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Authorization: access_control and Roles

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Authentication is done. So how about we tackle the second half of security: authorization. This is all about figuring out whether or not the user has access to do something. For example, right now we have a fancy admin section, but probably not everyone should have access to it.

Denying with access_control

There are 2 main ways to deny access, and the simplest is right inside of security.yml. It's called "access control". Move in 4 spaces - so that you're at the same level as the firewalls key, but not inside of it. Add access_control:, new line, go out 4 more spaces and add - { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_USER }:

35 lines | app/config/security.yml
// ... lines 1 - 2
// ... lines 4 - 33
- { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_USER }

That path is a regular expression. So, if anyone goes to a URL that starts with /admin, the system will kick them out unless they have ROLE_USER.

Let see it in action. First, make sure you're logged out. Now, go to /admin/genus. Boom! That was it! Anonymous users don't have any roles, so the system kicked us to the login page.


Our FormLoginAuthenticator is actually responsible for sending us to /login. You can customize and override this behavior if you need to. If you use a built-in authentication system, like form_login, then it may be responsible for this. This functionality is called an "entry point".

Now, login. It redirects us back to /admin/genus and we do have access. Our user does have ROLE_USER - you can see that if you click the security icon in the web debug toolbar. Remember, that's happening because - in our User class - we've hardcoded the roles: every user has a role that I made up: ROLE_USER:

95 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/User.php
// ... lines 1 - 12
class User implements UserInterface
// ... lines 15 - 46
public function getRoles()
return ['ROLE_USER'];
// ... lines 51 - 93

Many access_control

And at first, that's as complex as Symfony's authorization system gets: you give each user some roles, then check to see if they have those roles. In a minute, we'll make it so each user can have different roles.

But we're not quite done yet with access_control. We only have one rule, but you can have many: just create another line below this and secure a different section of your site. For example, maybe ^/checkout requires ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_BUY.

There is one gotcha: Symfony looks for a matching access_control from top to bottom, and stops as soon as it finds the first match. We won't talk about it here, but you can use that fact to lock down every page with an access_control, and then white-list the few public pages with access_control entries above that.

You can also do a few other cool things, like force the user to visit a part of your site via https. If they come via http, they'll be redirected to https.

When you Don't Have Access :(

Change the role to something we don't have, how about ROLE_ADMIN:

35 lines | app/config/security.yml
// ... lines 1 - 2
// ... lines 4 - 33
- { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }

Head back and refresh!

Access denied! Ok, two important things.

First, roles can be anything: I didn't have to configure ROLE_ADMIN before using it - I just made that up. The only rule about roles is that they must start with ROLE_. There's a reason for that, and I'll mention it later.

Second, notice this is an access denied screen: 403, forbidden. We see this because we're in development mode. But your users will see a different error page, which you can customize. In fact, you can have a different error page for 403 errors, 404 errors and 500 errors. It's easy to setup - so just check the docs.

Access controls are super easy to use... but they're a bit inflexible, unless you love writing complex, unreadable regular expressions. Next, let's look at a more precise way to control access: in your controller.