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Flex Recipe Updates


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When we install packages, many of them have Flex recipes. These add new files and sometimes modify existing files. They do everything needed so the package works immediately. I love that!

And, over time, these recipes tend to change. Maybe they decide to add a new line to a config file or change a default value.

Fortunately, Flex has a fancy recipe update system. And while you don't need to update your recipes, it's a great way to keep your app looking and feeling modern. The updates will also help fix some of the deprecation warnings we saw at the end of the previous chapter.

Before you start, make sure you've committed any changes to git - I already have - because the recipe update system works via Git.

To see the recipes, run:

composer recipes

Cool! It looks like we have about 8 updates. So let's get to work:

composer recipes:update

Updating recipes? Yea, it's one of my favorite things to do: it gives us a chance to peek into what's been changing in these packages... while we've been busy, you know, doing our real job. I'll hit enter to go down the list one-by-one.

doctrine/doctrine-bundle Recipe Update

First up is Doctrine Bundle: and it's a complex update. It even caused a conflict!

Sometimes we might see that a recipe update changes something - like updating a line in a config file - but we don't really understand why. To help, the command lists every pull request behind these changes. For example, this lazy ghosts thing... we can click the link to see the PR and the explanation behind it.

Back in my editor, woh! I guess the conflict was in doctrine.yaml! Specifically, server_version changed. The original recipe gave us config to work with Postgres 13. It now ships with code for Postgres 16.

You don't need to keep the new changes. If your production database is using Postgres 13, keep it! But I'll update to 16.

At the terminal, run:

git status

Add that file to git to resolve it. Then see all the changes with:

git diff --cached

Most of these are version changes: MySQL from 5.7 to 8 and Postgres from 13 to 16. The doctrine.yaml config does have a few new lines. These are flags where we're opting into some low-level change in the system. And there's a good chance that not having this config would trigger a deprecation. I'll let you dig deeper into these if you care, but they probably won't affect anything.

docker-compose.yaml contains more changes that go from Postgres 13 to 16. So again, you can keep these or get rid of them.

And then, lurking at the bottom, symfony.lock keeps track of which version of the recipe we have installed. So, we're good! Commit these changes... and use a better commit message than I am.

To use the new version of Postgres from docker-compose.yaml, run:

docker compose down


docker compose up -d

We now have Postgres 16 running. Watch: the homepage still works because it doesn't talk to the database. But when we click "browse mixes", broken! An undefined table because we're using a fresh database. Fix that by running:

symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Cool. And:

symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load

Double cool. Now... we're good!

doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle Recipe Update

Back to the terminal... and back to work:

composer recipes:update

On deck is doctrine-migrations-bundle. This is minor. The bundle comes with a profiler integration: it's this little icon on the web debug toolbar. It's not super useful... and so it's changed to be not enabled by default. Let's commit that... and update the next one.

composer recipes:update

symfony/framework-bundle Recipe Update

Framework bundle! The core of Symfony! Run git diff --cached to see the changes. Like Doctrine, most of these are low level where we opt into a new behavior. For example, annotations are deprecated, so we're turning them off. handle_all_throwables means that Symfony will transform exceptions into error pages but also other types of errors. And storage_factory_id was removed because that's the default value.

Easy! Commit that... then keep going:

composer recipes:update

symfony/monolog-bundle Recipe Update

Next up is monolog-bundle. The only change is a new formatter key at the end of monolog.yaml. This is a consistency change. Down here in the prod config, the main log handler already has this formatter key. It was added under deprecations so that everything is formatted the same. Minor, but nice! We'll talk more about this deprecation log soon.

So, commit! And...

composer recipes:update

symfony/routing Recipe Update

Routing. Dead simple. The code that imports the #[Route] attributes, apparently, needs a namespace key. Whatever.

symfony/translation Recipe update

Commit... and onto

composer recipes:update

symfony/translation. Another easy one: translation.yaml used to have some commented-out providers as an example... and now they're gone. But if you install one of these provider packages, its recipe will re-add the line.

Commit that... and we're down to the final 2 recipes! These are both related to changes with Webpack Encore and a new StimulusBundle. That deserves its own chapter, so let's do it next!