1015 search results for API Platform

Hey @solverat! I am... actually not sure :). Have you tried it yet and run into any issues? What exactly do you want to accomplish? The input/output DTO's are super interesting - but even the people at API Platform know they have some limitations. Cheers! ...
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... the argument to the command, `make:entity` incorrectly skips the interactive "Mark this class as an API Platform resource?` question. I'll open an issue about that :). Cheers!
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Hey Evozon S. That's a good question, to be honest I'm not sure why it's still experimental, I'd say it's a good testing library that you can use in your projects but would be better if someone from the ApiPlatform project can confirm it. Perhaps you could ask this question here? https://github.com/api-platform/core Cheers! ...
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... should be allowed. You can find more information here https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/data-page-load#comment-5399857614 Cheers!
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Hello ! Do you recommend working with this "generator" on every project with API Platform? Do you ? Does it cover all the needs that we might have during development? I have heard of "SubResources", I never used them, but if I were to use it, would the generator work? Or is it still better to do everything by hand? Thank you ! ...
Hello, in API Platform 2.5, so, which is the best solution between : ``` 'put' => [ 'security_post_denormalize' => "is_granted('ROLE_USER') and previous_object.getOwner() == user ...
Hey Jean-tilapin That's a good question. Perhaps creating your own filters it's the way to go here so you can customize as much as needed your query logic. This Github issue may be related to your problem https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/2690 Cheers! ...
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Hey Tristan P.! As I just mentioned on a different chapter, I think this issue is the same as the other one - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/user-resource#comment-5364446748 I am also not aware of any issue that's been opened yet - I would love if you could open it! Cheers! ...
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there PHP: Version 8 Symfony: Version 5.2 with API platform I am trying to store Doctrine entity object to cache. When next time I retrieve same object from cache, doctrine consider that object as new object and try to persist it. Can u help me to solve this issue ? Thanks ...
Hey Vladyslav K.! Totally! We talk about it here - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/collections-create - in that video, we allow you to make a POST request to create a User... but where you can also ...
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Hi there i have created API platform 2.6 app and I'm using tests that extends ApiTestCase, so i'm creating some entities before POST call, but that EntityManager in that POST call don't "see" those new entites thus error: Item not found ...
Daniel K.
Daniel K.
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Thanks a lot for tutorials! Really want to get know about how to combine Vue with Symfony Forms (maybe without API Platform, but with plain action with formView from controller) in proper way, and maybe how to compile ...
... Hi, I'm using api-platform configuration with yaml and not with annotations, also the serializer, so, I'm struggling to get a getProperty() to work with groups, like your example of getCreatedAtAgo(), but, in my case, I ...
Nestor B.
Nestor B.
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It was really difficult to come up with a working example because the documentation is not very clear on this issue and I am not that good with api platform yet so..., weaverryan what do you think of this solution? Do you have any suggestion? I hope this help someone!! Cheers!!! ...
Hi weaverryan! Yes, indeed, I am using the new authentication manager. I completely missed this incompatibility issue with it. After upgrading to the 2.6.0-beta.1 version of api-platform/core all tests are passing and I get lovely 401 error messages. Awesome! Thank you! ...
Fränz F.
Fränz F.
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... something (sort of) similar here - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/auto-groups I hope that helps! Cheers!
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My voters use constants for their roles. `const EDIT_POST = 'EDIT_POST';` Is there anyway to use these inside the annotation the same way we would do in a controller? I've been trying a couple of things, but nothing worked so far. Using Symfony 5.2.1 with PHP 7.4 and API Platform 2.5.9 ...
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Hey Carlos! In 2020/2021, I am using Symfony's native testing tools (also, if you use API Platform, they have some nice add-ons onto the testing tools). Behat is really interesting, but I think, for most people, it's probably a bit overkill for API's. So, use PHPUnit with whatever "test client" your framework gives you :). Cheers! ...
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Hola Cesar C. Entre este curso y el mas reciente de ApiPlatform (https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending ) puedes encontrar casi todas esas tecnologias, solo hace falta Auth2.0 pero gracias por la sugerencia, las tomamos en serio para decidir que cursos desarrollar primero. Saludos! ...
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Hey Rafal, Hm, interesting... in the latest version of ApiPlatform I see that $context is optional, see https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/v2.5.7/src/DataProvider/Pagination.php#L169 . Probably it's required in ...