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Form Theming & Variables

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We now know that when Symfony renders any part of your form, it looks for a specific block in this core form_div_layout.html.twig template. For example, to render the "row" part of any field, it looks for form_row. We also learned that this system has some hierarchy to it: to render the label part of a TextType field, it first looks for text_label and then falls back to using form_label.

Heck, there is even a form_start block that controls the open form tag!

We used this new knowledge to create our first form theme: we told Twig to look right inside this template for blocks to use when rendering the registration form. Our form_row block is now hooked into the form rendering process.

The Bizarre World of a Form Theme Block

When you're inside of a block that's used by the form theming system... your world is... weird. You really need to pretend like this block doesn't even exist in this template - like it lives all by itself in its own, isolated template. Why? Because these blocks are passed a completely different set of variables that come from the form system: this block doesn't work like any of the other blocks in this template.

I mean, look inside: there is apparently a help variable and a form variable. So, the big question is: when you're in a form theme block, what variables do you have access to?

The easiest answer is just to dump() inside one of these blocks.

62 lines | templates/security/register.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 3
{% block form_row %}
// ... lines 5 - 9
{{ dump() }}
// ... lines 11 - 14
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 16 - 62

Move over and refresh. Woh! Yes - we see giant dumps for each row that's rendered! There's attr, id and full_name. Do these... look familiar? These are the exact variables that we have been overriding when rendering our fields!

Look back at article_admin/_form.html.twig. We learned earlier that there is a variable called label and that the second argument of form_row() is an array of variables that you want to override. You can see this in the docs: when I search for form_row(), the second argument is variables.

Here's the point: when a field is rendered, the form system creates a bunch of variables to help that process, and we can override them. And those variable are ultimately passed... as variables, to your form theme blocks!

For example, remember how we passed a method variable to the form_start() function? Check out the form_start block in the bootstrap theme. Surprise! There is a local method variable that it uses to render. We literally override these variables via the form rendering functions.

The point is: when you're inside a form theme block, you have access to a lot of variables... which is great, because we can use those variables to do, well, whatever we need to!

Adding a label_attr

Back in register.html.twig, remove the dump(). On the old form, each label had an sr-only class. That stands for "screen reader only" and it makes the labels invisible.

How can we make our label tag have this? Hmm. Well, inside our block, we call form_label() and pass in the form object - which represents the form object for whatever field is currently being rendered.

Look back at the form function reference and search for form_label(). Ah yes: the second argument is the label itself. But the third argument is an array of variables! And, apparently, there is a variable called label_attr! If we set that, we can control the attributes on the label tag.

In fact, we can see this: open form_div_layout.html.twig and search for form_label to find that block. There it is! It does some complex processing, but it does use this variable.

Actually, this is a great example of one, not-so-great thing about these templates: they can be crazy complex!

Anyways, back on register.html.twig, let's customize the label attributes! Pass null as the label text so it continues to use whatever the normal label is. Then pass an array with label_attr set to another array, and class equals sr-only.

63 lines | templates/security/register.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 3
{% block form_row %}
// ... lines 5 - 9
{{- form_label(form, null, {
label_attr: { class: 'sr-only' }
}) -}}
// ... lines 13 - 15
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 17 - 63

Phew! Let's try that. Move over refresh and... yes! They're gone! They now have an sr-only class! But, hmm... we now have no idea what these fields are! No worries: that was handled before via a placeholder attribute. New question: how can we set this for each field? Well... it's kind of the same thing: we want a custom attribute on each input.

The form_widget() function is being passed this widget_attr variable as its array of variables. So, we could add an attr key to it! Except... we don't know what the label should be! You might think that we could use the label variable. This does exist, but, unless you set the label explicitly, at this point, it's null. The form_label block holds the logic that turns the field name into a humanized label, if it wasn't set explicitly.

No problem: there's another simple solution. Refactor the form_widget() call into three, separate form_row() calls. Let me close a few files and - that's right! The fields are email plainPassword and agreeTerms. Use .email, copy those, paste twice, then plainPassword and agreeTerms.

For email pass a second argument with attr then placeholder set to Email. Do the same thing for the one other text field: placeholder set to "Password".

69 lines | templates/security/register.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 29
{{ form_start(registrationForm, {
// ... lines 31 - 33
{{ form_row(registrationForm.email, {
attr: { placeholder: 'Email' }
}) }}
{{ form_row(registrationForm.plainPassword, {
attr: { placeholder: 'Password' }
}) }}
{{ form_row(registrationForm.agreeTerms) }}
// ... lines 41 - 44
{{ form_end(registrationForm) }}
// ... lines 46 - 69

That should be it! And yea, we could have been less fancy and also passed this label_attr variable directly to form_row(). That would have worked fine.

Anyways, let's try it! Move over, refresh and... woohoo! The placeholders pop into place. And other than my obvious typo... I think it looks pretty good!

Next: there's one field left that isn't rendering correctly: the terms checkbox. Let's learn how to customize how a single field renders.