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Backport the API Platform 2.5 Test Tools

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To test our API, we're going to use PHPUnit and some other tools to make a request into our API, get back a response, and assert different things about it, like the status code, that the response is JSON and that the JSON has the right keys.

API platform recently introduced some really nice tools for doing all this. In fact it was so recent that... they're not released yet! When I run:

composer show api-platform/core

...you can see that I'm using Api Platform 2.4.5. These new features will come out in version 2.5. So if you're already on version 2.5, you can skip to the end of this video where we bootstrap our first test.

But if you're with me on 2.4.5... welcome! We're going to do some hacking and backport those features manually into our app. If you downloaded the course code, you should have a tutorial/ directory inside. If you don't have this, try downloading the code again to get it.

Copying the new Test Classes

See this Test/ directory? This contains a copy of all of those new testing classes. The only difference is that I've changed their namespaces to use App\ApiPlatform\Test instead of what they look like inside of ApiPlatform: ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test.

That's because we're going to move all of this directly into our src/ directory. Start by creating a new ApiPlatform/ directory... and then copy Test/ and paste it there.

I'm also going to right click on the tutorial/ directory and say "Mark as Excluded". That tells PhpStorm to ignore those files... which is important so it doesn't get confused by seeing the same classes in two places.

Registering the new Test Client Service

Beyond the new classes, we need to make one other change. Open up config/ and create a new file: services_test.yaml. Thanks to its name, this file will only be loaded in the test environment. Inside, add services: and create a new service called test.api_platform.client: with class: App\ApiPlatform\Test\Client and arguments: ['@test.client']. Also add public: true.

# added so we can use the new API Platform test tools before
# they are released. In API Platform 2.5, this won't be needed.
class: App\ApiPlatform\Test\Client
arguments: ['@test.client']
public: true

These two steps completely replicate what ApiPlatform will give you in version 2.5. Well... unless they change something. I don't normally show unreleased features... because they might change... but these tools are so useful, I just had to include them. When 2.5 does come out, there could be a few differences.

Bootstrapping the First Test

Ok, let's create our first test! Inside the tests/ directory, create a functional/ directory and then a new class: CheeseListingResourceTest.

This isn't an official convention, but because we're functionally testing our API... and because everything in API Platform is based on the API resource, it makes sense to create a test class for each resource: we test the CheeseListing resource via CheeseListingResourceTest.

Make this extend ApiTestCase - that's one of the new classes we just moved into our app. If you're using API Platform 2.5, the namespace will be totally different - it'll start with ApiPlatform\Core.

// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace App\Tests\Functional;
use App\ApiPlatform\Test\ApiTestCase;
class CheeseListingResourceTest extends ApiTestCase
// ... lines 8 - 14

The first thing I want to test is the POST operation - the operation that creates a new CheeseListing. A few minutes ago, under collectionOperations, we added an access control that made it so that you must be logged into use this. Oh... and I duplicated the collectionOperations key too! The second one is overriding the first... so let's remove the extra one.

Anyways, for our first test, I want to make sure this security is working. Add public function testCreateCheeseListing(). And inside, make sure this all isn't an elaborate dream with $this->assertEquals(42, 42).

// ... lines 1 - 8
public function testCreateCheeseListing()
$this->assertEquals(42, 42);
// ... lines 13 - 14

Ok! Run that with:

php bin/phpunit

We're alive! Next, let's turn this into a true functional test against our API! We'll also take care of some other details to make our tests shine.