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Admin Dashboard

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Installing EasyAdmin didn't do anything fancy: it doesn't have a recipe that adds config files or a button that makes cute kittens appear. Darn. It just added itself and registered its bundle. So simply installing the bundle didn't give us any new routes or pages.

For example, if I try to go to /admin, we see "Route Not Found." That's because the first step after installing EasyAdmin is to create an admin dashboard: a sort of "landing page" for your admin. You'll typically have only one of these in your app, but you can have multiple, like for different admin user types.

And we don't even need to create this dashboard thingy by hand! Back at your terminal, run:

symfony console make:admin:dashboard

As a reminder, symfony console is exactly the same as running php bin/console. The only difference is that running symfony console allows the Docker environment variables to be injected into this command. It typically makes no difference unless you're running a command that requires database access. So, in this case, php bin/console would work just fine.

I'll stick with symfony console throughout this tutorial. So say:

symfony console make:admin:dashboard

We'll call it DashboardController, generate it into src/Controller/Admin and... done! This created one new file: src/Controller/Admin/DashboardController.php. Let's go check it out!

When I open it...

// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace App\Controller\Admin;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Config\Dashboard;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Config\MenuItem;
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AbstractDashboardController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
#[Route('/admin', name: 'admin')]
public function index(): Response
return parent::index();
public function configureDashboard(): Dashboard
return Dashboard::new()
public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
yield MenuItem::linkToDashboard('Dashboard', 'fa fa-home');
// yield MenuItem::linkToCrud('The Label', 'fas fa-list', EntityClass::class);

Hmm. There's not much here yet. But one thing you might notice is that it has a route for /admin:

// ... lines 1 - 10
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
#[Route('/admin', name: 'admin')]
public function index(): Response
// ... line 16
// ... lines 18 - 29

So now, if we find our browser and go to /admin... we do hit the admin dashboard!


Since version 4.0.3 of EasyAdmin, this welcome page looks a bit different! For example, it won't have the side menu that you see in the video. To see the links - and follow better with the tutorial - create a new dashboard template that will extend the base layout from EasyAdmin:

{# templates/admin/index.html.twig #}

{% extends '@EasyAdmin/page/content.html.twig' %}

Then, comment out the return parent::index(); line in DashboardController::index() and instead render this template:

class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
    #[Route('/admin', name: 'admin')]
    public function index(): Response
        return $this->render('admin/index.html.twig');

We'll talk much more later about how to use and design this dashboard page!

I want to point out a few important things. The first is that we do have a /admin route... and there's nothing fancy or "EasyAdmin" about it. This is just... how we create routes in Symfony. This is a PHP 8 attribute route, which you may or may not be familiar with. I've typically used annotations until now. But because I'm using PHP 8, I'll be using attributes instead of annotations throughout the tutorial. Don't worry though! They work exactly the same. If you're still using PHP 7, you can use annotations just fine.

The second important thing is that DashboardController is just a normal controller. Though, it does extend AbstractDashboardController:

// ... lines 1 - 6
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AbstractDashboardController;
// ... lines 8 - 10
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// ... lines 13 - 29

Hold Cmd or Ctrl and click to jump into that class.

This implements DashboardControllerInterface. So this is a normal controller, but by implementing this interface, EasyAdmin knows that we're inside the admin section... and boots up its engine. We'll learn all about what that means throughout the tutorial.

Most importantly, this class has a number of methods that we can override to configure what our dashboard looks like. We'll also be doing that throughout this tutorial.

Securing the Dashboard

And because this is just a normal route and controller, it also follows the normal security rules that we would expect. Right now, this means that no security is being applied. I mean, check it out: I'm not even logged in, but I am successfully on the admin dashboard!


In Symfony 6.2, you can use the #[IsGranted()] attribute without installing SensioFrameworkExtraBundle. It's now part of the core!

So let's secure it! I'll also do this with an attribute. I already have SensioFrameworkExtraBundle installed, so I can say #[IsGranted()] and hit "tab" to auto-complete that. Let's require any user accessing this controller to have ROLE_ADMIN... that's kind of a base admin role that all admin users have in my app:

// ... lines 1 - 7
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\IsGranted;
// ... lines 9 - 11
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// ... line 15
public function index(): Response
// ... line 18
// ... lines 20 - 31

Now when we refresh... beautiful! We bounced back over to the login page!

To log in, open src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php:

67 lines | src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures.php
// ... lines 1 - 11
class AppFixtures extends Fixture
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
// Load Users
'email' => 'superadmin@example.com',
'plainPassword' => 'adminpass',
'email' => 'admin@example.com',
'plainPassword' => 'adminpass',
'email' => 'moderatoradmin@example.com',
'plainPassword' => 'adminpass',
'email' => 'tisha@symfonycasts.com',
'plainPassword' => 'tishapass',
'firstName' => 'Tisha',
'lastName' => 'The Cat',
'avatar' => 'tisha.png',
// ... lines 50 - 64

I have a bunch of dummy users in the database: there's a super admin, a normal admin, and then somebody known as a moderator. We'll talk more about these later when we get deeper into how to secure different parts of your admin for different roles.

Anyways, log in with admin@example.com... password adminpass, and... beautiful! We're back to our dashboard!

Of course, if you want to, instead of using the IsGranted PHP attribute, you could also say $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted(). And you could also go to config/packages/security.yaml and, down at the bottom, add an access_control that protects the entire /admin section:

55 lines | config/packages/security.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 36
# Easy way to control access for large sections of your site
# Note: Only the *first* access control that matches will be used
- { path: ^/admin, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
- { path: ^/profile, roles: ROLE_USER }
// ... lines 42 - 55

Actually, adding this access_control is basically required: using only the IsGranted attribute is not enough. We'll learn why a bit later.

Configuring the Dashboard

So our dashboard is the "jumping off point" for our admin, but there's nothing particularly special here. The page has a title, some menu items, and a nice little user menu over here. Eventually, we'll render something cool on this page - like some stats and graphs - instead of this message from EasyAdmin. Oh, and all of this styling is done with Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome. More on tweaking the design later.

Before we move on, let's see if we can customize the dashboard a little bit. One of the absolute best things about EasyAdmin is that all the config is done in PHP. Yay! It's usually done via methods in your controller. For example: want to configure the dashboard? There's a configureDashboard() method for that!

// ... lines 1 - 11
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// ... lines 14 - 20
public function configureDashboard(): Dashboard
return Dashboard::new()
// ... lines 26 - 31

We can change the title of the page to "Cauldron Overflow Admin":

// ... lines 1 - 11
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// ... lines 14 - 20
public function configureDashboard(): Dashboard
return Dashboard::new()
->setTitle('Cauldron Overflow Admin');
// ... lines 26 - 31

When we refresh... we see "Cauldron Overflow Admin"! And there are a number of other methods... just look at the auto-complete from your editor. There are methods related to the favicon path... and something about the sidebar being minimized. That's referring to a nice feature where you can click on the separator for the sidebar to collapse or expand it.

The main part of the dashboard is really these menu items. And, we only have one right now. This is controlled by configureMenuItems():

// ... lines 1 - 11
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// ... lines 14 - 26
public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
yield MenuItem::linkToDashboard('Dashboard', 'fa fa-home');
// yield MenuItem::linkToCrud('The Label', 'fas fa-list', EntityClass::class);

Just to prove that we can, let's change the icon to fa-dashboard:

// ... lines 1 - 11
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
// ... lines 14 - 26
public function configureMenuItems(): iterable
yield MenuItem::linkToDashboard('Dashboard', 'fa fa-dashboard');
// ... line 30

This leverages the FontAwesome library. When we refresh, new icon!

So we can definitely do more with our dashboard, but that's enough for now. Because what we're really here for are the "CRUD controllers". These are the sections of our site where we will be able to create, read, update, and delete all of our entities. Let's get those going next!