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HTML5 & "Sanity" Validation

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Does our form have any validation yet? Well... sort of? The form is going through a validation process. When we POST to this endpoint, handleRequest() reads the data and executes Symfony's validation system. If validation fails, then $form->isValid() returns false and we immediately render the template, except that now errors will be displayed by each field with an error.

Of course we haven't seen this yet... because we haven't added any validation rules!

HTML5 Validation

But, check this out: leave the form completely blank and try to submit. It stops us! Wait... who... stopped us? Actually, it was the browser. Many of you may recognize this: it's HTML5 validation.

When Symfony renders a field, depending on our config, it often adds a required="required" attribute. This isn't real validation - there's nothing on our server that's checking to make sure this value isn't blank. It's just nice client-side validation. HTML5 is cool... but limited. There are a few other things it can validate. Like, a datetime-local field will require you to enter a valid date. Or, an <input type="number"> will require a number. But, not much more.

The Annoying required Attribute

To control whether or not you want that required attribute, every field type has an option called required: just set it to true or false. Actually, this option is kinda confusing. It defaults to true for every field... no matter what... which can be kind of annoying & surprising. However, when you bind your form to an entity class, the form field guessing system uses the nullable Doctrine option to choose the correct required option value for you. In fact, if we look at the textarea field... yep! This has no required attribute. Oh, by the way, all those extra attributes are coming from a browser plugin I have installed - not the form system.

To make things a bit more confusing, the required option is only "guessed" from your Doctrine config if you omit or pass null to the second argument of add(). If you specify the type manually, the form type guessing system does nothing and you'll need to configure the required option manually. Honestly, the required option is kind of a pain in the butt. Be careful to make sure that an optional field doesn't accidentally have this attribute.

Installing Validation

Anyways, even if you use HTML5 validation, you will still need proper server-side validation so that a "bad" user can't just disable that validation and send weird data. To do that, well, first we need to install the validator!

Find your terminal and run:

composer require validator

Validation is a separate component in Symfony, which is cool because it means that you can use it independent of the form system.

And... done! There are actually two types of server-side validation: what I call "sanity validation" versus "business rules validation".

Form Field Sanity Validation

Let's talk about sanity validation first. Sanity validation is built into the form fields themselves and makes sure that the submitted value isn't completely... insane! For text fields like title and content, there is no sanity validation: we can submit anything to those fields and it basically makes sense: it's a string. But the EntityType does have built-in sanity validation.

Check this out: inspect element in your browser and find the select field. Let's change one of these values to be something that's not in the database, like value=100.

Select this user and hit Create. Oh, duh! The HTML5 validation on the other fields stops us. To work around this, find the form class and add a novalidate attribute: that tells the browser to get a hobby and skip HTML5 validation. It's a nice trick when you're testing your server-side validation. Hit Create again.

Yay! Our first, real validation error!

This value is not valid

This error comes from the "sanity" validation that's built into EntityType: if you try to submit a value that should not be in the drop-down, boom! You get an error. Sanity validation is great: it saves us, and... we don't need to think about it! It just works.

To control the message, pass an option called invalid_message. Set it to:

Symfony is too smart for your hacking!

53 lines | src/Form/ArticleFormType.php
// ... lines 1 - 14
class ArticleFormType extends AbstractType
// ... lines 17 - 23
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
// ... lines 27 - 33
->add('author', EntityType::class, [
// ... lines 35 - 40
'invalid_message' => 'Symfony is too smart for your hacking!'
// ... line 43
// ... lines 45 - 51

Move back and refresh to re-POST the form. Nice! I don't usually set the invalid_message, only because, for most fields, you only see these errors if you're doing something really weird - like messing with the HTML.

We've talked about HTML5 validation and learned about sanity validation. Next, let's get to the good stuff: the real validation that we need to add.