2709 search results for Doctrine

... cache:clear [KO] [KO] Script cache:clear returned with error code 255 !! !! In ContainerBuilder.php line 1089: !! !! Class Doctrine\Common\Cache ...
... can be a manual step before running your tests but you could create a shell script if you want to automate that process (it would just run a few doctrine commands) Cheers!
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... same time to be sure the object is updated for doctrine point of view. No way, the plain password of my entity is always empty !
... be of type array|string, null given". This error is related to "./vendor/api-platform/core/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/Extension/FilterEagerLoadingExtension.php" file and line 155. I don't know why this function is given ...
Hi there!, what would be a nice backend mechanism to load in a twig template header.html.twig a doctrine result based on a user id ??, for example a counter of "notices" for that user, taking in account that the ...
... in C:\xampp\htdocs\symfonycast\cauldron_overflow\vendor\doctrine\dbal\src\Driver\API\PostgreSQL\ExceptionConverter.php (line 87) // We have to match against the SQLSTATE in the error message in these cases ...
... Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\Slug;` line in the use statements. Also, make sure you enabled the sluggable extension, see this code block: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/sluggable#codeblock-35894f3389 . And finally, make sure you clear the cache just in case, it might be a simple cache issue :) Cheers!
Hey guys! No error? That's even better ;) Well, most probably you have a fresher Doctrine migrations package installed, or you have a fresher MariaDB server version, or even both :) I see your app was able to ...
Heya weaverryan ! Tried alone first, pure doctrine extensions, installation was a bit rough, but went ok! tho couldnt get translatable to work, then went with StofDE and got it working, believe it or not, was touger ...
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... https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony4-doctrine/twig-extension Or you can check the Symfony's Twig docs about it. Cheers!
... config/packages/dev directories, and put this in the config/packages/dev/doctrine.yaml ``` doctrine: dbal: server_version: 'mysql-5.7.32'``` is that correct?
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... removeEntity was just in the way due to the setEntity(null) issue on required relation. Expected behaviour (IMO) was for doctrine to complain about cascade persist (2:49) or tell me a required function is missing, but instead it ignored the addEntity method all together and threw no errors.
... doctrine error described in this video. It just worked as expected without having to provide the "@id" field. I am using PATCH instead of PUT for my cheeses endpoint. I'm just curious if this behavior is because I am using a PATCH request, or if this is a bug fix or feature implemented in a recent version of API Platform.
... name but I've read that doctrine uses reflection to create the objects so the constructor should be irrelevant, right? I don't even understand what it means by chain configured namespaces but it is AppFixtures.php that shows up in the exception stack trace.
... cache:clear [KO] and Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Class "Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineCacheBundle\DoctrineCacheBundle" not found in C:\siteEcommerceApema\demo\envoiMail\start ...
I am trying to understand this method. It seems to me, and please correct me if I am wrong that this is a way to specify a database view (as in CREATE VIEW ... in SQL) using the Doctrine ORM. I have a situation where ...
Alberto Castro
Alberto Castro
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... (dispatch to 1, then dispatch to 2 and on success dispaches to 3 and 4), but in async only the first message is handled succesfully. The message of the 2nd dispatch does not even endup on the queue (Doctrine). Doesn't this work on Symfony 6 ? Should I change to a workflow setup?
... explicitly use `ParamConverter` annotation. In this example we have an ID property for Post entity, but placeholder's name is `post_id`, so we need to use a custom mapping here (`options={"id" = "post_id"}`). Search for 'mapping' on Doctrine Converter page to find more mapping examples. Cheers!
... like following: ` namespace App\Entity; use ApiPlatform\Core\Annotation\ApiResource; use App\Repository\CheeseListingRepository; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; #[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: CheeseListingRepository ...
Yannick Fuchs
Yannick Fuchs
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Hey Patryk W. That's a good question. I'm not sure if MySql/Doctrine has a feature for that purpose, so, what I think you can do is to use `git grep` across your project (or projects that uses the same database) to ...
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