2709 search results for Doctrine

Installing Doctrine

... talk to the database? The answer is... no! Because... it doesn't have to! Why? Enter Doctrine: the most powerful library in the PHP world for working with databases. And Symfony and Doctrine work great together: they're ...

Databases and Doctrine

... run raw SQL queries, that's great! When we create services in Episode 3, you'll learn some life-saving strategies to organize something like this. But most people that use Symfony use a third-party library called Doctrine ...

Doctrine en dehors des sentiers battus Romaric Drigon

... L'ORM Doctrine offre beaucoup plus de flexibilité qu'il n'y paraît. Dans cette présentation, nous allons nous intéresser à son fonctionnement interne et à ses fonctionnalités moins connues, pour découvrir comment mieux ...

Doctrine en dehors des sentiers battus Romaric Drigon

... L'ORM Doctrine offre beaucoup plus de flexibilité qu'il n'y paraît. Dans cette présentation, nous allons nous intéresser à son fonctionnement interne et à ses fonctionnalités moins connues, pour découvrir comment mieux ...

Doctrine DQL

Hey there friends! And thanks for joining me for to a tutorial that's all about the nerdery around running queries in Doctrine. It sounds simple... and it is for a while. But then you start adding joins, grouping ...

ManyToOne Doctrine Relationships

ManyToOne Doctrine Relationships¶ Right now, if I creat an Event, there’s no database link back to my user. We don’t know which user created each Event. To fix this, we need to create a OneToMany relationship from ...

Installing Doctrine

Well hey friends! And bienvenidos to our tutorial about learning Spanish! What? That's next week? Doctrine? Ah: welcome to our tutorial all about making Symfony talk to a database... in English. We learned a ton in the ...

Simple Doctrine Data Fixtures

... database. We created some data fixtures, in a sense, via this new action. But Doctrine has a system specifically designed for this. Search for "doctrinefixturesbundle" to find its GitHub repository. And you can actually read ...

The Patterns Behind Doctrine

... denis.brumann [at] sensiolabs.de and also on twitter and GitHub with my initial and last name. And before I start I want to make clear that everything I will talk about is about Doctrine 2 not Doctrine 3. It's not out yet ...

Doctrine Extensions Sluggable and Timestampable

Doctrine Extensions: Sluggable and Timestampable¶ I want to show you a little bit of Doctrine magic by using an open source library called DoctrineExtensions. The first bit of magic we’ll add is a slug to Event. Not ...

Doctrine Extensions Timestampable

... and cleverly set it by hand in the constructor. But what about $updatedAt? Doctrine does have an awesome event system, and we could hook into that to run code on "update" that sets that property. But there's a library ...

Doctrine postLoad Listener

... property in our entity but not persist it to Doctrine. Call it $isMvp and let's add some documentation that can be used by the API docs: Returns true if this user is an MVP Next, down at the bottom, go to "Code ...

Sluggable Doctrine Extensions

... for entities, including one called Sluggable. And actually, the bundle is just a tiny layer around another library called doctrine extensions. This is where the majority of the documentation lives. Anyways, let's get the ...


... simple solution to that. Just copy the full Entity annotation, say use, paste that and then delete the last part and instead stay as ORM;: That's the standard use statement that you see at the top of all Doctrine ...

Doctrine Transaction Validation Middleware

... this middleware, it will wrap your handler inside a Doctrine transaction. If the handler throws an exception, it will rollback the transaction. And if no exception is thrown, it will commit it. This means that your handler ...

// ... lines 1 - 31
abstract class CacheProvider implements Cache, FlushableCache, ClearableCache, MultiGetCache
// ... lines 34 - 276
See Code Block in Script
// ... lines 1 - 32
class ArrayCache extends CacheProvider
// ... lines 35 - 93
See Code Block in Script
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace AppBundle\Doctrine;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter;
class DiscontinuedFilter extends SQLFilter
* Gets the SQL query part to add to a query.
* @param ClassMetaData $targetEntity
* @param string $targetTableAlias
* @return string The constraint SQL if there is available, empty string otherwise.
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias)
// ...
See Code Block in Script
15 lines | src/Doctrine/DiscontinuedFilter.php
// ... lines 1 - 4
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter;
class DiscontinuedFilter extends SQLFilter
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias)
// TODO: Implement addFilterConstraint() method.
See Code Block in Script