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On Authentication Success

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When our AJAX call to authenticate is successful, our app naturally sends back a session cookie, which all future AJAX calls will automatically use to become authenticated. So then... if our API response data doesn't need to contain a token... what should it contain?

Return the User as JSON on Success?

One option is to return the authenticated User object as JSON. For example... I think one of my users in the database is id 5 - so if you go to /api/users/5.json, we could return this JSON. Or even better we could return the JSON-LD representation of a User.

This has the benefit of being useful: our JavaScript will then know some info about who just logged in. But... if you want to get technical about things... this solution isn't RESTful: it sort of turns our authentication endpoint into what looks like a "user" resource. But, don't let that get in your way: if you do want to return the User object as JSON, you can serialize it manually and return it. I'll show you how to use the serializer to do this in the next chapter.

But... I have another suggestion.

Returning the User IRI

What if we returned the IRI - /api/users/5 - which is also the URL that a client can use to get more info about that user? Let's try that!

At the bottom of the controller, return a new Response() - the one from HttpFoundation - with no content: literally pass this null. Returning an empty response is totally valid, as long as you use a 204 status code, which means:

The request was successful... but I have nothing to say to you!

So... where are we putting the IRI? On the Location header! That's a semi-standard way for an API to point to a resource. For the IRI string... hmm... how can we generate the URL to /api/users/5? Typically in Symfony, we create the route and then we can generate a URL to that route by using its internal name. But... now, API Platform is creating the routes for us. Is there a way with API Platform to say:

Hey! Can you generate the IRI to this exact object?

Yep! And it's a useful trick to know. Add an argument to your controller with the IriConverterInterface type-hint. Now, set the Location header to $iriConverter->getIriFromItem() - which is one of a few useful methods on this class - and pass $this->getUser().

30 lines | src/Controller/SecurityController.php
// ... lines 1 - 4
use ApiPlatform\Core\Api\IriConverterInterface;
// ... lines 6 - 8
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
// ... lines 10 - 11
class SecurityController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 14 - 16
public function login(IriConverterInterface $iriConverter)
// ... lines 19 - 24
return new Response(null, 204, [
'Location' => $iriConverter->getIriFromItem($this->getUser())

Cool! Let's see what this look like! Go back to LoginForm.vue. Right now, on success, we're logging response.data. Change that to response.headers so we can see what the headers look like.

69 lines | assets/js/components/LoginForm.vue
// ... lines 1 - 41
// ... lines 43 - 46
.then(response => {
// ... lines 49 - 52
}).catch(error => {
// ... lines 54 - 69

Back on our browser, refresh the homepage. By the way, you can see that the Vue.js app is reporting that we are not currently authenticated... even though the web debug toolbar says that we are. That's because our backend app & JavaScript aren't working together on page load to share this information. We'll fix that really soon.

When we log in this time... we get a 204 status code! Yes! And the logs contain a big array of headers with... location: "/api/users/6".

Using the IRI in JavaScript

This gives our JavaScript everything it needs: we can make a second request to this URL if we want to know info about the user. We're going to do exactly that.

Back in PhpStorm, open up CheeseWhizApp.vue. This is the main Vue file that's responsible for rendering the entire page - you can see the CheeseWhiz header stuff on top. And... further below, it embeds the LoginForm.vue component.

This also holds the logic that prints whether or not we're authenticated... via a user variable. We're not going to get too much into the details of Vue.js, but when we render the LoginForm component, we pass it a callback via the v-on attribute.

74 lines | assets/js/components/CheeseWhizApp.vue
// ... lines 1 - 25
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 px-5" style="background-color: #7FB7D7; padding-bottom: 150px;">
// ... line 27
// ... lines 32 - 74

This basically means that, inside of LoginForm.vue, once the user is authenticated, we should dispatch an event called user-authenticated. When we do that, Vue will execute this onUserAuthenticated method. That accepts a userUri argument, which we then use to make an AJAX request for that user's data. On success, it updates the user property, which should cause the message on the page to change and say that we're logged in.

Phew! Let me show you what this looks inside LoginForm.vue. Uncomment the last three lines in the callback. This dispatches the user-authenticated event and passes it the user IRI that it needs. The userUri variable doesn't exist, but we know how to get that: response.headers.location. I'll take out my console.log().

67 lines | assets/js/components/LoginForm.vue
// ... lines 1 - 41
// ... lines 43 - 46
.then(response => {
this.$emit('user-authenticated', response.headers.location);
this.email = '';
this.password = '';
}).catch(error => {
// ... lines 52 - 67

Let's do this! Move over, refresh, then login as quesolover@example.com, password foo. And... oh boo:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'substr' of undefined.

My bad! I forgot that all headers are normalized and lowercased. Make sure the location header has a lowercase "L". Refresh the whole page one more time, put in the email, password and... watch the left side. Boom! It says:

You are currently authenticated as quesolover Log out.

At this point we're using session-based authentication, which is the best solution in many cases. And because we're relying on cookies for authentication, our authentication endpoint can really return... whatever is useful! Note that this also avoids the need for the very un-RESTful /me endpoint that some API's like Facebook expose as a, sort of "cheating" way for a client to get information about who you are currently logged in as.

Next - if we refreshed right now, our JavaScript would forget that we're logged in. Silly JavaScript! Let's leverage the serializer to communicate who is logged in from the server to JavaScript on page load.