2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Sean! Thanks for the post here! Thanks to this ping, I'm now following up and pushing on the fix in doctrine/data-fixtures so we can get it as soon as possible - https://github.com/doctrine/data-fixtures/pull/349 ...
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So basically migrations for doctrine serve just as a speed up process of doctrine update, since the entities changes are already in the version control system. But I assume figuring out each time ORM entities changes ...
Hey Dung L. As far as I know there is no way to get the final SQL from Doctrine because Doctrine sends the "prepared" SQL to the Database but what you can do is to enable logging in your Database so you can get the final SQL. Here you can see how to enable it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/304008/2088447 Cheers! ...
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Hey Galgaldas, Haha, I suppose it's not :) Well, at least I don't see any info that sas it's deprecated in the source code :) https://github.com/doctrine/orm/blob/b06efe34087921274706016bc54bb0a373e4e0d2/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManagerInterface.php#L33-L38 I think you just can get the DB connection in a few ways. Cheers! ...
Hey Akavir S. Interesting! It sounds like one of Doctrine bugs 🐛 (https://github.com/doctrine/orm/issues/6267) If it make sense, than I'll advice to modify your query somehow, probably add `r.id` will fix it, or not anyways try, and come back with some results) Cheers! ...
Hey Abdessamad E.!' Good solve! This should NOT be necessary, but there is temporarily a bug in DoctrineBundle that is requiring you to clear your cache after any Doctrine "metadata" changes. Actually, the bug has been ...
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Hi, When i attempt ./app/console doctrine:schema:create I receive this error [Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException] [Syntax Error] Expected Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got ...
Hey Dung, Good question! Definitely you need to create an entity first, and then let Doctrine to do the low level set up for you. The reverse is useful for legacy projects only, when you have a DB already and want to migrate your project to Doctrine base on your table. Cheers! ...
Hi Tobias I. , Personally, for fields like createdAt and updatedAt I choose to use Doctrine Lifecycle Callbacks: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.6/reference/events.html#lifecycle-callbacks For author, api-platform already handle it if you give the author IRI to the POST/PUT endpoint. ...
Hi, thanks for this tutorial. I have created some messages and I used doctrine transport like in this tutorial , but I want to ask you as you are an expert in symfony , better using doctrine transport or rabbitmq ? which one is the most efficient and faster ? Thanks ...
Hey @Sym If you have Doctrine installed on your project it should just work out of the box. Double check that you are using Doctrine on your project and if that's the case and the problem persists, please, let us know :) Cheers! ...
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Hey man I think I found the problem. In your `Patient` entity you missed an starting `@` on line 8 `ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Ewave\Repository\PatientRepository")` Also, try enabling the `auto_mapping` Doctrine config ...
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MolloKhan `LoadBasicParkData` extends `Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\Fixture` which implements `DependentFixtureInterface`... When we remove extended class - `addReference` method is no longer available. When we ...
... ['%memcached.servers%', '%memcached.config%'] doctrine.cache.memcached: class: Doctrine\Common\Cache\MemcachedCache calls: - [ setMemcached, [ '@memcached.doctrine' ] ] ``` and all It's ok but now How ...
Gianluca M.
Gianluca M.
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Hey there! Yes, you're right! But either way, Doctrine won't make a query to the database if it doesn't need to. In other words, both ways will result in 0 queries if there is no change. But, there will be a small performance boost with your method, since Doctrine doesn't even need to check on this. Cheers! ...
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For everyone that has the connection refused error: Add the following parameter to doctrines.yaml: "unix_socket: /path/to/mysql.sock" For MAMP is this: /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock Symfony doctrine docs ...
Hey Amin A. This problem is related to a release of Doctrine migration package, we're investigating the issue but at least you can read a couple of solutions that Ryan provides here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/comment-entity#comment-4316029472 Cheers! ...
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hello wen i try to create migration (php bin/console make:migration) for updating user firstname property I got an error: Attempted to load class "AbstractMigration" from namespace "Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations". Did you forget a "use" statement for "Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration"? can you help me with this? ...
Hey! Yea, this is a bug with PHP 7.3 and our version of the dependencies. We're going to upgrade the dependencies soon to avoid this. You can also do this on your own by running `composer update doctrine/orm` - the bug ...
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Is creating query in CommentRepository with `->leftJoin(c.article)->addSelect(article) going to solve the N+1 issue? This is from your tutorial `Going Pro with Doctrine`, but actually the situation there was the ...
Dominik P.
Dominik P.
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