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Bind Your Form to a Class

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We created a form type class, used it in the controller to process the form submit and rendered it. This is pretty basic, but the form system is already doing a lot for us!

But... I think the form component can do more! Heck, I think it's been downright lazy. $data = $form->getData() gives us an associative array with the submitted & normalized data. That's cool... but it does mean that we need to set all of that data onto the Article object manually. Lame!

Setting the data_class Option

But, no more! Open ArticleFormType. Then, go back to the Code -> Generate menu - or Cmd+N on a Mac - select "Override Methods" and choose configureOptions(). Just like with buildForm(), we don't need to call the parent method because it's empty. Inside add $resolver->setDefaults() and pass an array. This is where you can set options that control how your form behaves. And, well... there aren't actually very many options. The most important, by far, is data_class. Set it to Article::class. This binds the form to that class.

27 lines | src/Form/ArticleFormType.php
// ... lines 1 - 9
class ArticleFormType extends AbstractType
// ... lines 12 - 19
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'data_class' => Article::class

And... yep! That little option changes everything. Ready to see how? Back in your controller, dd($data).

68 lines | src/Controller/ArticleAdminController.php
// ... lines 1 - 14
class ArticleAdminController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 17 - 20
public function new(EntityManagerInterface $em, Request $request)
// ... lines 23 - 25
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
// ... line 27
// ... lines 29 - 39
// ... lines 41 - 44
// ... lines 46 - 66

Now, move back to your browser. Watch closely: right now both fields are simple text inputs... because we haven't configured them to be anything else. But, refresh!

Form Field Type Guessing

Whoa! The content is now a textarea! We haven't talked about it yet, but we can, of course, configure how each field is rendered. By default, if you do nothing, everything renders as a text input. But, when you bind your form to a class, a special system - called the "form type guessing" system - tries to guess the proper "type" for each field. It notices that the $content property on Article is a longer text Doctrine type. And so, it basically says:

Hey peeps! This content field looks pretty big! So, let's use a textarea field type by default.

Anyways, form field type guessing is a cool feature. But, it is actually not the super important thing that just happened.

What was? Create another breaking news story:

Orion's Belt: for Fashion or Function?

Click Create and... yes! Check it out! $form->getData() is now an Article object! And the title and content properties are already set! This is the power of the data_class option.

When the form submits, it notices the data_class and so creates a new Article() object for us. Then, it uses the setter methods to populate the data. For example, the form has two fields: title and content. When we submit the form, it calls setTitle() and then setContent(). It's basically just an automatic way to do what we are already doing manually in our controller. This is awesome because we can remove code! Just say $article = $form->getData(), done. To help PhpStorm I'll add some inline documentation that says that this is an Article.

65 lines | src/Controller/ArticleAdminController.php
// ... lines 1 - 25
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
/** @var Article $article */
$article = $form->getData();
// ... lines 29 - 36
// ... lines 38 - 65

That's great! Our controller is tiny and, when we submit, bonus! It even works!

Model Classes & Complex Forms

In most cases, this is how I use the form system: by binding my forms to a class. But! I do want you to remember one thing: if you have a super complex form that looks different than your entity, it's perfectly okay to not use data_class. Sometimes it's simpler to build the form exactly how you want, call $form->getData() and use that associative array in your controller to update what you need.

Oh, and while we usually see form types bound to an entity class, that's not required! This class could be any PHP class. So, if you have a form that doesn't match up well with any of your entities, you can still use data_class. Yep! Create a new model class that has the same properties as your form, set the data_class to that class, submit the form, get back that model object from the form, and use it inside your controller to do whatever you want!

Oh, and if this isn't quite making sense: no worries - we'll practice this later.

Form Theme: Making your Form Beautiful

Before we keep going, let's take 30 seconds to make our ugly form... beautiful! So far, we're not controlling the markup that's rendered in any way: we call a few form rendering functions and... somehow... we get a form!

Behind the scenes, all of this markup comes from a set of special Twig templates called "form themes". And yea, we can and totally will mess with these. If you're using Bootstrap CSS or Foundation CSS, ah, you're in luck! Symfony comes with a built-in form theme that makes your forms render exactly how these systems want.

Open config/packages/twig.yaml. Add a new key called form_themes with one element that points to a template called bootstrap_4_layout.html.twig.

7 lines | config/packages/twig.yaml
// ... lines 2 - 4
- bootstrap_4_layout.html.twig

This template lives deep inside the core of Symfony. And we'll check it out later when we talk more about form themes. Because right now... we get to celebrate! Move over and refresh. Ha! Our form is instantly pretty! The form system is now rendering with Bootstrap-friendly markup.

Next: let's talk about customizing the "type" of each field so we can make it look and act exactly how we need.