1015 search results for API Platform

Adding the plainPassword Field

... older Symfony 3 Security Tutorial. We're going to try a different approach - an approach that's more specific to API Platform. Before we get there, let's write a test to make sure this works. In the test/Functional ...

Hey André P. ! Thanks for the detailed information! This is pretty interesting. So, I am not aware of anything in the Symfony serializer itself (ignoring API Platform for a moment) that would do this. In fact, you can ...
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Hey David! A mystery! Ok, so we know that going to via the (1) API Platform interface works correctly but (2) going to this URL via axios is NOT ...
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... fact that there is no setter (just the constructor argument) isn't confusing API Platform. It's possible that it incorrectly thinks that the firstName property is not "settable", and thus is not including it in the POST ...
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Hey Wannes V.! I understand :). First, let me explain *why* this happens. A) When you make a request to `GET /api/child`, API Platform makes a query for the "child" entities. And when it does that, it includes ysour ...
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... ApiPlatform\Core\Metadata\Property\Factory\CachedPropertyMetadataFactory::create() must be of the type string, integer given, called in /var/www/qual.stupvzw.be/public_html/vendor/api-platform/core/src/Serializer ...
@weaverryan @shadowcplays Why this does not cover the FORMS ? There is big hole between API Platform and Symfony Forms extension.... I saw many posts on the internet when nobody has normal process how to ...
... SecurityController - it won't be part of your API... but... boom! It works B) Create a custom operation on User C) Use the Messenger integration with API Platform - by chance, their example is actually a password reset: https ...
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... Hi, I'm afraid this is not working (anymore? I'm on Api Platform Core version 3.2.13). With this code : ```
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Thanks for all these tutorials and for your awesome talk at the Api Platform Conference last week ...
It actually worked with a custom normalizer. According to API Platform doc, unlike event system, normalizers & denormalizers are GraphQL friendly ...
Is the service ApiPlatform\Core\DataPersister\DataPersisterInterface available in Api Platform 3.0 and higher? Symfony can't see this. ...
Hey Daniel W.! Are you looking for this? https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/query-extension Let me know! Cheers! ...
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How would that work, when I use API-Platform. Is there an easy way to use LiipImagineBundle and AWS S3? ...
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FYI, code block was fixed in https://github.com/SymfonyCasts/api-platform/commit/7313e5e275cdcf8181555a41b29413c0cb0c3aea Thank you for reporting it! Cheers! ...
Hey John christensen It's a Symfony bug. Read this thread: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/serializer#comment-4493208070 Cheers! ...
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Happy new year, thank you and cheers, all at once. Indeed it works like in the api-platform example ...
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The way I see it, in Api Platform 3 you are supposed to use StateProvider, implementing ProviderInterface. See [https://api-platform.com/docs/core/state-providers/](https://api-platform.com/docs/core/state-providers/) for more. As I am trying to learn things myself, this might not be correct. ...
Hi, and want ask from another side. If we are using API Platform (currently it this time v2.6+) should we use somehow the pagination from it without that we will call api request ? Mean by use statement in controller of some part of Api Platfrom ? ...
I think i found it. It's the `vendor\api-platform\core\src\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\SubresourceDataProvider.php`. If i change it back to what it was before the composer update it all works again. It turns out that api-pack ...