1015 search results for API Platform

Hi, amazing screencast, thanks! I encounter some issues with API-Platform v2.6. Cookies were never send in response to login request. I discovered that the config framework.yaml file had no more session configuration by ...
Jeremy Pasco
Jeremy Pasco
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Hey, everyone! It seems that, at least in API Platform 2.6.5, adding `@ApiResource()` is not enough, since it requires to explicitly mark the identifier for the resource. So, you'll get an error like this: `No ...
André P.
André P.
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... "Use ApiPlatform" I do not get suggestion and I wonder if you have any suggestion. I do have apiPlatoform up and running as I can hi the swagger page and this is what I have in my composer.json "api-platform/core": "^2.6", Any idea? thanks, Alessandro
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... Hi Kiuega! I'm happy to hear you liked ApiPlatform Admin! Yeah, it's on our TODO to show it in a course. I'm not sure if it will be included in ep4 of Api Platform series or in another separate course, we don't have ...
Love API-Platform, using it as much as possible now. I also use the Symfony proxy, to make my domains easier to work with (symfony proxy:domain:add my-project, then use https://my-project.wip). Can you suggest how to ...
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... the file, i need to transform it into the absolute path No problem :). Add one (or some) non-persisted fields and use a custom data provider to supply those :). We talk about this a bit earlier in the tutorial - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/data-provider Cheers!
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Hey Aaron! Hmm. Is your frontend and backend on different domains? The Location header is set by our code when we log in - https://github.com/SymfonyCasts/api-platform/blob/export-cache-bug/src/Controller ...
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... user's device process the regular collection it gets from the "GET" method, but API Platform should be able to do that more efficiently, right? Through a controller with a specific route, generating my GeoJson "manually ...
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... mind that the system works (and I'm almost positive this is true with GraphQL) by calling getter, setter, adder and remover methods on your object. So if you can get API Platform to call the right method... and that method does it's job, it "should" work. But... this is a very high level answer. Sorry I can't do better! Cheers!
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Hey Sridhar, This is the 2nd tutorial, we created that User entity in the 1st one, exactly here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/user-entity . We based the code of this tutorial on the finish code of ...
Hi, I think there is some kind of bug in swagger-ui or api platform. The schema "cheeses:jsonld-write" does not show that there is an owner property on cheeses. The thing is the owner property actually exists and works ...
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
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... /Kescht/kescht/vendor/api-platform/core/src/Security/ResourceAccessChecker.php` line 52. The token seems to be missing. But is there a token for a not authenticated user?
Fränz F.
Fränz F.
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... exception, creates the 401 and sets it. Then, the ErrorListener that logs is never called. Why aren't things like 400 exceptions logged? I'm not sure about that. I would expect those to also be logged. My guess is that API Platform is somehow treating those differently, but I can't see where exactly. Cheers!
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... in terminal appears Uncaught AccessDeniedException. So in my DI container it would be tons of error messages about it. API platform catches 401 but does not catch 403 exception. Can you help me with that?Expected behaviour is that AccessDeniedException would not be shown in terminal by default during the tests running
... //github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/5.x/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/EventListener/ErrorListener.php#L127-L136 > Cause API platform does not catches an AccessDeniedException by default Does it not? I thought it did. What do you see when you get an access denied page? The big HTML page? Cheers!
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Hey Xav, Thank you for the feedback! :) Yeah, we're going to release it shortly... it should definitely happen this year, most probably after API Platform v3 tutorial. My wild guess is that it may be start releasing ...
... that repeats itself, so I wonder if it's possible to get errors directly from the api platform so that the errors are separate for each field or something like that
Hey juantreses If you still can decide whether or not to use JWT you may want to watch this chapter first so you can really tell if you need them or not. https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security ...
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Hey! I followed this tutorial and made remember me working fine. Then I've switched to json_login (I want to make a Vue.js app) by following your Api Platform Security tutorial, but I can't make it work with remember ...
Hi Ryan, I am using API Platform with LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle and Symfony 4.4. All works but I have no idea how to add some extra data to JWT. I have configured that bundle to return user email as ...
Krzysztof K.
Krzysztof K.
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