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API Auth 101: Session? Cookies? Tokens?

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How do we want our users to log into our API? There are about a million possible answers for this. To figure out your answer, don't think about your API, just ask:

What action will a user take to log into my app?

Most likely, your users will do something super traditional: they'll type an email and password into a form and submit. It doesn't matter if they're typing that into a boring HTML form on your site, a single page application built in Hipster.js or even in a mobile app. In all those situations, the user of your API will be sending an email & password. By the way, if you do not have this situation, that doesn't change much! I'll talk more about why later, but most of what we'll do will transfer to other authentication schemes.

Sessions or Tokens?

It turns out that the more important question - more important than what pieces of data your users will send to authenticate - is what happens when your API receives that data. How does it respond when you successfully authenticate?

And you might be thinking:

Hey! We're building a RESTful API... and APIs are supposed to be "stateless"... so that means don't use sessions... and so that means our API will return some sort of an API token.

Yep! That's not... super true. Session-based authentication - the type of login system you've known and loved for years - is just a token-based system in disguise! When you perform a traditional login, the server sends back a cookie. This is your "token". Then, every future request sends that token and becomes authenticated.

Here's what's really important. If the "user" of your API is you or your company - whether that be your JavaScript or a mobile app owned by you, then, on authentication, your API should return an HttpOnly cookie. This type of cookie is automatically sent with each request but is not readable in JavaScript, which makes it safe from being stolen by other JavaScript. The contents of that cookie, it turns out, are much less important. It could be a session string - like we're used to in PHP, or it could be some encrypted package of information that contains authentication details. If you've heard about JSON web tokens - JWT - that's what those are: strings that actually contain information. In all cases, your API will set an HttpOnly cookie, each future request will naturally send that back, and your API will use that to authenticate the user. Exactly what that cookie looks like is not really that important.

The great thing about session-based authentication with cookies - versus generating a JWT and storing it in a cookie - is that it's super easy to set up. And all HTTP clients - even mobile apps - support cookies.

Listen: later on, we are going to dive into some details about token-based authentication systems - the ones where you attach some token string to an Authorization header when you make the request. And we'll talk about when you need this. For example, if third parties - like someone else's mobile app - need to make requests to your API and be authenticated as users in your system, you would need OAuth.

So here's our first goal: build a super-nice, API-friendly, session-based authentication system where we POST the email and password as a JSON string to an endpoint. Then, instead of returning an API token, that endpoint will start the session and send back the session cookie.