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This tutorial uses a deprecated micro-framework called Silex. The fundamentals of REST are still valid, but the code we use can't be used in a real application.

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ApiProblemException and Exception Handling

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ApiProblemException and Exception Handling

In order to be able to throw an exception that results in a JSON response, we need to hit the gym and first create a new class called ApiProblemException. Make it extend that special HttpException class:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Api/ApiProblemException.php
namespace KnpU\CodeBattle\Api;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;

class ApiProblemException extends HttpException

The purpose of this class is to act like a normal exception, but also to hold the ApiProblem inside of it. To do this, add an $apiProblem property and override the __construct method so that an ApiProblem object is the first argument:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Api/ApiProblemException.php
namespace KnpU\CodeBattle\Api;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;

class ApiProblemException extends HttpException
    private $apiProblem;

    public function __construct(ApiProblem $apiProblem, \Exception $previous = null, array $headers = array(), $code = 0)
        $this->apiProblem = $apiProblem;


The exception still needs a message and I’m calling getTitle() on the ApiProblem object to get it. Open up the ApiProblem class and add this getTitle() function so we can access it:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Api/ApiProblem.php
// ...

class ApiProblem
    // ...

    public function getTitle()
        return $this->title;

Finally, go back to ApiProblemException and add a getApiProblem getter function. Hang tight, we’ll use this in a few minutes:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Api/ApiProblemException.php
namespace KnpU\CodeBattle\Api;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;

class ApiProblemException extends HttpException
    // ...

    public function getApiProblem()
        return $this->apiProblem;

Back in the controller, throw a new ApiProblemException and pass the ApiProblem object into it:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Controller/Api/ProgrammerController.php
// ...
use KnpU\CodeBattle\Api\ApiProblemException;
// ...

private function handleRequest(Request $request, Programmer $programmer)
    // ...

    if ($data === null) {
        $problem = new ApiProblem(

        throw new ApiProblemException($problem);

    // ...

Exception Listener

If we run the tests now, they still fail. But notice that the status code is still 400. Our new exception class extends HttpException, so we really have the same behavior as before.

When an exception is thrown anywhere in our app, Silex catches it and gives us an opportunity to process it. In fact, this is true in just about every framework. So if you’re not using Silex, just find out how to extend the exception handling in your framework and repeat what we’re doing here.

Open up the Application.php class in the src/KnpU/CodeBattle/ directory. This is the heart of my application, but you don’t need to worry about it too much. At the bottom of the class, I’ve created a configureListeners function. By calling $this->error, we can pass it an anonymous function that will be called whenever there is an exception anywhere in our app. Add a debug statement so we can test it:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Application.php
// ...

private function configureListeners()
    $this->error(function() {

To try it out, just open up the app in your browser and go to any 404 page, since a 404 is a type of exception:


Awesome! We see the die code.

Filling in the Exception Listener

When Silex calls the function, it passes it 2 arguments: the exception that was thrown and the status code we should use:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Application.php
// ...

private function configureListeners()
    $this->error(function(\Exception $e, $statusCode) {


Silex passes a $statusCode argument, which is equal to the status code of the HttpException object that was thrown. If some other type of exception was thrown, it will equal 500.

Here’s the cool part: if the exception is an ApiProblemException, then we can get the embedded ApiProblem object and use it to create the proper JsonResponse.

Let’s first check for this - if it’s not an ApiProblemException, we won’t do any special processing. And if it is, we’ll create the JsonResponse just like we might normally do in a controller:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Application.php
// ...

private function configureListeners()
    $this->error(function(\Exception $e, $statusCode) {
        // only do something special if we have an ApiProblemException!
        if (!$e instanceof ApiProblemException) {

        $response = new JsonResponse(
        $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/problem+json');

        return $response;

That’s it! If we throw an ApiProblemException, this function will transform it into the JsonResponse we want. Don’t believe me? Try running the tests now:

ApiProblemException for Validation

This is really powerful. If we need to return a “problem” anywhere in our API, we only need to create an ApiProblem object and throw an ApiProblemException.

Let’s take advantage of this for our validation errors. Find handleValidationResponse and throw a new ApiProblemException instead of creating and returning a JsonResponse object. And to keep things clear, let’s also rename this function to throwApiProblemValidationException:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Controller/Api/ProgrammerController.php
// ...

private function throwApiProblemValidationException(array $errors)
    $apiProblem = new ApiProblem(
    $apiProblem->set('errors', $errors);

    throw new ApiProblemException($apiProblem);

Now, update newAction and updateAction to use the new function name. We can also remove the return statements from each: we don’t need that anymore:

// src/KnpU/CodeBattle/Controller/Api/ProgrammerController.php
// ...

// newAction() and updateAction()
if ($errors = $this->validate($programmer)) {

And when we run the tests, all green! Piece by piece, we’re making our code more consistent so that we can guarantee that our API is consistent.