1015 search results for API Platform

... subscriber? The "serialization" context? Try getting it via `$request->attributes->get('_api_normalization_context')` - that is set in an earlier listener - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/fc72dff03c5a6d78609dbe18cf2c7e11a1657d46/src/EventListener/SerializeListener.php#L93 Let me know if that helps! Cheers!!
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Hey Tac-Tacelosky ! API Platform 3 should come out sometime this summer - we're waiting on that before we give the tutorials a facelift for newer php and symfony version. I know, it's not ideal until then :). About ...
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Hey Raul M.! Yea, this gets tricky :). The key is serialization groups. We talk about it here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/embedded So the key should be to add the `datos_personales:read` to your ...
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Hey M_Holstein! > $validatorBuilder = new ValidatorBuilder(); Hmm, you have this code? Are you using the the Symfony Framework or API Platform in a custom application (with no framework)? I'm asking because, in the ...
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... a headless Node CMS, Api Platform, etc - it's a lot. It totally might be necessary - but if you can start simpler, that's always a good choice. Good luck!
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weaverryan , thank you for the reply, I thought a lot about this, and my conclusion is that my case is not a proper way of using the API Platform and REST itself. I think we shouldn't modify the child collection results ...
Hi there, and thanks for the super tutorials series ! Btw, does anybody knows if there's been a change with symfony 5.2 + api platform 2.6.2 ? Because even though I *did* add the logout path in security.yaml and added ...
Lorenzo M.
Lorenzo M.
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Hey Sjoerd! Thanks for the note - sometimes we DO miss things like this :). We don't actually show the setup in the tutorial, but in the first chapter - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/setup ...
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Hey Victor, thank you! But where could I call this method? Because in anywhere I'm calling the create() method. It's part of the configuration. I couldn't find in the Api Platform docs where to change this. I searched ...
... page) but forgot to mention & remove it in the video. Basically, API Platform does *not* register any auto-configuration rules for `SerializerContextBuilderInterface`... and so the autoconfigure: false is meaningless. Iirc, I asked @dunglas about this to verify and he agreed. Cheers!
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Running into an issue with api-platform 2.5 and phpunit. `composer require test --dev` Updated phpunit.xml.dist to SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION=8.2 and created a file in tests/Functional/MyResrouceTest.php Ran "php bin ...
... implementation. And that reading and filtering process sounds very clear and easy but for writing and persisting thats another issue - I guess. Are there ressources how to get the ElasticSearch entites into the Database with Api-Platform?
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Hey lexhartman Seems like it's related to this problem https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/1554 What you can do is to play with the `@SerializedName()` annotation to make it match to your property getter ...
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Hey Hannah R. Looks like there will be some upcoming changes in api platform configuration. There is nothing to worry about because when version 3.0 will be released all configuration changes should be listed. The ...
... so yo use it in API Platform examples (and they use it internally). > But, I'd like to see HA or Clean Architecture with Symfony too! I'll add a couple of votes for this tutorial internally :). Cheers!
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... the API platform, I got the error: "createdAt: this field can not be empty". Same for the updatedAt field. I so tried to set them via a data persister but it looks like it is called after the validation?
... client add an 'accept language' to the request header? And if the 'accept language' is the answer, how do i deal with this in api platform? Thank you for your answer .
Hey teh_policer! Hmm, it sounds like maybe my description of how things should look in API Platform 2.5 was not very clear? Is that correct? I was thinking that the ACL should look like this in 2.5: ``` (2.4 ...
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... depends on price, creation date, owner, location... I wish there will be some performance topic in the next API Platform course, because with a big database mysql could be low performing :)
... > Maybe bad request headers? That's possible, try comparing both requests (dev and prod) I dug for a bit and found this issue on Github: https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/1070 it might be related to your case ...
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