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PR Details & Continuous Integration

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The first thing to notice is the base branch. This is super important. Because we created our branch off of master, this base branch must be master. If we created the branch off of 3.4, then, of course, this should be 3.4.

One easy way to be sure you have things setup correctly is to check that you only see the commits down here that you expect. If you mess up the base branch, you'll probably see a bunch of extra commits and changes.

Making Changes to your PR

The pull request description comes with a nice template to get us started. For the branch, because this is a new feature, we do want the master branch. This is not a bug fix and this is a new feature.

Oh, and if this is a new feature, apparently, we should update the CHANGELOG. I totally forgot about that!

Go back to your editor. Then, inside whatever bundle or component you're working on - so SecurityBundle for us - find the CHANGELOG.md file. If our new feature is accepted, it will be in the next minor version, which is 4.2 right now. You can already see a few new features listed there. Progress!

Let's add our new feature: describe what we introduced & why it's useful.

To add this, we could just make a second commit. And that would be totally fine. In fact, if you're making significant changes to the pull request, making new commits is a good idea: it will help people see how your pull request evolves over time.

But, in this case, because the changes are so simple, run:

git add -u

to add everything. Then:

git commit --amend

That will add these changes to my previous commit to keep things clean. Push with:

git push weaverryan target-path-helper --force

The Pull Request Description

Perfect! Head back to the pull request. We did not introduce any backwards compatibility breaks, we didn't deprecate any features and yes, the tests should pass. A lot of these are just reminders to think about things. After we submit the PR, we'll see for sure if the tests pass. For fixed tickets, there isn't always a fixed ticket, but there is in this case: #27835.

Oh, and whenever you add a new feature, you need to create a documentation pull request. I'll put TODO for now. But we are going to do this soon.

Finally, at the bottom, it's our job to put a short README so that other people can understand how our feature works. Showing some code examples is best - but because the code behind this is pretty simple, what I really want to do is describe why this is needed.

And... we're ready! Create that pull request! Boom! Great work people! Will this pull request be accepted? Who knows? But, we did good work, wrote tests and clearly stated why we created this feature. We rock!

Making fabbot Happy

Until... yep! We immediately see failures at the bottom! Two things happen when you create a pull request. First, Symfony's continuous integration system starts running the tests: Travis CI runs tests on Linux & AppVeyor runs them on Windows. Click the details for Travis - it's pretty awesome.

It executes the tests on multiple versions of PHP and uses different flags to use both the newest version of Symfony's dependencies and the oldest allowed versions. We'll let this keep doing its thing.

The second thing that happens after creating a pull request is that you are visited by the famous... fabbot! Fabbot automatically checks your pull request for coding standards violations. Apparently we have two problems! But, here's the best part: copy that curl statement, find your terminal, and paste! Run:

git diff

Cool! This automatically fixed the two whitespace issues that violated Symfony's coding standards. This is why I don't worry too much about coding standards until now: fabbot will help us.

And because these changes aren't important, just like before, let's amend our commit:

git add -u git commit --amend

Push that with:

git push weaverryan target-path-helper --force

Ok, go back to the pull request. Refresh and... yea! Fabbot is happy!

Caring for your PR After Submitting

So... what now? First, wait to see if the tests pass. If they don't, yea, you'll need to see if our changes caused some unexpected bug. And second, wait for community feedback! Sometimes, feedback can be direct and to the point. We're developers, so we like to look at all the smallest technical details. Don't take this personally: feedback is meant to be constructive - we're all on the same side. And, yea, you'll almost definitely need to make at least some changes. Heck, I rarely make a pull request that doesn't need significant changes after some feedback. It's awesome! Usually, someone thinks of a way better implementation. When that happens, you know the drill: make the changes, commit, push, and check fabbot and the tests again.

Oh, and don't worry too much about doing the git commit --amend thing or rebasing. It's totally ok to have multiple commits. And also, when someone merges your pull request, they use a tool that makes it really easy to squash all of your commits down into 1 commit, if they want to. That's not something you need to worry about.

Next: we haven't created our documentation pull request yet. Time to do that!