2708 search results for Doctrine

... other things :/. In the mean time, you're correct that the Doctrine course will be similar to the SF4 version, but we need to keep that core set of tutorials up to date. And actually, this one will have some new stuff ...
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... with customer ids and brand ids together in a 'cross' table. But i hope there is a better way? 2. I have created a Custom Doctrine ORM Extension. Because I want to add a groupby to a query. This works great, it makes ...
... this transport because it was already deployed in our stack, Rabbit was just overkill for the small input we needed, doctrine is better suited for failed transport and could overflow mysqld on multiple messaging. We ended ...
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... be overkill if you just need to do something simple. 2) Create a custom class (not a Doctrine entity, but you can still put it in the Entity directory) that contains whatever fields you want... which is maybe just a ...
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... listener or subscriber. However this is problematic since Doctrine will remove them from the database too, when I do a flush() to save the modified names. Team.php ``` class Team { private $players = new ...
Thijs-jan V.
Thijs-jan V.
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... namespace: DoctrineMigrations ` doctrine.yaml: ` doctrine_migrations: doctrine: dbal: # configure these for your database server driver: 'pdo_mysql' server_version: '5.7' charset ...
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... UserInterface) and has *these* fields. This would not be a Doctrine entity. Inside getUser(), you would use the information from the JWT to create, populate and return that User object. There's no database query - the User class ...
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... core UniqueEntityValidator class (https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/5c7390006b650ed847ebd7780a2fd18ce9163ad0/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/Validator/Constraints/UniqueEntityValidator.php#L43) and make sure it's being ...
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... I typically avoid mocks... until they're useful ;). For example, if I call a method and *one* of the things it does is save something to the database with Doctrine... and it's *critically* important that this is ...
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... kernel.event_subscriber ``` This is how my event listener looks like now ``` namespace ProjectEverest\CoreBundle\EventListener; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface ...
Shairyar Baig
Shairyar Baig
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... this is my first listener ever..... ``` namespace ProjectEverest\CoreBundle\EventListener; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher ...
Shairyar Baig
Shairyar Baig
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... I've never used the ChoiceType and set the values of the "choices" to entity objects... but I think it should work. Let me know! :) 2) Interesting idea about the audit table! Usually, this is done with a Doctrine event ...
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Making Fixtures Awesome with Alice

... ODM or other doctrine libraries. And I'll create a file called AppFixtures. Copy the contents in there and don't forget to update your namespace and rename the class: The fixtures class is special because it's already ...

Symfony Keep it Simple with Route and Templates

... going to use Doctrine to query for all the posts and then pass them into a template: /** @Route("/posts") / public function indexAction() { } Now, notice that my template name does not have any colons in it. Normally we ...

Enhanced Docker Integration Testing Emails

... level. On Symfony.com, you'll find a blog post called Introducing Docker support. The idea is pretty simple. When you install a new package - Doctrine, for example - that package's recipe may ship with some Docker ...

Filtering Related Collections

... because Doctrine will query for all of the related cheese listings... just so we can then filter that list and return only some of them. If the number of items in the collection will always be pretty small, no big deal. But ...

... specifically for an API? You can do various levels of complexity, but we would typically do this: i) Create a class (maybe it is a Doctrine entity class) with all of the fields in your API. For example, suppose we have ...
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Maker Bundle Let's Generate Some Code

... system, making a controller, generating doctrine entities to talk to the database, forms, listeners, a registration form.... lots and lots of stuff! Let's use one of these to make our own custom console command. Run ...

Factory Data Seeding

... I'm not going to talk too much about these factory classes: we already cover them in our Doctrine tutorial. But this class will make it easy to create LockDown objects, even setting createdAt to a random DateTime ...

Simpler State Processor

... the provider option on DragonTreasure to point to it. The other way - which we did in the last tutorial for this class - is to decorate the core processor. Here, we decorated the PersistProcessor from Doctrine... which ...
