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All about the Docs: CI & Format

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After waiting about a minute, oh! You'll notice that the continuous integration for our documentation pull request failed? What does that even mean? Are there tests for the docs?

Let's learn a few important things about the docs. First, you probably noticed that all the files use a .rst extension. That's called Restructured text. It's a lot like markdown... on steroids. It has, for example, a special syntax for linking from one page to another - that's this :doc: stuff:

414 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 6
Using a :doc:`form login </security/form_login_setup>` for authentication is a
// ... lines 8 - 10
:doc:`form login configuration reference </reference/configuration/security>` to
// ... lines 12 - 414

Behind the scenes, a build process turns all of this into HTML. But, if we have a link to a document that doesn't exist, that build will fail!

Click "Details" to open Travis CI. The continuous integration system does exactly that: it runs the build to make sure all the basic stuff is okay: syntax, links and a few other things.

And... yep! We have an error: apparently security.rst line 1269 contains a reference to a non-existent document security/target_path. That's the page we removed! Instead of printing a broken link, we know we need to remove it!

Move back over, find the security.rst file and scroll down to line 1269. Ah. This toctree thing is another feature of RST - it helps build the table of contents. Remove the security/target_path line.

To make sure there aren't any other references, find your terminal and search:

git grep security/target_path

Only one other spot - redirection_map. That's an internal tool to help us manage old URLs: not something we need to worry about. Let's commit:

git add -u git commit --amend

I'm using amend because this isn't an important change worth making a second commit. Push with:

git push weaverryan remove-outdated-note --force

Hopefully the build will work this time.

Branching for the new Feature

Ok: back to our original task: we need to write documentation for our new feature. That means we need to create a documentation PR against the master branch. Go back to to the terminal and create a new branch:

git checkout -b target-path-helper origin/master

Writing in RST

Awesome! Move back and open the form_login.rst file again. Scroll all the way down to the bottom.

If you're not comfortable writing documentation or if you're a non-native English speaker, you might think that writing docs isn't for you. That's totally not true! The really important thing about writing docs is creating good code examples. Pay less attention to writing words and more attention to writing code that shows how your feature is used. When you submit your PR, the docs team can help reword & improve the little details. The hard work is writing the code.

I'll start with a quick sentence, then right into the code block:

426 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 392
The last request URI is stored in a session variable named
``_security.<your providerKey>.target_path`` (e.g. ``_security.main.target_path``
if the name of your firewall is ``main``). Most of the times you don't have to
deal with this low level session variable. However, if you ever need to get or
remove this variable, it's better to use the
:class:`Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Util\\TargetPathTrait` utility::
// ...
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Util\TargetPathTrait;
$targetPath = $this->getTargetPath($request->getSession(), $providerKey);
// equivalent to:
// $targetPath = $request->getSession()->get('_security.'.$providerKey.'.target_path');
You can also use the ``TargetPathHelper`` service in the same way::
// ... lines 409 - 426

I'll paste in an example I already created:

426 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 407
You can also use the ``TargetPathHelper`` service in the same way::
// ... for example: from inside a controller
// ... line 411
// ...
public function register(Request $request, TargetPathHelper $targetPathHelper)
// the user clicked to register: save the previous URL
if ($request->isMethod('GET') && !$targetPathHelper->getPath()) {
// redirect to the Referer, or the homepage if none
$target = $request->headers->get('Referer', $this->generateUrl('homepage');
// later, after a successful registration POST submit
return $this->redirect($targetPathHelper->getPath());

And, yeah, this green background is super annoying: I don't normally use PhpStorm for documentation. Anyways, a few important things about the format. First, any technical term - like a class name - should be surrounded by two ticks. Second, when you want to add a PHP code block, finish the previous sentence with two colons and indent the code. And third, when you're inside the code, put as much context as possible. For example, I've added a note to say that this code is from a controller:

426 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 407
You can also use the ``TargetPathHelper`` service in the same way::
// ... for example: from inside a controller
// ... lines 411 - 426

You should also be sure to include any use statements needed for the new code. Well, we don't include use statements for everything. For example, I didn't include the use statement for the Request because people probably know what that is and it's not directly relevant to what we're doing. But, I did add the use statement for the class we're talking about: TargetPathHelper:

426 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 407
You can also use the ``TargetPathHelper`` service in the same way::
// ... for example: from inside a controller
use Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security\TargetPathHelper;
// ...
// ... lines 413 - 426

Finally, we recommend avoiding big paragraphs of explanatory text. That's why we just included once sentence then code. If you want to explain a bit more, try adding comments into the code instead. We've found that people tend to read the code, but skip the paragraphs completely. Use that to your advantage!

And... that's it! Sure, there are a lot of other little format details. But, the docs have plenty of examples of how to do just about anything.

Oh, but because this is a new feature, I'll add one more thing. Right above the new text, add a special versionadded:: 4.2 tag:

429 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 407
.. versionadded:: 4.2
// ... lines 409 - 410
You can also use the ``TargetPathHelper`` service in the same way::
// ... lines 412 - 429

If our feature is merged, it will be included in Symfony 4.2 - the next Symfony version. This will add a new note highlighting this fact:

429 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 407
.. versionadded:: 4.2
The ``TargetPathHelper`` class was introduced in Symfony 4.2.
// ... lines 411 - 429

This syntax is also special to RST. You can make tips and notes the same way.

Ok - let's move over, add this file, and commit:

git add -u
git commit -m "Documenting the new TargetPathHelper"

And... push:

git push weaverryan target-path-helper

Move back over to GitHub. Hey! The tests passed on our other pull request! Sweet! And, just like always, if you don't see the yellow bar here, go back to your fork, select the new branch and hit "New pull request".

This time, our pull request should be against the master branch. I'll prefix the title with [WCM] - that means "Waiting for Code Merge" - a little flag to help us know this is for a still-unmerged new feature.

For the body, saying see symfony/symfony#28181 should be enough. Create that pull request!

Hey! You're now a docs expert! So, I hope to see a bunch of docs PR's from you. Do it!