369 search results for EasyAdmin

Hey Ben, I think it should work, because EasyAdmin forms is based on Symfony Form system. Also, EasyAdminBundle has its own events based on Symfony events: https://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/book/complex-dynamic-backends.html#customization-based-on-symfony-events . I hope this helps. Cheers! ...
// ... lines 1 - 94
{% block main %}
{% set _list_item_actions = easyadmin_get_actions_for_list_item(_entity_config.name) %}
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
// ... lines 100 - 129
{% block table_body %}
{% for item in paginator.currentPageResults %}
// ... line 133
<tr data-id="{{ _item_id }}">
// ... lines 135 - 143
{% if _list_item_actions|length > 0 %}
// ... line 145
<td data-label="{{ _column_label }}" class="actions">
{% block item_actions %}
{{ include('@EasyAdmin/default/includes/_actions.html.twig', {
// ... lines 149 - 153
}, with_context = false) }}
{% endblock item_actions %}
{% endif %}
// ... lines 159 - 164
{% endfor %}
{% endblock table_body %}
// ... lines 170 - 189
{% endblock main %}
// ... lines 191 - 244
See Code Block in Script
// ... lines 1 - 15
class GenusController extends Controller
// ... lines 18 - 20
public function feedAction(Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$id = $request->query->get('id');
$genus = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Genus')->find($id);
$menu = ['shrimp', 'clams', 'lobsters', 'dolphin'];
$meal = $menu[random_int(0, 3)];
$this->addFlash('info', $genus->feed([$meal]));
return $this->redirectToRoute('easyadmin', [
// ... lines 33 - 35
// ... lines 38 - 167
See Code Block in Script
... missing I can create a new tag in a modal without leaving the post form. Pretty easy to setup in sonata, is there a trick to do the same in easyAdmin ?
Geoffrey M.
Geoffrey M.
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... It's about having a real homepage for our backend ,I dont know how to implement the solution with easyadmin ,because everything should be configured . Anyway, all we need is an empty homepage.html.twig template, where ...
... simple textarea field on the admin page. The syntax highlighting does not work. Do I have to do something extra? I use EasyAdmin 4 with Symfony 7 Best regards and thanks in advance
... \ComponentWithFormTrait` About EasyAdmin, I've not heard that they're planning to integrate LiveComponents but I'd imagine they eventually will. You may want to ask that question in their GitHub repository or perhaps in the Symfony Slack channel Cheers!
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... /bundles/EasyAdminBundle/layout.html.twig #} {% extends '@!EasyAdmin/layout.html.twig' %} {% block head_javascript %} {{ parent() }} {{ importmap() }} {% endblock %} ``` This application is only an admin ...
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... /fields/posts.html.twig') ->onlyOnDetail(); And in that twig template, I can loop through the posts through: `{% for post in field.value %}` However, I was hoping to make that table function like the tables EasyAdmin has on the Crud Index pages. Is there any way to neatly do this?
... filteredHtmlAttributes = htmlAttributes|merge([])|filter((value, key) => key != excludedKey) %} {% do action.setHtmlAttributes(filteredHtmlAttributes) %} {{ include('@EasyAdmin/crud/action.html.twig') }} ``` Fix only works if I remove the form attribute of the button
Inspired by this tutorial, I've written a [bundle](https://github.com/yaroslavche/easyadminlte), which provides layout (extends EasyAdmin/layout) using https://adminlte.io. It's not production ready and more like an ...
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Ah good catch and nice solution! I'm not sure if there's a better solution or not - in this newer version of the code, we're purposely rendering all of the fields exactly like EasyAdmin would render them, including ...
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... = $queryBuilder ?? $this->createQueryBuilder('mix'); } ` For example I'm trying to reuse a QueryBuilder with this design in EasyAdmins createIndexQueryBuilder(). But EasyAdmin uses a generic 'entity' as its ...
... platform to implement crud-action and build the UI's with Vue or React. I really like EasyAdmin - but it's a fair point - we have multiple excellent options :). Cheers!
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Hi ! Awesome course as usual :) I have a question, i use a lot some admin librairies like Sonata Admin or more recently Easy Admin. I just saw that EasyAdmin disabled UX-turbo because of some conflicts with their ...
Julien Quintiao
Julien Quintiao
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... Hi, I'm having the same problem ... Nothing happens, and I have no errors. I notice that data in my canvas are urlencoded, is correct? I have all installed ``` { "name": "easyadmin", "version": "1.0.0", "main ...
... there too, here's the link to the specific screencast: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-uploads/dropzone - but I'd recommend you to watch the whole tutorial to have more context around. Along with that tutorial and EasyAdmin tutorial, I believe you will solve your problem. Cheers!
... get the UploadedFile so I can resize(if it's an image)? with VichUploaderBundle i could read the $imageFile field but i am struggling to find the File using EasyAdmin imageField. Please Help:pray:
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... `dashboard.html.twig` and put inside following content ``` {% extends '@EasyAdmin/page/content.html.twig' %} {% block content_title %}Dashboard{% endblock %} ``` Now in `src/Controller/Admin/DashboardController.php` change `index ...
... template) {# templates/admin/my-custom-page.html.twig #} {% extends '@EasyAdmin/page/content.html.twig' %} {% block content_title %}The Title of the Page{% endblock %} {% block page_actions %} Some Action {% endblock ...