585 search results for Turbo

Hey |mention:49076| Do you have repeated IDs in your database? Or what do you mean? When you want to refresh the content of a `turbo-frame` you need to return another `turbo-frame` element in your HTML response ...
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Hey ! Thanks for the work ! A little suggestion : During this video you said that the table doesn't contain links. However, we have the planet links in the turbo-frame `planet-card-{id}`. I don't know it's ...
... ./assets/controllers.json Error: The file "@symfony/ux-turbo/package.json" could not be found. Installed `composer require symfony/ux-turbo` and `npm install --force` - does not help. How get this turbo package.json?
Hey @Strahil-R! No, no personal experience - sorry. I assume the problem is related to re-initializing their "widget" after each Turbo navigation? Or is it something else? Assuming that this widget adds some new ...
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Hey Joel L.! Gotcha :). I have not personally tried this. However, it DOES appear that this may be a legit issue with Turbo - https://github.com/hotwired/turbo/issues/211 If that's correct, I'm not sure if any ...
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... Yea, that's the draw of Swup as I understand it - you get those slick transitions out of the box. With Turbo, they appear to now be possible, but you would likely be rolling them manually :). Turbo Drive and Swup are ...
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I there some way to give turbo access to our symfony routes? I'm currently using the jsrouting bundle in a non-turbo project to generate dynamic routes in js. The routes are created using data from an ajax response ...
Mercure Hub's JWT Authorization

... something with that JSON. But remember: the turbo_stream_listen() function activates a Stimulus controller that is already listening to this topic. It's listening and waiting for a message whose data isn't JSON, but <turbo ...

Hello! I have a few questions about this "homemade datatable" :) 1. Requests are submitted via Ajax using Turbo Drive (if I understood correctly). But if our application is not ready to accommodate Turbo Drive (since ...
... with. Using a turbo-stream required hooking up additional stimulus controllers, and functions, and actions/listeners. In many cases, the only thing the controller did was POST the data and handle the render the turbo ...
... new bundle and, more importantly, its recipe will add the files needed to integrate with Symfony UX (and its the integration with Symfony UX that ultimately loads Turbo). Btw, if you ever want to triple-check if Turbo ...
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Hey |mention:78384| You should be able to run Turbo without Stimulus, they aren't dependent on each other. If you load a Stimulus controller does Turbo starts working? Do you see any errors in the browser's console? Cheers! ...
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Hi @MolloKhan, Thanks for your reply. Yes I am trying to get Turbo Drive and Frames working at my Easy Admin project. So there is no way to get the Turbo Drive or Frames working? ...
The links remain hidden for me when the content is loaded in the turbo frame using src despite using turbo-frame:block in the class for the div. I've added the plugin in the tailwind.config.js as directed. ...
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... Hey! I've never used Turbo before but I can't wait to discover it on your training! I already have a first question. Is it possible to use Turbo on EasyAdmin? :)
Thank you for your answer. I finished the course, and the video didn't give an answer. I needed to disable turbo in registration form to see form validation errors with `data-turbo="false"` ...
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It seems that with recent versions of Turbo (eg. 7.2.4) adding `target="_top"` is not required anymore. Unfortunately I can't find out why in Turbo release notes :/ Any idea what caused that improvement? ...
Hey Seb, Yes, in this case, we embedded a turbo-frame containing the HTML of the subsequent pages into the main turbo-frame, which contains the first page results Cheers! ...
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Hi I installed turbo and I get this error DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "turbo-frame" has already been used with this registry I don't know why thnaks! ...
Pausable rendering has been implemented since this video https://github.com/hotwired/turbo/pull/290 I'm going to try to implement it on my own but a video on integrating Swup with Turbo would be awesome ...