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@SerializedName & Constructor Args


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When we read a CheeseListing resource, we get a description field. But when we send data, it's called textDescription. And... that's technically fine: our input fields don't need to match our output fields. But... if we could make these the same, that might make life easier for anyone using our API.

It's pretty easy to guess how these properties are created: the keys inside the JSON literally match the names of the properties inside our class. And in the case of a fake property like textDescription, API Platform strips off the "set" part and makes it lower camel case. By the way, like everything in API Platform, the way fields are transformed into keys is something you can control at a global level: it's called a "name converter".

Controlling Field Names: @SerializedName

Anyways, it would be kinda nice if the input field were just called description. We'd have input description, output description. Sure, internally, we would know setTextDescription() was called on input and getDescription() on output, but the user wouldn't need to care or worry about this.

And... yes! You can totally control this with a super useful annotation. Above setTextDescription(), add @SerializedName() with description.

149 lines | src/Entity/CheeseListing.php
// ... lines 1 - 23
class CheeseListing
// ... lines 25 - 96
// ... lines 98 - 100
* @SerializedName("description")
public function setTextDescription(string $description): self
// ... lines 104 - 147

Refresh the docs! If we try the GET operation... that hasn't changed: still description. But for the POST operation... yes! The field is now called description, but the serializer will call setTextDescription() internally.

What about Constructor Arguments

Ok, so we know that the serializer likes to work by calling getter and setter methods... or by using public properties or a few other things like hasser or isser methods. But what if I want to give my class a constructor? Well, right now we do have a constructor, but it doesn't have any required arguments. That means that the serializer has no problems instantiating this class when we POST a new CheeseListing.

But... you know what? Because every CheeseListing needs a title, I'd like to give this a new required argument called $title. You definitely don't need to do this, but for a lot of people, it makes sense: if a class has required properties: force them to be passed in via the constructor!

And now that we have this, you might also decide that you don't want to have a setTitle() method anymore! From an object-oriented perspective, this makes the title property immutable: you can only set it once when creating the CheeseListing. It's kind of a silly example. In the real world, we probably would want the title to be changeable. But, from an object-oriented perspective, there are situations when you want to do exactly this.

Oh, and don't forget to say $this->title = $title in the constructor.

143 lines | src/Entity/CheeseListing.php
// ... lines 1 - 23
class CheeseListing
// ... lines 26 - 62
public function __construct(string $title)
$this->title = $title;
// ... line 66
// ... lines 68 - 141

The question now is... will the serializer be able to work with this? Is it going to be super angry that we removed setTitle()? And when we POST to add a new one, will it be able to instantiate the CheeseListing even though it has a required arg?

Whelp! Let's try it! How about crumbs of some blue cheese... for $5. Execute and... it worked! The title is correct!

Um... how the heck did that work? Because the only way to set the title is via the constructor, it apparently knew to pass the title key there? How?

The answer is... magic! I'm kidding! The answer is... by complete luck! No, I'm still totally lying. The answer is because of the argument's name.

Check this out: change the argument to $name, and update the code below. From an object-oriented perspective, that shouldn't change anything. But hit execute again.

143 lines | src/Entity/CheeseListing.php
// ... lines 1 - 62
public function __construct(string $name)
$this->title = $name;
// ... line 66
// ... lines 68 - 143

Huge error! A 400 status code:

Cannot create an instance of CheeseListing from serialized data because its constructor requires parameter "name" to be present.

My compliments to the creator of that error message - it's awesome! When the serializer sees a constructor argument named... $name, it looks for a name key in the JSON that we're sending. If that doesn't exist, boom! Error!

So as long as we call the argument $title, it all works nicely.

Constructor Argument can Change Validation Errors

But there is one edge case. Pretend that we're creating a new CheeseListing and we forget to send the title field entirely - like, we have a bug in our JavaScript code. Hit Execute.

We do get back a 400 error... which is perfect: it means that the person making the request has something wrong with their request. But, the hydra:title isn't very clear:

An error occurred

Fascinating! The hydra:description is way more descriptive... actually a bit too descriptive - it shows off some internal things about our API... that I maybe don't want to make public. At least the trace won't show up on production.

Showing these details inside hydra:description might be ok with you... But if you want to avoid this, you need to rely on validation, which is a topic that we'll talk about in a few minutes. But, what you need to know now is that validation can't happen unless the serializer is able to successfully create the CheeseListing object. In other words, you need to help the serializer out by making this argument optional.

143 lines | src/Entity/CheeseListing.php
// ... lines 1 - 62
public function __construct(string $title = null)
// ... lines 65 - 66
// ... lines 68 - 143

If you try this again... ha! A 500 error! It does create the CheeseListing object successfully... then explodes when it tries to add a null title in the database. But, that's exactly what we want - because it will allow validation to do its work... once we add that in a few minutes.


Actually, the auto-validation was not enabled by default in Symfony 4.3, but may be in Symfony 4.4.

Oh, and if you're using Symfony 4.3, you may already see a validation error! That's because of a new feature that can automatically convert your database rules - the fact that we've told Doctrine that title is required in the database - into validation rules. Fun fact, this feature was contributed to Symfony by Kèvin Dunglas - the lead developer of API Platform. Sheesh Kèvin! Take a break once in awhile!

Next: let's explore filters: a powerful system for allowing your API clients to search and filter through our CheeseListing resources.