2709 search results for Doctrine

Hi Ryan, I am trying to install the require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle. However I keep getting this back : [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ParameterNotFoundException ...
Hey Cameron, This is actually from doctrine/orm package. This might be an indirect deprecation for other packages that uses doctrine/orm in their dependecies including Foundry like you said. You can just ignore it ...
Hi @Tim-K, Good question, I guess you are using `phpstan/phpstan-doctrine` extension, if so then you can try disable this check with ``` parameters: doctrine: allowNullablePropertyForRequiredField: true ...
Hey Elijah, We talked about running Symfony projects with Docker in e.g. this course: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine - you can download the course code and pull some Docker-related files from ...
... use the corresponding DB. I'm not sure if there are bundles that can help you with it Oh, also, you'll have to set up Doctrine to work with multiple databases https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/multiple_entity_managers.html I hope it helps. Cheers!
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Hi I really like the automatic CreatedAt and UpdatedAt feature. I am wondering how do I change the column name that is created to store these, I'm thinking I would need to edit the file below and add the Doctrine ...
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... Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv::bootEnv() in /somedir/Symfony/code-symfony-doctrine/start/public/index.php:10 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /somedir/Symfony/code-symfony-doctrine/start/public/index.php on line 10 What can i do?
Marnix K.
Marnix K.
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... /symfony/issues/41796 - and it looks like your issue might be fixed with DoctrineBundle 2.43. or higher. Try: `composer update doctrine/doctrine-bundle` and let me know if it helped :). Cheers!
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Excellent question! They do not. This is controlled in your `config/packages/doctrine.yaml` file: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/2.4/config/packages/doctrine.yaml#L13-L16 You ...
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Hi, I´ve been trying to use the new Symfony UID, but having trouble on the Doctrine Type as the doctrine migration tries to create an BINARY(16) column instead of CHAR(36) as on the video. I´m using MySQL. Is there a way to update symfony uuid type to use char(36) or it is better to just use the Ramsey as in the course. ...
Erico Vasconcelos
Erico Vasconcelos
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Hey Aaron, Thank you for your interest in SymfonyCasts tutorials! We're releasing a course called "Mastering Doctrine Relations" - it's in the middle right now and will be releasing about 3 week. After that, the next ...
Hey Mepcuk! Ha, fair enough :). The goal of the previous chapter is probably "Having fake database data is great, and Foundry make it easy, and here is how you use Foundry with Doctrine relations". This chapter really ...
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Hey Monoranjan, Yeah, that's because your Symfony version is 5.1... you should upgrade it to 5.2 first and then you should be able to install that latest 1.6 version of stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle . For Symfony 5.1 ...
... iterate over it. It's a good performance trick sometimes. You can read more about it in Doctrine docs here: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.8/tutorials/extra-lazy-associations.html Cheers!
... Hi!!! I'm trying to find out how to pluralize the words to our native language, Portuguese. It seems to be related to the class in doctrine/inflector/lib/Doctrine/Inflector/InflectorFactory.php. But it is hardcoded ...
Hey danresmejia! > In that regard I see that doctrine transport table has a field called 'available_at' it seems to be related to it. What do you thing? Especially with the Doctrine transport, I certainly can't see a ...
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... ": "/mnt/d/domains/vue/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php", "line": 93, "args": [] },` But where it goes to connect? Actually we don't up docker or any database services.
The information about the JSON type does not seem to be valid anymore here. At least Symfony 5+Doctrine will not automatically decode the array. I have tested this on multiple different MariaDB databases, and all of ...
Wow, I did NOT know that - that's awesome (I never tried it, because even though it makes sense, it feels contrary to how most things work in Doctrine: very explicitly). I'll add a note to the tutorial. Now, if Doctrine ...
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Hey Ecludio! Looks like the latest version of doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle that is 3.x does not work with your project. You can try to install the lower version, e.g. run: $ composer require 'migrations:^2.0 ...