2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey, How to use Voter with paginated collection operation ? On the support method, subject is an instance of ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Paginator and can't do anything to check if subject is an instance of my ...
... /forms/types/entity.html#using-a-custom-query-for-the-entities - you can write any custom query you need to filter the postal code entities thanks to the Doctrine query builder. I hope this helps! Cheers!
... or password or roles but can not find that part in this course for sure. here is my doctrine.yalm: doctrine: dbal: # configure these for your database server driver: 'pdo_mysql ...
Hello there, How do I use bin/console command line related doctrine & make bundle to set primary key property on a an existing db field/entity property in symfony. Or this has to be done using annotation? Can you ...
Thanks for the quick response, I appreciate the feedback. Are there any tutorials on here that cover more complex doctrine relationships? such as this ERD: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-R5gyBosC3WM/VossIYenOvI/AAAAAAAAfVE ...
Jon Chapman
Jon Chapman
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... folder. I recommend you to read this piece of documentation https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/multiple_entity_managers.html but if you have more questions feel free to ask us :) Cheers!
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Hey Ozornick! Indeed, `maker:user` might create something in `src/Entity` OR in `src/Security`. The deciding point is this question: > Do you want to store user data in the database (via Doctrine)? If you answer yes ...
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... but cleaner ``` // yourRepository.php use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder; public function addSubSelect(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, $alias) { $queryBuilder->addSelect(sprintf( '(%s) as %s', $queryBuilder ...
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... have the message "Argument must be of type array", object given, does it mean that despite OneToOne relationship, my getter for the profile property in User class must return an ArrayCollection? The exception is in the file UnitOfWork.php of Doctrine.
Benoit L.
Benoit L.
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... Hey Ryan S., > I find it odd that if doctrine actually requires these packages why they aren't installed as dependencies at time of install? Some dependencies are optional, and you need to install them only if you use ...
... another at some point. I find it odd that if doctrine actually requires these packages why they aren't installed as dependencies at time of install?
... ' arguments: [ { someProperty: 'strategy' }, {...} ] ... ``` Then you have to bind that service to your ApiResource (entity), and then it should work. You can find more info about configuring filters here: https://api-platform.com/docs/core/filters/#doctrine-orm-and-mongodb-odm-filters I hope this helps. Cheers!
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Hey Kuba, That was totally a bug, not sure how we missed it when was recording the course. Anyway, it's fixed in the source code and code blocks now. And yes, you're right, we need to extend "Doctrine\Common ...
... error: In BaseFixture.php line 12: Attempted to load class "Factory" from namespace "Faker". Did you forget a "use" statement for "Doctrine\Migrations\ Version\Factory"? Can you help me?
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... field category, and they can have more than one category. So I need a manytomany table yet I want them to have a single table for both. How can I do that with doctrine?
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... update my entity yml file) be stored in a repository while all the auto-generated code that is done by doctrine and Symfony (so far it looks like just the getters and setters for the POPO file) be stored in the entity file?
... Cannot autowire service "App\Repository\UserRepository": argument "$class" of method "Gedmo\Tree\Entity\Repository\AbstractTreeRepository::__construct()" references class "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata" but no such service exists. Can you show me the rigth direction where to dig?
Vasiliy Z.
Vasiliy Z.
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... may want to read it If you are using MySql and Doctrine 2, this is how you can use UUID's as primary key ``` // SomeEntity.php /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="UUID") * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="guid") */ private $id; ``` Cheers!
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hey Piotr K. May I ask what will be your next step? are you going to maintain your old login system? or migrate it to something new? Anyways I think that mapping it to Doctrine entity is a good thing, and everything ...
not related on this tutorial but can i ask this question? i follow the "little" intro about doctrine on this https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine.html want i want to ask its when ever i acces http://localhost:8000 ...