it yet, but you can also pass a second argument to denyAccessUnlessGranted(), which is some data related to this security check. Pass the Question object:

102 lines | src/Controller/QuestionController.php
// ... lines 1 - 18
class QuestionController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 21 - 72
public function edit(Question $question)
$this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('EDIT', $question);
// ... lines 76 - 79
// ... lines 81 - 100

Ok, stop right now and click to the edit page. Ooh, we get "access denied". Well, it redirected us to the login page... but that means we didn't have access. Click any link on the web debug toolbar to jump into the profiler, click "Last 10", then find the request to the question edit page. Click to view its profiler info... and go down to the Security section.

At the bottom, under the "Access Decision Log", access was Denied for attribute "EDIT" and this Question object. If you look at the voter details... oh! They all abstained. So every voter said:

I have no idea how to vote on the attribute "EDIT" and a Question object.

If all voters abstain, we get access denied.

Next: let's fix this by adding our own custom voter that does know how to vote on this situation. Once we're finished, we'll make or logic even more complex by also allowing admin users to access the edit page.