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This tutorial uses a deprecated micro-framework called Silex. The fundamentals of REST are still valid, but the code we use can't be used in a real application.

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Handling Data in Tests

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Handling Data in Tests

Let’s run our test a second time:

$ php vendor/bin/behat

It fails! The nickname of a programmer is unique in the database, and if you look closely, this fails because the API tries to insert another ObjectOrienter and blows up. To fix this, add a new function in ApiFeatureContext with a special @BeforeScenario anotation above it:

// features/api/ApiFeatureContext.php
// ...

 * @BeforeScenario
public function clearData()

The body of this function is specific to my app - it calls out to some code that truncates all of my tables. If you can write code to empty your database tables, or at least the ones we’ll be messing with in our tests, then you can do this.


In order to access your framework’s normal database-related functions, you’ll need to bootstrap your app inside this class. For many frameworks, libraries exist to glue Behat and it together. If you have issues or questions, feel free to post them in the comments.

The @BeforeScenario annotation, or comment, tells Behat to automatically run this before every scenario. This guarantees that we’re starting with a very predictable, empty database before each test.

Using Background to Add a User

Try the test again:

$ php vendor/bin/behat

Dang, it failed again. Ah, remember how we’re relating all programmers to the weaverryan user? Well, when we empty the tables before the scenario, this user gets deleted too. That’s expected, and I already have a sentence to take care of this. Uncomment the Background line above the scenario. This runs a function that inserts my user:

# features/api/programmer.feature
Feature: Programmer
  # ...

    Given the user "weaverryan" exists

  # ...

Eventually we’ll have many scenarios in this one file. Lines below Background are executed before each Scenario. Ok, try it one more time!

$ php vendor/bin/behat

Success! When you test, it’s critical to make sure that your database is in a predictable state before each test. Don’t assume that a user exists in your database: create it with a scenario or background step.

And, every test, or scenario in Behat, should work independently. So don’t make one scenario depend on the data of a scenario that comes before it. That’s a huge and common mistake. Eventually, it’ll make your tests unpredictable and hard to debug. If you do a little bit of work early on to get all this data stuff right, you and Behat are going to be very happy together.

Test: GET One Programmer

Let’s add a second scenario for making a GET request to view a single programmer. This entirely uses language that I’ve already prepped for us:

# features/api/programmer.feature
# ...
Scenario: GET one programmer
  Given the following programmers exist:
    | nickname   | avatarNumber |
    | UnitTester | 3            |
  When I request "GET /api/programmers/UnitTester"
  Then the response status code should be 200
  And the following properties should exist:
  And the "nickname" property should equal "UnitTester"

The Given statement actually inserts the user into the database before we start the test. That’s exactly what I was just talking about: if I need a user, write a scenario step that adds one.

The rest of the test just checks the status code and whatever data we think is important, just like in the previous scenario.

Run it!

$ php vendor/bin/behat


Test: GET all Programmers

We’re on a roll at this point, so let’s add a third scenario for making a GET request to see the collection of all programmers. Oh, and the title that we give to each scenario - like GET one programmer: is just for our benefit, it’s not read by Behat. And for that matter, neither are the first 4 lines of the feature file. But you should still learn more about the importance of these - don’t skip them!

# features/api/programmer.feature
# ...

Scenario: GET a collection of programmers
  Given the following programmers exist:
    | nickname    | avatarNumber |
    | UnitTester  | 3            |
    | CowboyCoder | 5            |
  When I request "GET /api/programmers"
  Then the response status code should be 200
  And the "programmers" property should be an array
  And the "programmers" property should contain 2 items

Here, we insert 2 programmers into the database before the test, make the HTTP request and then check some basic things on the response. It’s the same, boring process over and over again.

I hope you’re seeing how awesome testing our API with Behat is going to be!