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Our new EnclosureBuilderService is building the security systems and adding them to the Enclosure, but it's not creating any dinosaurs yet. That's a boring dinosaur park! Fortunately, that should be easy! Heck, we already have a class that's really great at doing exactly that! The DinosaurFactory.

To Mock or Not?

So, hmm, thinking about the design of EnclosureBuilderService, we now know that it will need the DinosaurFactory in order to create dinosaurs. And that means EnclosureBuilderService will need a constructor function so that we can use dependency injection to pass DinosaurFactory into it. Ignore phpspec for a second: this is pure object-oriented coding: if a service like EnclosureBuilderService needs access to another service like DinosaurFactory, we will pass that service to it, usually via the constructor.

That is the design we'll use for EnclosureBuilderService. And of course, that's something that we can describe in our spec class! So far, we haven't said anything about how EnclosureBuilderService is instantiated, so it's being created with no arguments. Cool! Now use: $this->beConstructedWith() and pass it a DinosaurFactory object. But... how should we create the DinosaurFactory? Should we create it manually or mock it?

DinosaurFactory Dummy

In this case, mock it. As a rule of thumb, if the object you're working with is a service object - an object that does work, but doesn't hold much data, like DinosaurFactory, Doctrine's EntityManager or a class that sends emails, mock it. That's because these are usually difficult to instantiate and often have side effects, like talking to the database or sending real emails. Oof, sending emails when you run your tests is no fun. We want our unit tests to be isolated from all "real" systems likes that.

But if you're working with a simple model object, it's ok to create it directly. For example, in DinosaurFactorySpec... I mean in EnclosureSpec, because Dinosaur is so simple, we just created it ourselves!

Anyways, we need to mock DinosaurFactory and we already know how: add a DinosaurFactory $dinosaurFactory argument to the method. Thanks to that, prophecy will create a "dummy" object: one of those many words to describe that this will be an object that looks and smells like DinosaurFactory... but isn't actually a DinosaurFactory. Pass this to beConstructedWith().

// ... lines 1 - 9
class EnclosureBuilderServiceSpec extends ObjectBehavior
// ... lines 12 - 16
function it_builds_enclosure_with_dinosaurs(DinosaurFactory $dinosaurFactory)
// ... lines 20 - 24

Cool! Let's not do anything else yet, just run phpspec and see what it thinks:

./vendor/bin/phpspec run

Woohoo! It sees that the constructor is not found and asks if we want to generate it. Of course we do! Go check it out! Change the argument to DinosaurFactory $dinosaurFactory and then... do nothing... yet.

37 lines | src/Service/EnclosureBuilderService.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class EnclosureBuilderService
public function __construct(DinosaurFactory $dinosaurFactory)
// ... lines 14 - 35

Because... to be all "technical" about it, all we actually need to do to get the test to pass is have an __construct() method that takes one DinosaurFactory argument. Try the tests now:

./vendor/bin/phpspec run

Yep, green! Well, there is one failure, it's from line 13. This is the it_is_initializable() example, which is angry because it's not passing the required first argument. Ignore that for now and focus on running just this example, which is on line 18. Re-run spec with:

./vendor/bin/phpspec run spec/Service/EnclosureBuilderServiceSpec.php:18

Yep! This example does pass.

Dummy Objects Return Nothing!

Ok: now we need to enhance our example to describe the expected behavior for creating Dinosaurs. Basically, because we're passing "2" as the second argument, we would expect our DinosaurFactory to be called 2 times and for the final Enclosure to have 2 Dinosaurs. But... we haven't coded that yet. var_dump($enclosure->getDinosaurs()). This will be an empty array, right? Try it:

./vendor/bin/phpspec run spec/Service/EnclosureBuilderServiceSpec.php:18

Ah, we were mostly right: it's an instance of the all-important Subject object. But if you look inside, the subject property is an empty array. Cool! Things are working like we expect... so far.

But here's where things get weird... or cool... or something: even if we added the code to EnclosureBuilderService to use DinosaurFactory to create the 2 Dinosaurs and add them to the Enclosure, the test would still fail! What!????

Why? Because, when you create a "dummy" object like DinosaurFactory it's not the real DinosaurFactory. And, by default, all of its methods return null and do nothing. It's a real... dummy. Right?! So if we did write code here to use DinosaurFactory to create the dinosaurs... it wouldn't! It would return null and either the test would fail or, more likely, some code would blow up because it's expecting a Dinosaur object, not null.

Yep, if you simply tell prophecy to create a test double, it's referred to as a "dummy" and... it does nothing. But, there are two things that we can do to make it more awesome. Let's talk about the first one next: controlling the return value when a method is called.