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This tutorial uses an older version of Symfony of the stripe-php SDK. The majority of the concepts are still valid, though there *are* differences. We've done our best to add notes & comments that describe these changes.

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Monthly to Yearly: The Billing Period Change

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We just found out that this amount - $792 - doesn't seem right! Open the web debug toolbar and click to see the profiler for the "preview change" AJAX call that returned this number. Click the Debug link on the left. This is a dump of the upcoming invoice. And according to it, the user will owe $891.05. Wait, that sounds exactly right!

The number we just saw is different because, remember, we start with amount_due, but then subtract the plan total to remove the extra line item that Stripe adds. Back then, we had three line items: the two prorations and a line item for the next, full month.

But woh, now there's only two line items: the partial-month discount and a charge for the full, yearly period.

Changing Duration changes Billing Period

Stripe talks about this oddity in their documentation: when you change to a plan with a different duration - so monthly to yearly or vice-versa - Stripe bills you immediately and changes your billing date to start today.

So if you're normally billed on the first of the month and you change from monthly to yearly on the 15th, you'll be credited half of your monthly subscription and then charged for a full year. That yearly subscription will start immediately, on the 15th of that month and be renewed in one year, on the 15th.

For us, this means that the amount_due on the Invoice is actually correct: we don't need to adjust it. In ProfileController, create a new variable called $currentUserPlan set to $this->get('subscription_helper')->findPlan() and pass it $this->getUser()->getSubscription()->getStripePlanId():

// ... lines 1 - 14
class ProfileController extends BaseController
// ... lines 17 - 122
public function previewPlanChangeAction($planId)
// ... lines 125 - 127
$stripeInvoice = $this->get('stripe_client')
$currentUserPlan = $this->get('subscription_helper')
// ... lines 136 - 146
// ... lines 148 - 173

Now, if $plan - which is the new plan - $plan->getDuration() matches the $currentUserPlan->getDuration(), then we should correct the total. Otherwise, if the duration is changing, the $total is already perfect:

// ... lines 1 - 14
class ProfileController extends BaseController
// ... lines 17 - 122
public function previewPlanChangeAction($planId)
// ... lines 125 - 133
$currentUserPlan = $this->get('subscription_helper')
$total = $stripeInvoice->amount_due;
// contains the pro-rations
// *plus* - if the duration matches - next cycle's amount
if ($plan->getDuration() == $currentUserPlan->getDuration()) {
// subtract plan price to *remove* next the next cycle's total
$total -= $plan->getPrice() * 100;
// ... lines 145 - 146
// ... lines 148 - 173

Since this looks totally weird, I'll tweak my comment to mention that amount_due contains the extra month charge only if the duration stays the same.

Ok! Go back and refresh! Click "Bill yearly". Yes! That looks right: $891.06.

Duration Change? Don't Invoice

Because of this behavior difference when the duration changes, we need to fix one other spot: in StripeClient::changePlan(). Right now, we manually create an invoice so that the customer is charged immediately. But... we don't need to do that in this case: Stripe automatically creates and pays an Invoice when the duration changes.

In fact, trying to create an invoice will throw an error! Let's see it. First, update your credit card to one that will work.

Now, change to Bill yearly and confirm. The AJAX call should fail... and it does! Open the profiler for that request and find the Exception:

Nothing to invoice for customer

Obviously, we need to avoid this. In StripeClient, add a new variable: $currentPeriodStart that's set to $stripeSubscription->current_period_start:

184 lines | src/AppBundle/StripeClient.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class StripeClient
// ... lines 11 - 153
public function changePlan(User $user, SubscriptionPlan $newPlan)
$stripeSubscription = $this->findSubscription($user->getSubscription()->getStripeSubscriptionId());
$currentPeriodStart = $stripeSubscription->current_period_start;
// ... lines 159 - 181

That's the current period start date before we change the plan.

After we change the plan, if the duration is different, the current period start will have changed. Surround the entire invoicing block with if $stripeSubscription->current_period_start == $currentPeriodStart:

184 lines | src/AppBundle/StripeClient.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class StripeClient
// ... lines 11 - 153
public function changePlan(User $user, SubscriptionPlan $newPlan)
// ... lines 156 - 157
$currentPeriodStart = $stripeSubscription->current_period_start;
// ... lines 159 - 166
if ($stripeSubscription->current_period_start == $currentPeriodStart) {
try {
// immediately invoice them
} catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {
$stripeSubscription->plan = $originalPlanId;
// prevent prorations discounts/charges from changing back
$stripeSubscription->prorate = false;
throw $e;
// ... lines 180 - 181

In other words: only invoice the customer manually if the subscription period hasn't changed. I think we should add a note above this: this can look really confusing!

184 lines | src/AppBundle/StripeClient.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class StripeClient
// ... lines 11 - 153
public function changePlan(User $user, SubscriptionPlan $newPlan)
// ... lines 156 - 157
$currentPeriodStart = $stripeSubscription->current_period_start;
// ... lines 159 - 163
// if the duration did not change, Stripe will not charge them immediately
// but we *do* want them to be charged immediately
// if the duration changed, an invoice was already created and paid
if ($stripeSubscription->current_period_start == $currentPeriodStart) {
try {
// immediately invoice them
} catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {
$stripeSubscription->plan = $originalPlanId;
// prevent prorations discounts/charges from changing back
$stripeSubscription->prorate = false;
throw $e;
// ... lines 180 - 181

Take it for a Test Drive

But, now it should work! Reset things by going to the pricing page and buying a brand new monthly subscription. Now, head to your account page and update it to yearly. The amount - $891 - looks right, so hit OK.

Yes! Plan changed! My option changed to "Bill monthly" and the "Next Billing at" date is August 10th - one year from today. We should probably print the year.

In Stripe, under payments, we have one for $891, and the customer is on the Farmer Brent yearly plan.
