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Goodbye SensioFrameworkExtraBundle


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Our app is busted: something about SensioFrameworkExtraBundle. This happened while we were upgrading recipes. In framework.yaml, it's the annotations: false.

33 lines | config/packages/framework.yaml
// ... line 1
// ... lines 3 - 4
annotations: false
// ... lines 6 - 33

SensioFrameworkExtraBundle gave us all kinds of features like the @Route annotation, security annotation, and something called the param converter. These all relied on the annotation system, which has been replaced by core PHP attributes. When we flipped them to false... the bundle didn't like it.

But hey, that's fine! All those nifty features found a new home in the core of Symfony. So it's time to say a fond farewell to SensioFrameworkExtraBundle.

Uninstalling it

At your terminal run:

composer remove sensio/framework-extra-bundle

So long, and thanks for all the annotated fish. When it finishes... and we refresh, the site works again!

Checking for SensioFrameworkExtraBundle Features

But... were we using any of its features? I don't know! An easy way to check is by running:

git grep FrameworkExtra

Nope! It doesn't look like we're referencing any use statements directly. If you are, it's just a matter of figuring out what new attribute from Symfony replaces that feature.

To help, Symfony has a great documentation page called Symfony Attributes Overview. This shows every PHP attribute from Symfony. For example, SensioFrameworkExtraBundle had a Security annotation. Now Symfony has an IsGranted attribute that you can use instead.

So if you are using something from the old system, find the new way and update.

The New "Param Converter"

Though... there is one feature of SensioFrameworkExtraBundle that didn't require an annotation... so you may have been using it without realizing. Click into one of the mixes. Notice the URL has a slug. The controller for this is src/Controller/MixController.php. Down here, the route does have a {slug} wildcard... but then a $mix argument, which is a Doctrine entity.

62 lines | src/Controller/MixController.php
// ... lines 1 - 12
class MixController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 15 - 35
#[Route('/mix/{slug}', name: 'app_mix_show')]
public function show(VinylMix $mix): Response
// ... lines 39 - 41
// ... lines 43 - 60

Behind the scenes, the param converter would automatically query for a VinylMix where slug equals the {slug} in the URL. No annotation needed: it just worked.

The good news is that, as you can see, this magic still works! The feature now lives in core. And in most cases, it will silently keep doing its thing, just like before.

If you add an extra letter to the end of the slug to get a 404, we see that the system behind this is EntityValueResolver. If you do need some extra control, you can configure this with the #[MapEntity] attribute.

Next up: I want to upgrade to Symfony 7! But to do that, we need to remove all these deprecations.