585 search results for Turbo

... prepend row!). I think (though I still need to play with it more and see what patterns develop) the ultimate solution will be in Turbo 8. In Turbo 8, I believe we'll be able to send back a ``. This will simply tell ...
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Hey @tonysm! > Nice! I'd add a data-turbo-temporary attribute to the notification message itself so it's not added to the page cache if the user leaves the page before the notification is closed/removed (it would ...
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... This IS what I would do, however, in 99% of the cases when I needed to do a manual visit in Turbo. But you mentioned: > The routes are created using data from an ajax response Ok, so you basically have a situation where ...
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Bonus More on Flowbite

... little JavaScript so that when we click, this opens and closes. We're not using this at SymfonyCasts... and it doesn't play well with Turbo. At least not out of the box. We prefer to create tiny Stimulus controllers to ...

Live Components

Happy Day 27 of Last Stack! We've accomplished a lot during the first 26 days with just three letters of LAST Stack: Asset Mapper, Stimulus, and Turbo. Today we crack the code on the L of LAST Stack: Live components ...

Modal Twig Component

... <twig:Modal>. Easy! However, look closer at Modal.html.twig: there are some things that shouldn't be here. For example, the <turbo-frame>! Not every modal needs a frame. A lot of times, we'll render a modal with simple ...

``` An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("The following keys are not valid for the importmap entry "@hotwired/turbo": "url". Valid keys are: "path", "version", "type", "entrypoint", "package_specifier"."). ``` The suggested importmap code doesn't work anymore. ...
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What is the status on the morphing functionality? I have the latest turbo version but adding the meta tags in the head as per the documentation doesn't seem to do anything ...
Hey |mention:58721| It's hard to tell what's causing that unexpected behavior from Turbo, the only thing that catches my attention is the Response status code, try with 301, or 302 Cheers! ...
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If we use react/angular it updates only part of the page right? full page reload over Ajax will have performance issues when we use Turbo compared to react in bigger applications? ...
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Thank you for responding! I checked the toolbar and the console and could not find an error. I also checked the modal turbo-frame and there was no html inside it. ...
Hey Nexo, Awesome, I'm glad you figured it out yourself, well done! Yeah, all those Turbo-related topics are something new and it's easy to miss something simple. You just need to get used to it with more practice ;) Cheers! ...
Do we still need to do the manipulation to make the forms compatible with turbo in symfony 6.4? I have the impression that it works correctly even without changing anything... ...
... I'm not saying it is impossible but basically, you'll have to modify EasyAdmin in a way that it can work with Turbo. That's something I've not done in the past, so I can't say how hard it might.
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Hey |mention:39473| yes, the response just needs to return HTML wrapped in a turbo-frame element with the same ID as the one you want to replace Cheers! ...
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... Hi, I'm using a Live Component with a Live Action that ends with `return $this->redirectToRoute('my-route');` Is there a way to load this new page (only the changing part) in a turbo-frame ? Thanks for your answer Cyril
thank you very much for the answers, at this point the question comes naturally, why choose stimulus/turbo and not react or vue js? I would like to understand the pros and cons between the two choices. ^_^ ...
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Sure, I take this opportunity to ask another question, but is this topic of the turbo and the hotwire very new ? I have had to search around for information or even pre-made templates but without success. Thank you ...
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Thanks a lot Ryan for this incredible course. I have a side question: can you tell us which plugins do you use in your Phpstorm? In mine, twig:Button or turbo-stream for example are underlined because unknown for Phpstorm. Thanks! ...
I am trying to use AssetMapper, stimulus and turbo. I have a custom bundle that I use. I am lost as to how to use/register the custom bundles's stimulus controllers to my main project. Could you please advise. ...
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