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Uh oh: Documentation Bug!

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The last TODO for our PR is to create a documentation PR. And, honestly, in my opinion, making changes to the documentation is probably the easiest and most effective way to contribute to Symfony! There are tons of great ways to help the docs, even if you're not documenting a new feature.

For example, imagine you're reading the docs - like the forms page. Then, you find something that's inaccurate or confusing. Well, just go back to the top, click "Edit this page", and you'll be inside an editor on GitHub where you can make improvements and create a pull request.

I've worked on the documentation for years. And the best way to improve it is to get feedback from real people who are trying to use it. Taking a few minutes to reword a paragraph could save someone else hours. That's pretty cool.

Cloning the Docs

Go back to the homepage of the docs. Copy the clone URL: let's clone this down onto our machine. At your terminal, move back into the main contributing directory and run git clone and paste.

git clone git@github.com:symfony/symfony-docs.git

I'll also go to PhpStorm and move us back into this main contributing/ directory so we can see all of the test projects, symfony itself and the new symfony-docs/ folder.

Hunting down a Bug

Ok: we want to document our new TargetPathHelper. Great! Except... where should these new docs live? This can be a real challenge: the docs are huge! If you're not sure, don't worry: just choose some place that makes sense to you. If there's a better place, someone will tell you when reviewing your PR and you can move it!

Head back to your terminal and move into symfony-docs. Because this feature builds off of TargetPathTrait, let's see where that's documented:

git grep TargetPathTrait

Ok: apparently that's covered in some form_login.rst file. Go find that in PhpStorm: security/form_login.rst. Look all the way down at the bottom. Yep, here is where it talks about TargetPathTrait:

414 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 396
Redirecting to the Last Accessed Page with ``TargetPathTrait``
The last request URI is stored in a session variable named
``_security.<your providerKey>.target_path`` (e.g. ``_security.main.target_path``
if the name of your firewall is ``main``). Most of the times you don't have to
deal with this low level session variable. However, if you ever need to get or
remove this variable, it's better to use the
:class:`Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Util\\TargetPathTrait` utility::
// ...
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Util\TargetPathTrait;
$targetPath = $this->getTargetPath($request->getSession(), $providerKey);
// equivalent to:
// $targetPath = $request->getSession()->get('_security.'.$providerKey.'.target_path');

We'll add a few more details below this about our new class.

But wait! When I first opened this document, I noticed something interesting on top. It describes how this "target path" feature works in general. Then, there's a note below: sometimes redirecting to the originally requested page can cause problems, like if a background AJAX request appears to be the last visited page, causing the user to be redirected there:

414 lines | symfony-docs/security/form_login.rst
// ... lines 1 - 26
.. note::
Sometimes, redirecting to the originally requested page can cause problems,
like if a background Ajax request "appears" to be the last visited URL,
causing the user to be redirected there. For information on controlling this
behavior, see :doc:`/security`.
// ... lines 33 - 414

That makes sense... except, it's not true! Nope, this note is out of date: Symfony no longer has this problem. I think I just found a documentation bug!

Let's make sure: go to github.com/symfony/symfony. Then press "t" to open the "file search" and look for a class called ExceptionListener from the Security/ component. This is the class that's responsible for setting the targetPathTrait. It happens all the way down at the bottom in setTargetPath(). If you go to a page like /admin as an anonymous user, right before you're redirected to the login page, this setTargetPath() method is called.

And, cool! This uses the method from TargetPathTrait, just like we did. But, check it out, it checks to see if the request is an AJAX request - that's the isXmlHttpRequest() part. If it is an AJAX request, it does not set the URL into the session. Yea! The documentation is wrong!

Finding the Correct Bug Branch

The question now is: how old is this bug? How long ago was this changed in Symfony and what versions of the docs do we need to update? Head back to the Symfony Roadmap. The three maintained branches are 2.8, 3.4 and 4.1. Remember: when fixing a bug, you should fix it in the oldest maintained branch where the bug exists. The same is true for the docs.

To figure out when the fix was made to Symfony, let's git blame this file. Scroll back down to the bottom. Hmm, so this line was last modified two years ago. And if you look at that commit, its changes do not include the AJAX part of this line. Yep, the change we're looking for is more than two years old. And this commit was first included in Symfony 2.7!

In other words, the AJAX fix has existed since Symfony 2.7 or earlier. But, because Symfony 2.7 is no longer maintained, we'll fix this on the 2.8 branch of the docs. Then, after our pull request is merged, our changes will be merged up into all of the newer branches by the docs team.

Fixing a Docs Bug

Awesome! Find your terminal and create the new branch:

git checkout -b remove-outdated-note origin/2.8

Move back to the file. Yep, that bad note did exist even back then. And, woh! It links to a whole other document that describes how to work around this problem. We can delete all of this!

Remove the note first. Then delete that other file:

git rm security/target_path.rst

And... we're ready!

git status git add -u git commit

Describe why we're deleting all this stuff.

Creating the Pull Request

Ok, the code is ready! Head back to GitHub and fork the repository if you haven't already. Then, copy your git URL and add your remote: git remote add weaverryan and paste. Now, push!

git push weaverryan remove-outdated-note

Move back and... if you're lucky, you'll see a yellow bar. We are lucky this time! Click "Compare and pull request".

Oh, but hmm: why are there two extra commits by other people? Ah, because we need to change our base branch to 2.8.

Much better. In the description, we want to make this as easy as possible to merge. So, let's describe why we're removing this and that we checked the code to be sure.

Ok... submit! The docs also have a continuous integration system. I want to talk about that next, write our new documentation and learn a bit about the docs format.