1015 search results for API Platform

... lead developer of it is also the lead developer of API Platform (which uses it). I think both are solid choices, but I would go with the Symfony serializer at this point. I would also recommend looking into API Platform itself - we are definitely planning a tutorial on it at some point - it's amazing. Cheers!
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Hey @Marcin! Interesting situation :). > 1) Can I do that in easy way (with all of automation which API Platform provides)? Yes-ish... ;) See below > 2) Should I do that like this? (I mean, is that good approach ...
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... puts it on "data" key of $request->attributes - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/29cd84b6deed2f0473c631eb003bc870616ef5f8/src/EventListener/DeserializeListener.php#L104-L107 B) The DenyAccessListener ...
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... password property)] So, I have two questions: 1) Can I do that in easy way (with all of automation which API Platform provides)? 2) Should I do that like this? (I mean, is that good approach). I think that is common ...
... there is probably not much difference :). In fact, the data persister system is called FROM a listener - WriteListener - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/2.6/src/EventListener/WriteListener.php - which listens on kernel.view :). Cheers!
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... ``` { "title": "..." "owner": "/api/users/1" } ``` This is a key feature of API Platform: when it sees that the CheeseListing.owner property is a User object, and it knows that User object is an API Resource ...
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Hey @sujal_k! This longer description of the whole process might help :) https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/collection-relation-setting#comment-32177 Cheers! ...
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Hi |mention:3768| , Thanks for the answer. Still not sure how to configure API Platform to avoid this duplication? Here is my ApiResource enabled Symfony Entity class: ``` ...
Hey Gamusta, Here's the list of possible arguments for ApiProperty: https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/main/src/Metadata/ApiProperty.php#L45 - there's `security`, but no `securityMessage`. Cheers! ...
Hello! Thanks, but It does not solve the problem. However I've set a solution, for anybody who need it https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/4672#issuecomment-1557480806. ...
yes, i use api platform,i konw how sort by property,but if i want sort by custom condition,how to do that,thanks ...
Hey Richad-H! It's planned! Work hasn't started yet, but this is a high priority for me - time to update this for API Platform 3! Cheers! ...
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Thanks for posting your solution kkedzierski! We're going to update this tutorial for API Platform 3 soon, but in the mean time, this is very helpful! ...
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I solved my problem by looking at this little tip that I had missed: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/query-item-extension ...
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Hi Ryan, How we deal with many to many relations and Api Platform? Do you information about this case? Thank you! Raúl. ...
Hi team! Are you going to publish a demo of mercure without using symfony turbo in this course? Some reactjs example using api platform? Thanks! ...
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Hey Cesar C. ! Excellent question! You an find info about that a bit later in this tutorial :) https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/query-extension Cheers! ...
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@weaverryan can you please answer this question? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66547232/how-i-can-resolve-502-bad-gateway-in-api-platform-custom-operation ...
Hello weaverryan ! I described the problem with more details in Stackoverflow question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65236214/api-platform-com-unsuported-media-type. ...
Hey Auro I believe this other tutorial may give you good ideas of how to do so https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/custom-resource Cheers! ...
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